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Everything listed below is on the same dvd disc

"18. Osterrocknacht", Philipshalle, Düsseldorf, Germany
Generation: DVB>Receiver>DVDR(1) (your gen will be DVDR(2))
Bands: Eskobar, Mars Volta, Fu Manchu
For free trading only, DO NOT SELL!

01. Why London?
02. Interview
03. Good Day For Dying
04. Interview
05. Tell Me I´m Wrong
06. Interview
07. ´Til We´re Dead
08. On A Train
09. Interview
10. Someone New

Mars Volta
01. Inertiatic
02. Interview
03. Cut That City
04. Interview
05. Concertina
06. Interview
07. Eunuch Provocateur
08. The Haunt Of Roulette Dares
09. Interview

Fu Manchu
01. Evil Eye
02. Interview
03. Hang On
04. Interview
05. Squash That Fly
06. California Crossing
07. Over The Edge
08. Interview
09. Mongoose
10. Interview
11. Hell On Wheels