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What? You thought this was a weekend retreat?


Me: hey

Her: hi

Me: i wish there was something i could say that would make it all okay

Her: me too

Me: what do you mean by giving up?

Her: stop trying

Me: trying at what?

Her: attempting to change things

Me: ah, then by all means, give up (for now)
Me: i've been there, and the problem is toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo big for just you
Me: repeat after me: "fuck it"

Her: ahh i had the WORST day

Me: tell me about it
Me: but remember, fuck it

Her: i just did something really stupid on wednesday and im paying for it
Her: plus i kinda forgot how much i hated people over vacation

Me: what did you do?

Her: just dont tell anyone because if it gets out it'll just cause problems that ill have to deal with. (Quantities omitted)

Me: hey, that's fine by me, and besides, who am i gonna tell?
Me: wait, how are you paying for it?

Her: shes pissed
Her: my friend that is
Her: which results in everyone being pissed

Me: is she a real friend, or one of those "old" friends?

Her: shes my best..."friend"

Me: okay, then fuck her
Me: let her be pissed. she'll get over it, and if she doesn't, so what?

Her: i know, i know. i just shouldnt have done it because i dont want to have to take this

Me: eh, so it wasn't worth it?

Her: no..and it wasnt worth was stupid..

Me: ah, then at least you learned from your mistake

Her: did you have school today?

Me: yea, i did

Her: how was it?

Me: it was okay...we had a delay, so that was nice

Her: i was hoping for a delay..didnt sleep until 3

Me: anyways, what else was bad about today?

Her: oh yes...well i left all this shit in my locker over vacation so it smells AWFUL, and that sucks. and then the day was just bad...its mostly the people

Me: i see

Her: it wouldnt be so bad if i had someone there worth being around

Me: right

Her: i want to be happy.

Me: who doesn't? it's a long process though, it takes work
Me: next time someone says something stupid, just try to shrug it off. "fuck it"

Her: i can deal with the stupid stuff, i just need someone to help me deal. people need friends

Me: find them, they're there, i promise

Her: i dont know. i just want to have a good day. one good day where im happy and i dont make stupid mistakes

Me: so don't go to school

Her: but id be unhappy at home....stressing over my stupid mistakes

Me: oh, then, go somewhere that you wouldn't think, like...the dentist
Me: i dunno

Her: sometimes when i dont take my meds ....i cant concentrate and i get kind of lost in all my thoughts and i feel really calm...despite me going crazy...and i like that
Her: its hard to explain

Me: shit, if it's better that way, then don't take them

Her: yeah but i cant eventually i come down, and have to do my work..but I cant..
Her: if i didnt have to do work, i wouldnt take them

Me: hmmmmm, well, i'm inclined to say work isn't important, but it sort of is, so.....maybe don't take them once a week or something

Her: you know at the end of wish you were here-pink floyd..and theres like that whistling wind sound..thats kinda waht i hear..its awesome

Me: nice
Me: the floyd rules

Her: its to dark to see it, but maybe its better that way

Me: ill try to get a better one later

Her: dont worry about it

Her: i told my french teacher i wanted to assassinate him today

Me: how did he take it?

Her: he sent me to guidance

Me: and what did they have to say?

Her: they asked me what was i told them everything..but they dont like dealing with people they dont understand, so they let me leave

Me: they always misguided me too

Her: how big was the rat?

Me: a good 6 inches

Her: ahh
Her: and dead?

Me: well, i'm going to bed. good luck with you endeavors
Me: most definetly deceased

Her: yeah, thanks..night
Her: remind me to remind you to define normal again for me sometime. goodnight

Me: okay
Me: goodnight

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