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Renzo's Rant


Yes folks, it's that time of year again! The time when a very small portion of the world's population has one of the greatest days of the year, while the rest of the world's population thinks they're crazy and wonders why the hell they do it every year. That's right, it's Halloween!

In celebration, Renzo has cooked up something special - his very own horror movie! Behold and tremble in fright as you watch your most horrific nightmares come true! Warning: This movie contains frightening and distrubing images, and may not be suitable for younger or sensitive viewers.

I'm sorry, but this is just way too scary already. I don't have the courage to go any further. I am more afraid after seeing this movie's opening credits than I have ever been in my life. Excuse me while I go hide under my bed covers for a few hours.
