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Paris, France @ Elysée Montmartre

Total playing time: 40min

source info: Aiwa CM30 > Denon DTR80P DAT > Maxell XL2 (cassette)

DAT version: 1st gen DAT resampled to 48kHz

CD version: From the cassette



Total playing time: 40:21

1. Cold & ugly (Maynard: " I didn't come all the way to Paris for you to sit on your fucking asses and look bored!)

2. Intolerance

3. Sober

4. Prison sex

5. Sweat

6. Undertow

7. Bottom w/Zach de la Rocha




Recorded with DAT, but transferred to analogue tape so he could use the dat tape again. Sound is therefore not as good as the direct from dat ones, but still better than many of the 2002 recordings surfacing. This version is the 40 min complete version and I have seen lots of mislabeled and incomplete versions of this show. Seems like Maynard dislikes the audience sitting in the back looking bored. I'm just glad the taper was standing and getting this wonderful show on tape.