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Many countries that have experienced colonization by other states has seen their languages and customs suffer.In Ireland, as in other Celtic regions,language has become a political tool in the hands of people who want to model the counties future.

The Bronce Age settlers of Ireland spoke a fom of Pictish, the language of the peoples of the British Isles who preceded the Celtic invation. they were known as the picts.

The celts brought with them their own middle-European language,and this is the basis of the language that is today called Irish Gaelic.

The christian missionaries brought Latin to the country and for the first time created an Irish grammer and devoloped a written Irish language.Borrrowing from Latin altered the language again so that many Latin roots can be found in I rish words.

The Viking also brought new words to the Irish language and the Anglo-Norman invation brought Norman-French to Ireland.Each new wave of colonization and immigration affected the language until the English and Scottish began to settle in Ireland.

The laguages of Ireland

The Irish Language

The Gaeltacht Language

Irish English