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Welcome to Orange Coast College's PRIDE Club Page!

<img src="tnysmile.gif">Don't Judge us. . .Join Us! <img src="tnysmile.gif">

Don't Judge us. . .Join Us!

The Pride club at OCC is a place where you can get to know other people around school and also it is a place for you to be around others like you. We welcome everyone!:)

So! if you're a student at OCC or a and are interested in joining our club, then stop on by: Tuesdays from 5-7pm! Don't judge us join us!

Check back soon for more information about the club and its members!

This week's Agenda:

October 6, 2003

1. mins.

2.Intro of New Members (if any)

3.Exchanging digits- this will give you'll an opportunity to give and get numbers and hang out "outside" club time

4. Bonfire_ OCC's Fire at the Beach. >

a) Information regarding bonfire: > Saturday Oct. 18, 2003-4:00pm to 8:30pm > Magnolia & PCH (between tower 7-9) specific > place TBD >

b) Agree or Disagree to have a bonfire > Signup and Carpool List >

c) List items needed-remember to bring warm > clothing, blankets and someone to snuggle up with :)

6. IQ Bonfire- Freddie Diaz Co-Chair:This will be bumped up so he can attend his meeting at 7.

7.Coming Out Day PRIDE table discussion & setup.

ThErE wIlL bE nO tAbLe oN tUeSdAy OcToBeR 7tH!!!!

Bless America!

Add Me!

Welcome back to the LONG awaited,

MUCH anticipated,

FINALLY updated!

PRIDE Club Website!!! YAY!!!

Please. Enjoy. Explore.


I hope everyone had a good SUMMER! :)

On our list serve yet?: all e-mails to the whole club should be sent to:

    Fall 2003 officers are:

    President: Lina

    Vice President: John John

    Treasurer: Norbert

    Secretary: Norbert

    Publicity: Norbert

    Faculty Advisor: Tim

    See Everyone on Tuesday!

List Serve ||| Home Page ||| 2001-2002 Pictures ||| Events and Parties! ||| OCC Home

FYI to day is:

You guys, SHOwtime (WWW.SHO.COM)has been REALLY supportive. Please click one of the fallowing links and visit the QAF website. (I like the stuff they have in the shop!) also go there (if you haven't already) to check out new episodes of "The Animal Kingdoms New Queen: Queer Duck"


Queer As Folk
Events page!!! Current: Holiday Party!!!
OCC's Home Page
Parent and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
National Association of LGBTIA Centers