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The Mars Volta
November 14th 2003
Oslo, Norway
@ Betong (Studentersamfunnet- Chateau Neuf)
Source: Core Sound Binaurals > Bass roll off > Sony TCD-D100/48kHz
Taping position: FOS-right side
Transfer: DAT-M > PCM-R300 > U24 Waveterminal > Soundforge 6.0 > .wav > cdr
Time: approx 106min

The Mars Volta
November 14th 2003
Oslo, Norway
@ Betong (Studentersamfunnet- Chateau Neuf)
Source: Core Sound Binaurals > Bass roll off > Sony TCD-D100/48kHz
Taping position: FOS-right side
Transfer: DAT-M > PCM-R300 > U24 Waveterminal > Soundforge 6.0 > .wav 44.1 kHz > CDWave (tracksplits) > CDR
Time: 106min
Taped by

Intro (03:02)
Roulette Dares (The Haunt of) (17:17)
Drunkship of Lanterns (11:06)
Concertina (16:33)
Cicatriz ESP (30:14)

Televators (06:57)
Take The Veil Cerpin Taxt (including bass solo) (21:22)

rec notes:
Got a nice taping position on the right side about 5metres from the stage and situated a little above the main crowd/pit in front of the stage. Did have some talkative people around which is noticable at times, but not that bad really. Close to the speaker and the taping sound pretty good. The sound guy didn't seem to find hit the levels until a couple of minutes into the show, but it didn't take long. Just thought it would be worth mentioning.

As for the band performance it was a great energetic show. Lots of jamming (which you know if you have heard live shows of TMV before) which to some people became a bit too much I think. Overheard quite a few people after the show complaining a bit about the songs being to long and such. Although I can see their point, I consider it to somewhat a bonus when going to a gig. In other words, I was quite satisfied. Went with some friends and we drove from Gothenburg for this show. Definitely worth it and hope TMV come back to play again soon.