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Norwegian Wood Festival


Oslo, Norway @ Frognerbadet


Main stage:


Fireside: Core Sound Binaurals > Bass roll off > Sony TCD-D100/32kHz - 45min

                            * Recorded sitting/lying down (being a bit bored)


Gåte: Core Sound Binaurals > Bass roll off > Sony TCD-D100/32kHz - ??min

                            * Mics mounted on backpack, me sitting.


Skin: Core Sound Binaurals > Bass roll off > Sony TCD-D100/32kHz - 53min

                            * Mics mounted on backpack, me sitting. Recorded very close FOS. Levels adjusted during first song. I think the bass moved me a couple of metres during the concert.


Hellacopters, the: Core Sound Binaurals > Bass roll off > Sony TCD-D100/48kHz - 59min details


Audioslave: Core Sound Binaurals > Bass roll off > Sony TCD-D100/48kHz - 75min details




Norwegian underwood stage:




Dirty Callahans: Core Sound Binaurals > Bass roll off > Sony TCD-D100/32kHz - ??min

                            * Mics mounted on backpack. First song cut short.


Hayseed: Core Sound Binaurals > Bass roll off > Sony TCD-D100/32kHz - ??min

                            * Mics mounted on backpack.


Splitimage: Core Sound Binaurals > Bass roll off > Sony TCD-D100/48kHz - 19min



Recording notes:

All these recordings vary in quality. I did go to see Audioslave and Hellacopters and those two recordings turned out best. The other shows were recorded sitting or with the mics on my backpack or both and therefore not as good. Did a couple of recs in LP-mode also (32kHz) to save tapes. They are all pretty good recordings, but I was only standing up with the correct mic set for Hellacopters, Splitimage and last (and best!!) Audioslave. Audioslave turned out killer! Great show. Will be adding details, setlists etc later when I'm done mastering it.


If somebody has any info on the bands performances (setlist etc), please mail me. Thanks!