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The Narcissist:
With my mullet when mullets were cool and called 'bi-levels', circa 1988.
13 years later and somewhat hipper, March 2001.
Reading FHM and a book called 'The Unholy' while sitting around the Christmas tree, December 2000.
With even hipper facial hair and eating a plush mouse, 2001.
Proving quite handy with the cartoon flappers, September 2000.
The Steeler fan with Steven Segal hair, and still flipping people off, August 2001.
Enter: Evil Badstar, October 2001.
Probably my two favourite pictures of myself, both from St. Augustine at the Castillo de San Marcos--taken by Kevin in January 1993, and taken by Ness on the same day six years later.
More from the Castillo, 1993--a'la Morrissey, a'la pseudo-mohawk.
In the early days of Midnight Bowlers League, 1999.
And this is the infamous Mr. Boyd, circa 1993.
Best man in St. Elvis' wedding in 1996.
Badstar (then known as 'Phydeaux [woof.]', with mullet) plays poker with St. Elvis, circa 1988.
Nafa in Orlando, November 2001.
Candid pic, May 2002.
With a statue of the Prophet, The Honourable Robert Nesta Marley O.M., June 2002.
My best Ozzy imitation, June 2002.
Yer man working camera 1 and camera 2, August 2002.
Who's in charge, bitch?!? Charles!, 1995.
Returning to the sea, August 1998.
The Robert Smith Lullaby thingy at Zoo Boo '91 with Brenda and Tim, October 1991.
The first real band I was in, Free Spirit opening up for Scarlet (singer me in red, bassist Kevin obscured second from right), July 1986.
And the first band I ever tried to form, Flashback, with James (in glasses), James' sister Lisa (in dilly-boppers), Chris (in Flock of Seagulls haircut), December 1983.
In the snowbank on my senior high school trip, January 1988.

Which Angel would you be?

Which Angel would you be?