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The whole index page... my own background image 
that i made; adding a border  around an image; adding 
an image; changing the size of an image; making links; 
changing link colors; special characters.
Updates.............. its this one!
About me........... 1 image; text 
alignments; border around an image; wrap around text.
Likes.................. unordered lists; blockquote
Dislikes............... regular page
favorites.............. regular page
Hobbies................ regular page
Special moments........ regular page
Blog................... adding a border around 
an image; providing an alternative text; aligning an 
image; text around an image; adding space around an 
image; typwriter text; blockquote; alignments.
My Husband............. regular page w/ images
Ancestry............... tables; diff. kinds/colors of fonts
Family Tree............ family tree i made in paint; image; 
changing size of image
Colleges............... regular page with pictures of colleges
School................. regualar page; ORDERED 
LIST; almost the same as ancestry
Sports................. regular page
Pictures............... thumbnails
Webcam................. thumbnails
Doggies................ thumbnails
CDs.................... ordered lis; images
top20songs............. ok its done-look
fav artist............. "  "    "   "
Friends................ definition list
Aaliyah................ regular page w/ images
Left eye............... same
Notorious B.I.G........ same
Tupac.................. same
Big pun................ same
Cheerleading........... regular page
Poems.................. regular page with diff. colors
Links.................. links on different sites {creating links}