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hey Ley Ley!! you've been a really good friend to me! I just hope that you dont move to Ohio cause that would really s*__ look down and you'll see. everyone of my close friends has been taken away from me! ugh! Anyways stay sweet and pretty!
I miss you soo much! We haven't even talked for a long time. Hopefully we could go somewhere one of these days and chill.Because! why do u have to move all the way there!?
I miss you too!! Just be good there so your mom will take you back here! Man..cause why do u have to be bad out here! Anywayz, Do good in school okay! Hopefully you can come "HOME" on June not when you're 18! muahz! luv yah!
Another one that i miss so much! I havent even seen u in a year! omg..why does god always have to take people that's so close to me and put them somewhere where i'd lose touch! hah! j.k! sorry that sometimes i'd just forget to call. But i still luv u though! Jr. High years I'll never forget. =)
Hey you guys! Once we were all close as friends, but what happened to that. Well, I guess things change unexpectedly. But oh well we still talk to each other. its just that we dont talk like before. I still love you guys! You guys are soo nice to me! Stay sweet y'all! Im always here if y'all need somethin..
"oh goodness gracious good gawd all mighty!" hehe. Anyways, w'sup slow! haha j.k! I luv ya man. You know i tell you everything now. And THANK YOU for keepin it all to yourself. Thanx for everything. I know sometimes i could get really annoying by talking about you know who. Thanx for listenin. I have lots of things to say to you like to everyone else but i'll have to make this short like everyone else. *muahz*
Hey Pau-Pau ___! you a tight friend. Just try to stay out of trouble ok! cause i dont want your lil booty to get kicked out.
Wsup Rica-Coy___! Man you have a big mouth! jk! i luv ya! Stay sweet and purty!
Hey you! i dont know what r you doin here, but gyea..its not like you're gonna see this but whatever. Wsup SHOOORTY!? luv ya back! ::muahz::
Kway! hehe. Hi! Calm down ok!
*Joanna (jc-pen-ney)* buddy! hi! joanna joanna joanna..what can i are too Fun-Nay..
go #12! J-12!
Ballah! keep ballin them females up aight! luv yah!
Hi manny!!!!!!!!