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May 3rd 1992

New York City, NY @ The Limelight

Source: 3rd gen VHS > CD (transferred by me)

Video: Unknown equipment. Filmed from upper right balcony.


CD version playing time: 34:58


1. Intro

2. Sober

3. Sweat

4. Crawl away

5. Swamp song

6. Bottom

7. Jerk-off




This is a pretty good video. Have seen a version in circulation with 29 minutes or so where bottom is cut and jerk-off is missing. I honestly don't know if this is complete, but it is at least more Tool on this one.


Excellent performance by Tool and this is a very nice piece for a collector. The video is of course most enjoyable, but the cd transfer turned out pretty good. VCR > Harddrive using CoolEdit2000 and tried to equlize out the tape hiss. The hiss is present, but very much redused.