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OK, Why do I have this section for my page if Im not even a cheerleader? That's because I would like to say something about me "NOT TRYING OUT" for the second cuts-NOT "QUITNG"-CLIMESHA. First of all, I just want to say that I am sooo happy for you that you made it. I know you've been wanting to be a cheerleader for so long its just too bad for us last year we couldn't try out because we were 9th graders and now they're accepting 9th graders ugh...

Anyways, I Did not try out for the second cuts for so many reasons. Its not only that I didnt have my own dance routine. Eventhough I have to admit that-that its scary going up there not being prepared and just free stylin. A lot of people are coming up to me and telling me that I should've tried out because I would've made it. But I dont know-I have a friend that did so good during the workshops and both 1st and 2nd cuts tryouts-well, at least I thought she did and so as other people, but she didnt' make it. That's what kind of made me think that I wouldn't have made it because I thought she was better than me.

Even at the try outs people keeps telling me to just go up there while the try outs is going on. Some people are still buggin me about trying out. They keep telling me to try out again next year. I said no, for the same reasons. I have some sort of regrets though. I went to all the workshops. I made the first cut. Then, continued on the 2nd cuts workshops. I completed it. Learned all the dance routines, angles, and cheers. Then the day of the 2nd cuts try out, I didnt try out. All that work for nothing. But at least I proved to myself that I could do it and I have people appreciate my performance and of what I did during those workshops.