OK, so yetserday i saw this awsome movie it was soooo tottaly sweet...GIT-R-DONE! lol i love saying that its hilerious!!
Anyway, larry has a new movie where he plays a big city health inspecter...as if, you original king of blue coller comedy!! so he's this big shot health inspecter and he has to go to all these chinese resterants and other crappy places and "git r done" as he keeps them up to code! lol, i know, it sounds hilerous enough already!
but it gets even better! soon he discovers a misteerius plot that involves cases of food poisoning at all the fancy "no shirt, no shoes, no service' black-tie resterants across town! you guessed it - larry has to "git r done"" and find out what's going on!!
but wait, theirs more! larry has to deal with a new partner, some woman who does just about everythign to get on his case except gittin'-r-done! those too get along about as well as a good ol' boy and the president of the aclu! meanwhile, larry has his eye on a cute lil piece of waitress at one of the resterants hes investagating - looks like everyones favarite cable guy might have to "git-r-done" in the bedroom two! :)
soon larry finds himself out of a job when hes fired. he can now return to installing peoples cable like his name implys or, he can go undercover - rofl - and show the world just how he manages to "git-r-done!!! the jokes where awsome, the caracters were awsome, and of course larry was awsome! id give this movie larry teh cable guy: health inspecter 9 git-r-dones out of 9!!!
heres some of my favarite linx!!!1!