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||| hobbies |||
most of the time i like to go shopping. hangin out with my friends at city walk or magic mtn. Some people likes to go to the mall and hang out, but im not that type of person that just hangs out at the mall with a bunch of people with nothing to do but walk around and talk and they ain't buyin nothin cause they got no money! oh-oh n yea.."FIND DEM CUTE GUYZ"..maaan u aint goin to find one-one of those in NORTHRIDGE! haha! i go and me and my friends go when we actually going shopping. anyways, watch movies usually @ city walk {{well, there you could find at least 2 cute boiz..}}. I dont know for some reason i never get sick of magic mountain. maybe because im not like those other people out there that goes there like a billion times every month! haha! i love rides!

goin to parties on weekends and friday nights. talking on the phone with ONLY interesting people. hehe people that has something to talk about otherwise i dont wan' talk to you! haha! i dont like it when people calls me up and they dont have nothing to say and they expect you to be the one talkin and startin up a conversation. i mean i dont have problems with makin a conversation and stuff, but at least start somethin if you're the one who called. And i wouldn't be callin you if i know you have nothin to talk about on the phone. Same thing that goes with guys.

Oookaaay..i just had like hahah a whole paragraph up there that doesnt say more than 2 hobbies! hehe okay! here..ummm...gyea..DANCIN and SINGING in my room! there's no day that i dont do some'n like that! hahah. that's my work-out! lol. Listening to music while watchin somethin on tv is another thing i like to do at home. going online just lookin for shoes and clothes that u cant find in the stores in northridge! <~ew![so sick of that mall! ugh!]. or i just work on this site or my other site{{hehe not tellin u[evil laugh! muahaha]}}

uhhkaay..wat else..oh during the weekends if i dont have plans with friends or wateva..i usually go w/ my parents out somewhere to take my dog. like hiking or the beach. eventhough its 30 som'n degrees out there yes we still go to the beach! haha...okaay..umm..i think that's it..i dont know!

i think i have enough for this page! bye!