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  :: FAQ:

There's nothing on your main page but a box, and there's no banner on your website, what's up with that?
Hold it there, you happen to be looking at a FLASH DESIGNER's website, you must expect SOME sort of flash, evidentally, you don't have the most recent version, go here to get it!

Dude. Your tables are wacked, and everything's going off the screen, and AHHH!!! It's confusing me!
Okay okay, don't freak out.. it's quite simple. FIRST. You should have your screen settings at 1024 x 768. If it's not already at this, or you're not sure, then follow these simple instructions:
1. Go to your desktop
2. Right click
3. Click "Properties"
4. On the top, click the "Settings" tab
5. Move the bar over to 1024 x 768, if it's not already there

Okay, still not workin' out for ya? One more solution I have... are you using the most recent version of Microsoft Internet Explorer? If not, go to and download it!

I wanna get more information from you on how to do something!
E-mail me.

I found a major glitch in your site, and I wanna tell you all about it so you'll fix it
E-mail me and tell me the error, the time it happened (if you don't know exactly that's ok), and that page it happened on.

Can I get into the admin section if I apply to be an administrator?
NOPE! That's for professional eyes only, nothing worth hacking into either, it's just some references for us to work off of

© 2002-2003 PyroMonkey Productions