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..most embarrassing moment was.. like 2 months ago @ a party. i ran into a screen door not knowin it was closed because it was sooo dark. i was wearin a hat that time and i was also lookin down opening my soda so i couldnt really see ahead of me. well, at least i could see through the screen door. i also broke it when i ran into it. everyone stopped on whatever they were doin and all the attention n eyes was on me! it was soo embarrassing. at first i didnt really mind runnin through da door but the fact that i messed up and broke the door is embarrassing.. hehe

.....most memorable FAMILY vacation.. um.. hmm.. i guess the first time when i went river rafting with them. i was in 7th grade. i got kind of scared because they were telling me that u could fall off the raft and die. well, of course ur goin to get scared if somebody tells u-u could die or injured. it was fun.

oh and then there was the part where we play water fight in the middle of the calm water. each raft has their own buckets and super super soakers. before we went down the water everyone is given this safety instructions and all that, but while they were doin that my cousins were somewhere in the back takin the buckets and the super super soaker of one of the rafts. the raft that didnt have buckets n soakers ended up with these indian people who's dressed like they're going to a wedding. They all look soo descent. a man was wearin a tie with them nice ballin pair of shoes. a lil girls wearing this cute lil dress and same with everyone else in their whole family. ok so, hahaha-when we got to the calm water.. everyone just started grabbin their super soakers and the buckets and start shoot'n onto was soo fun..haha the funny thing was the people that was dressed all nice had no clue what was goin on..they were just sit'n there like they're on that one ride in disney land where u just sit and relax... then all of a sudden all the rafts that was out there just started gangin up on them. it was like a war out there..haha it was soo fun.

.....most scariest moment: this one time when we went snowboardin either in mammoth or big bear im not sure..but it was 1999. i was with my lil 9 yr old cousin. our parents wanted to go back to our cabin because its already late and its kind of get'n dark. me n my cousin decided to go for the last time and this time we're goin to go to the very top because its a longer ride since its our last ride. goin up while we were in one of those lifts i noticed that the weather up there doesnt look good just from where we were, but i said oh well we're already here. i turned to my side and i couldnt even see my lil cousin nomore. it was that fogy or wateva u call it =) . anywayz..when we got off of the lift. i noticed that we were the last one i got kind of scared knowin that we're the only one who's goin to struggle on our way down the mountain. we had to be careful and could barely even move maaan..cause we have to watch out. there might be people around that we cant see. the weather was soo bad that i cannot see no more than 3 feet away from me and the snow is hit'n my face hard and it hurts! i took off my goggles kuzz i thought it would work, but instead i lost my lil cousin off my sight..i started callin her out like crazy hahaha hehe i started to just go and look for her. then all of a sudden i fell on my face. ok the snow was soo powdery but when i fell facing down hittin my ribs down the powdery snow [when its powdery i thought it wasnt suppose to hurt much] it hurted me like crazy..i felt like i got some broken ribs..and the worst part was i couldnt breathe. i tried to get up but i felt like i got shot from the back and couldnt get up. that was sooo scary to me. i thought i was goin to die there in the snow and get burried there, but thank god this person in a snow mobile came and at the same time my lil cousin popped up in front of me. Then i guess at that time i was better kuzz i could kind of breathe right but it still felt like my ribs in my back and front chest was broken down. i just told the guy on the snow mobile that we were alright and that we could handle goin back down. that was my scariest my life..