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Queens Of The Stone Age
Cleveland-Agora Theater 9.12.02
Venue: The Agora Theater (Cleveland, OH)
Length: 81:35
Source: DPA4061>Dynamic Audio Custom Power Supply @ 85hz Bass Roll off>PCM-M1 (FOS) > .shn

Comments: The sound is a little bass heavy, but otherwise decent in quality. Supporting Songs for the Deaf.

01. Fell Good Hit Of The Summer
02. Quick And To The Pointless
03. Monsters In The Parasol
04. No One Knows
05. If Only
06. Gonna Leave You
07. Hangin' Tree
08 Auto Pilot
09. Song For The Dead
10. Better Living Through Chemistry
11. Tension Head
12. Go With The Flow
13. Avon
14. Song For The Deaf
15. The Lost Art Of Keeping A Secret
16. You Think I Ain't Worth A Dollar, But I Feel Like A Millionaire
17. Do It Again
18. Regular John