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Renzo's Rant

The Invigilator!

Hurray! I'm done exams! What a great feeling. I don't know about anyone else, but I found that university exams were easier than the ones in high school. They took less time, involved less work, and had more multiple choice and connect the dots questions. In case anyone else is taking History 1A03, the answer to question 5 is a puppy.

Anyway, I was also introduced to the wonderful world of exam invigilators. These people, as far as I can tell, are free-lance individuals apparently pulled off the street and hired at sub-standard wages to make sure we're not cheating. At least, I think that's how they hire them, as it's the only explanation I can think of for all the hobos who were there.

No, I'm just kidding. The hobos were actually the sort of people you'd expect to have the title "invigilator", and that is of course HUGE NERDS. I felt like I had just walked into a big Dilbert comic convention, where everyone decided to dress up as their favourite character. Speaking of comics, I'm assuming that by this point you've said to yourself, "Wow, The Invigilator would be a really keen name for a superhero!". I know I had. So....I made one.

Examination supervisor by day, super-examination supervisor by night, back in his parents' basement by 2....I give you The Invigilator!!!

Stay tuned for the next edition...if you dare! Bwa-ha-ha-ha!!!
