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  :: John's Profile:

Name: John Foran

John's Personalities

Age: 16

Position in PyroMonkey Productions: Web Designer, Music Coordinator, and Graphics Organizer.

Favorites: My favorite things, well, first and most importantly, my girlfriend (Sarah - the other owner of PyroMonkey Productions). Next would be music, you can get a slight idea of what we listen to on our list HERE. Anime's another favorite, all the stuff we own is on our Movie List, as you can tell, we like movies! And I like some games, not too many, but I like Lunar 2 a ton. I also love working with my honey hon in PyroMonkey Productions, anyone reading this now will witness the growth of this media design company.

  :: Sarah's Profile:

Name: Sarah Beeson

Age: 18

Position in PyroMonkey Productions: Lead Artist

Favorites: My boyfriend, Anime, Movies, and Music

© 2002-2003 PyroMonkey Productions