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Welcome to Potions

Welcome ilovejonulrich to today's Potion Class. I am Professor Jit. Classes start on Wednesday and end on the following Mondays, BECAUSE OF THE NEOMAIL SITUATION, I'M PROLONGING THIS CLASS!! 25 house points are awarded to those who finish the homework correctly. This class is to teach you of the importance of Potion making.

Please send all homework to ilovejonulrich.

1. PUT YOUR HOUSE NAME on all answers sent.
2. You must be a part of THIS guild.
3. Do not use any slang. Each rule broken is a negative 5 off the grade.

Last Week's Student of the Week:

gemdragonite from Slytherin, 25 points to that house!


Many students sent in their answers with the Polyjuice potion as their favorite. So this week's lesson will be on that one. Before we start, you need to be aware of the fact that Polyjuice potion is a complicated one, so we won’t start it until a later time. This class is going to be on how to conduct the potion, not actually make it. With that said, we may begin. Please note the ingredients needed in this potion: Lacewing flies, Leeches, Knotgrass, Fluxweed, Powdered horn of a bicorn, Shredded skin of a boomslang, and a bit of the person you wish to turn into. The Fluxweed HAS to be picked on the night of a full moon. This potion does not work on animals. We had a young girl once who drank the potion with a cat hair in it, terrible mess…Heat the cauldron, prodding the leeches at the bottom. Pour the lacewing over the leeches. Let this stew for twenty-one days. After this time has passed, throw in the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Now you may add the piece of the person. Polyjuice potion last for one (1, uno, ein ) hour, so be careful!


1)What is needed, as ingredients, for this potion?
2)How long must the lacewings and leeches stew?
3)When should the Fluxweed be picked?
4)How long does this potion last?

Those who have turned in Homework:

Aprael, Celestialprincess13, jody_brus, emmaarnett, babiluv1000, Safyre13

tennispro690, allanlew11377, ruthiecamden93, nyc_rocks2002, punkdude5462, marga445, ravenclaw_kitty, marga445
gemdragonite, verdad1, Isabetta_Delecroix, heathentrucker1, 1wisemonkey
Aariellea, magicwithwand, Faziemarie, Kisp31, Jessica2000050, azn_poo400

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