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Renzo's Rant

I haven't done a page about politics in a while, and by that I mean that I've never done a page about politics. So....I'm going to do one. Those who know me will tell you that I'm quite left-wing in my views, although I can agree with the Right on a few issues. Either way, I don't go out of my way to create a ruckus with those whose opinions differ from mine.

It's too bad I can't say the same about Upon reading this site, I realised just how sad the world is getting. This website is, in short, a checklist for people to see who they should and shouldn't boycott, based on whether the site's creators have deemed them to be liberal (evil) or conservative (good). Yes, they really do make it that cut and dry, reminding me of George W. Bush's "You're either with us or you're against us" speech (by the way, he's on the Good list). For example, if a celebrity makes a passing comment in favour of gay rights, they are automatically relegated to the Evil list. Apparently it has never crossed the creators' minds that perhaps some people who consider themselves conservatives might be in favour of gay rights.

The whole concept of this site is an insult to people's intelligence. Are conservatives really so mindless and stupid that they need someone to tell them who they should like and not like? I don't think so, and I'm a staunch liberal. It looks like the site's creators are avid readers of Inquisitions For Dummies by Joe McCarthy. Check out the following black-listed celebrities, and some of the reasons:

They also have a list of the top Liberal "lies" to America. Most of them are pretty funny (unintentionally, of course) but this one is my favourite:

Liberal Lie # 17: We don't need to drill for oil in Alaska, because we could save the same amount of oil by increasing the standards for miles per gallon on SUV's

"What liberals are really saying is that they care more about contributions from environmentalists than they do about your family. What they are saying is they care more about the caribou than your children."

As a Canadian, I must say I am shocked. Almost half of our voting population is made up of caribou. This is a blatant slap to my country's face. And I fail to see the connection between making cars more efficient and not caring for my children. Does the amount of gas I burn while driving them to soccer practice in my inefficient, environmentally hazardous SUV form a positive correlation with my love for them?

Newest Scientific Findings

I'm not going to go so far as to suggest a boycott on the boycott. I'm not that petty and immature. But I will say that I am very disappointed with this representative of the right side of the political spectrum. You'd think they'd try a little harder to make it more difficult to make fun of them. And here's one important thing they're never going to get:

The David Hasselhoff Thumbs Up Of Approval
