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Trondheim, Norway

@ Storsalen (UKA2003 Festival)

Source: SP-CMC-4 (AT853s) > SP-SPSB-1 w/bass roll-off on @ 95Hz > Creative Nomad 3 Jukebox

My copy: 1st gen from master

Total playing time: 88:53



The Blizzard of Flames
Wipe It Til It Bleeds
Hello Hello
Selfedestructo Bust
Back To Dunagree High
Turbonegro Must Be Destroyed
Sell Your Body To The Night
Ride With Us
Midnight NAMBLA
Gimme Some
Get It On
Drenched In Blood
Fuck The World
Prince Of The Rodeo
Good Head
Age Of Pamparius
Train Of Flesh
Don't Say Motherfucker, Motherfucker
I Got Erection