Here's some recent activity from everyone's favourite lusty Pole.
Janosz: Hellos again, all persons! I am I, Janosz, for to telling you of my much problem with the film "Revenge to the Siths!" in the watching of the other films Stars wars, many times was i caused to Lust at sight of the Port Man, who is much of the beauty and sex! At rear of "Attacking clones" did she wear the cloth of white, but soon was it to be removed by the large cat, yes??? at this time was saying Janosz "She is bearing to sight the middle-body, and many lusts does she create in the LOWER-body of janosz"! [biggrin]
And in film "empire is striking", the Port Man exchanges much love with popular man Hands Oslo, and even to kiss, why not??? But when janosz is to watching the film "revenge to The siths!", not am I made to make much lust, and why?? For because the Port Man is not to be scene, off course!!! She lives in only few minutes of film, and during such time is producing a CHILD, why not?? This causes her form to large, and so off course Janosz is to thinking "why is the Port Man large, for it causes less lusts in him!!! much am I wishing for to see her when small, but also when wearing not of the cloth, this is true!"
Come, others! Surely you also are hurt by the not of lust to be produce by sex woman Port man, yes???
Zaphkiel: Oh you create me so much lust Janosz.
Janosz: Thanks you, Zaphkiel, though not am i knowing how I am to cause you much lust with none but my words!! you have not to see the Janosz, though i am often to cause others the lust, it can be said!!
RedsIn04: I prefer the Christen Son
Janosz: I am sorried, RedsIn04, but not am I knowing a "Christen Son". Is this name for a person in film "Revenge to Siths"? Or is it name of actor playing in such film? Janosz is thinking that you are not to have spelled the word in correct, is the english also not your mother's tongue??
ewoksRawesome: You are also an idiot.
Janosz: Much am i sorry, ewoksRawesome, for to have caused you anger! for you see, the english is not my mother's tongue, though much do I wish for it to become better to me! Maybe was I not to correctly write my feels, and this caused you the confusion! I was to saying that the Port man is usual to cause me the lust, but with child, less is she do to so!! This is true, you can agree!
ewoksRawesome: No. I'm a chick.
Janosz: That is a funny, ewoksRawesome! Janosz was not knowing of the word "chick" so i look in my dictionary for translation! Much is it true that you are the young rooster, it can be said! Janosz is also of the young rooster, off course!
ewoksRawesome: You're an idiot.
Janosz: I am the sorried, ewoksRawesome! not did I attempt to make you the angry, it is true! I was thinking that you were making of the joke, but it looks like you were instead making of the RAGE!! if my poor words caused you the angry, please make the patience because the english is not Janosz's mother tongue!
RedsIn04: Well, I could tell you where you're Mother's Tongue is at right now, but you wouldent be too pleased
Janosz: Well off course I am knowing what my mother's tongue is RedsIn04, for because I know what language the Janosz talks by birth because i am he! I was to saying that the english was NOT my mother's tongue. I am having the lessons for the english, but i am slow to make it's tongue my own! But the lust speaks no language, I am right???
Extraordinary_Machine: Janosz, you're classic.
Janosz: this is true, Extraordinary_Machine! I am much of the "classic", for the Janosz was to write on this mesages board 2 years ago! Many wonderfull talks did I have with the people about the Stars wars, but not for many months have I to post here! Not am I seeing the persons who spoke with the Janosz in years past, though perhaps some are to reading now and saying "this is the amaze Janosz, he is much of true!! many times is he to lust, it can be said!!!"
Zaphkiel: Yeah I remember you Janosz. And much the lust did you create me. With your words much turned me on did Janosz.
Janosz: Zaphkiel, am I taking it that you are also not of the english by birth? you words look like those of the Janosz, much of the rough! I was not knowing that i caused you the lust with my words, it can be said!! i would be thinking that the lovely sex woman Port Man would cause such, instead! but I am not made angry, because not only you has been made lust by the Janosz, yes?? You have many the companions!
otaru_x:Anyone on this board ever visit
Janosz: otaru_x, not have I visit! But if it is to contain the Port man with remove of cloth, then much am I eager to visit!
RedsIn04: The Port Man has Nude Pictures all over the web of her caught Nude on some Beach in the Carribean. Good Luck finding them on your journey my Jibberish Speaking Friend
GUATARICCAN: Note to self, DO NOT start posts unless you speak and can write proper english!
ewoksRawesome: oh my god everyones speaking idiotneese
Janosz: I am sorried ewoksRawesome, I am not knowing of the language idiotneese. it is not seen in my the dictionary also! Janosz is off course speaking of the english!!
Zaphkiel: Janosz I love you. Will you have my children?
Janosz: This is of much good, Zaphkiel! off course I will lie with you, if you are a lust causing sex woman of much curve and firm!! many times will you to be saying "Janosz, for because you cause me much lust and excite, many times do I wish to lie with you!!"! but if are you only a sex man, Janosz am thinking perhaps will you to have some the trouble, yes???
Faramiria1: Nice to see you again Janosz. Didn't you visit the LOTR boards abit too ages ago? You are a naughty young man.
Janosz: Faramiria1, the Janosz is to liking of the Lords for the Ring a some amount, but not as much is I liking of the stars treck and the mattrix and off course the Stars wars!!! many times am i for to watch of these and say "Janosz, many excite do these fim create, and also many the lust!!!" Watch closely of the fighting by Sir Spock and lord Dookdo, it is of small stature!
brokenwingsblackautumn: what the ....!! are you crazy or something cause it sure looks like it!!
Faramiria1: Sir Spock? Fights Dooku? I must have missed that one, Janosz. Of Course LOTR is much more eye candy for the ladies than the guys. But I'm sure you found that Rohirihim lady running from the orcs hot, no? The one with no teeth?
Zaphkiel: Janosz are you suggesting that you're not a sex woman?!
mcgurf: Janosz
I - am - to - speaking - you.
The - Port - girl... Oops! I mean the Port - man - is - being - for - your - sex - not.
I - think - is - her - to - be - computer - movie - all - effects.
Lights - camera - no sex for you.
I - am - hard - time - being - with - this - languish.