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Iggy Pop

June 15 2002

Oslo, Norway @ Frognerbadet (Norwegian Wood Festival)

source: Giant Squid Binaurals > Sony MZ-R90

my copy: master md



01. Mask

02. Espanol

03. Beat 'em up

04. Drink new blood

05. Search & destroy

06. Howl

07. Corruption

08. Real wild child

09. I wanna be your dog

10. Death is certain

11. Sterility

12. Home

13. The passenger

14. I got a right / Cold metal

15. Death trip

16. 16

17. TvEye

18. L.O.S.T.

19. No fun

20. Raw power




Song I got a right & Cold metal are in one track. I'm not very familiar with Iggy's songs, so I guess I tracked that one wrong. No bid deal though.


Thanks to Dirt for supplying me with the setlist. Check out his great Iggy Pop site at for pictures, interviews, etc + loads of liveshows for trade.