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All fear the most horrendous beast ever to rise from banal 80s popular music, that is MechaCetera!!!

Height: 120 Meters

Weight: 150,000 Tons
150,482 Tons when docked with DeYoung (SuperMechaCetera mode)

Air Speed: Mach 17

Special Weapons: Emits Rays From Chest And Eyes; Fires Missiles From Fingers, Knees And Toes; Generates Force Field Around Itself; Eye beam laser cannons; MegaBuster mouth ray; Paralazyer missles fired from shoulder and hip ports; NT-1 Artificial Diamond armor plating absorbs power from beam weapons fired at it; Plasma Grenade weapon amplifes stored plasma energy and fires it at attacker; Shock anchor/G-crusher electrical harpoons located in forearm ports; When flying battleship DeYoung docks onto back, it's maser cannons fold over shoulders for additional firepower; Falsetto singing voice

Origin: MechaCetera was designed by a joint American- Japanese project under the jurisdiction of the United Nations Good Music CounterMeasures Center. Head scientist on this project was Dr. Leo Asimov. Flying warship DeYoung was built shortly before and modified to be used as additional firepower and thrust for MechaCetera when docked on back. Technology used to create MechaCetera was borrowed from 23 century cyborg MechaBolton.