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Snud is a series of short Flash animations, done by us. We try to keep them simple.

Be sure to see the Ring.


"Snud Visits the Construction Yard" is


9-17-02 A new addition to the team has been made! That's right, our long search for a new Critic has yielded a vigurous young go-getter named Paul Ocampo. Everyone welcome Paul to the team and site.

Thanks for watching,

"Snud Visits the Construction Yard" is


9-11-02 Well, it's one year later. Of course, everyone knows what I'm talking about, and I'm not going to ask for a moment of silence because the telivision and radio are figurativly flooded with memorials. Regarding the actual snud website; there has been absolutly no work done on "Snud Visits the Construction Yard Remix" and for that I blame myself. Ok, everyone blames me, but I've been very busy lately. So I'll get to that whenever I find suitable time. Also, I've been taking a class in computer programming and I believe in the near future I can create a Snud video game you can play right off your computer. Of course, the game will be very, VERY crude, Phil has much more experience with computer programming so he could probably make a better one. That's it for now

Thanks for watching,

P.S. I felt compelled to make this short animation, I strongly reccommend you watch this. It should be a black screen until it finishes loading (1.14 MB) and then it'll start automaticly.

Click here to watch
"Snud Visits the Construction Yard" is


9-9-02 Today is the three year anniversary of the Dreamcast's launch in America. Though it may be dead now, it was one of the best game consoles ever.

Anyway, you're probably wondering why there haven't been any updates lately. Well, it's because Zibi is lazy, and I've just gotten a new computer, and I haven't gotten around to installing Flash yet. But I will soon, don't you worry.

My next animation won't be Snud, however. I've got the characters drawn out, but I haven't decided on a name or story. Yet. We'll see what happens as time progresses.


"Snud Visits the Construction Yard" is


8-28-02 Don't worry, we're still alive. However, school has not let us update the Snud page. Zibi's been busy catching up on work he should have done during the summer, and I've been busy with Fraternity stuff. Don't worry, something might happen eventually.


"Snud Visits the Construction Yard" is


7-31-02 Another little website tweak. Thanks to Phil taking screenshots of every single snud episode, save the vintage ones, I have added a tiny preview picture replacing link to eatch each episode. Just to give you an idea of how many episodes we already have, the entire website went down last night because Phil used up all it's bandwith from downloading each and every episode. Heh, it was pretty funny. Also, I started a new episode, well sort of a new one. I'm remastering "Snud Visits the Construction Yard" in Flash form. So, I added a progress bar for that. But that's it for now.

Thanks for watching,

"Snud Visits the Construction Yard" is


7-30-02 After much patience and late nights here at Snud Co. We have finally finished "Snud Gets Sick." Yes, you heard right, "Snud Gets Sick" is DONE! Click on the link to your right to watch it. I think it's a very funny episode and is worth the watch. Also, I have taken on a side project of coding another website. I'll show you guys when it's done and launched, but for now it's in it's infancy. That's all for now, and watch the episode and send in those critic applications.

Thanks for watching,

"Snud Gets Sick" is


7-26-02 Good news! "Snud Gets Sick" is 90% done! We are very close to releasing this, dare I say, epic episode. I thank you for complying with the wait, and I'm very sorry for the time it took to release. But, it was worth the wait. But even better news, the cgi-bin has been fixed, ergo, the mailing list and Critic application both work again. So join the mailing list and go to the Critic site and fill out the Critic Application and cross your fingers. That's all for now though.

Thanks for watching,

"Snud Gets Sick" is


7-23-02 Hello there folks, Phil here. I'm sure you're all waiting with baited breath for Snud Gets Sick. Well, no worries, it's almost done! Just one more scene, a few sound effects, the preloader, and the credits are left, not much at all. Just to give you guys something to chew on, here's a small preview. Just click on the thumbnail to the right.

Thanks for watching,

7-22-02 Zibi, Zibi, Zibi, can't you stick to one e-mail? Obviously, I cannot. Just to let you know, I've got a new e-mail address, again. You can e-mail me at Not much new on the site, "Snud Gets Sick" is coming along rather nicely. The progress bar is up to about 85%, but it's 2 AM and I'm too lazy to update it. Also, for some odd reason, none of the Critic Applications or Mailing List entries are getting through. Something wrong with my cgi-bin, lousy Angelfire! Max and I are contemplating moving Snud to new servers, relax, the address will not change. For the time being, please send in your applications for being a critic, and your information on a mailing list to my new e-mail here. One last update, the weekly poll has been updated, finally, and will become weekly again. This weeks question regards Critics, so check it out. That's all for now.
P.S. We need Critics!

Thanks for watching,

"Snud Gets Sick" is


7-17-02 A few changes to the team. Due to inability to obey the commands of his superiors, Mike was removed from the Critic team. Taking his place is the well deserving Darren Wilson. Everyone congratulate Darren on his new honors as Head Critic. Also, due to the aforementioned team changes, we're looking for more Critics. If you're interested in becoming a Critic, please read the Critic rules and follow its instructions. That's all for now.

Thanks for watching,

"Snud Gets Sick" is


7-16-02 A few nifty changes. I started reviewing some CGI and whipped up a little mailing list for all of you. Just sign up and whenever I update the site, I'll send out an e-mail explaining the update. Also, the progress bar is up to 80%, getting closer and closer to sweet lady Snud.

Thanks for watching,

"Snud Gets Sick" is


7-11-02 Just came here to update the progress bar. Phil has done some more animating and Max and I have done a bit more recording, "Snud Gets Sick" should be out promptly. That's about it for now, expect a website format update soon.

Thanks for watching,

"Snud Gets Sick" is


7-10-02 Tiny change to the site, I have changed the "new episodes" part of the news page to "progress." Also, I put in a progress bar that I hope will show you guys that we're not just sitting on our hands over here. I'll update the progress bar frequently so you know how close you are to Snuddy goodness. The next episode coming is "Snud Gets Sick" and Phil is animating away and Max and I are working on the sound for it. Anyway, hope the progress bar helps. That's it for now.

Thanks for watching,

"Snud Gets Sick" is


7-09-02 The merchandise page is VERY VERY updated. Everything but the t-shirts has new artwork, done by me, the greatest living artist, perhaps of all time. Heh heh. Check it out, it's well worth your hard earned cash. It'll bring me joy if you buy our shit.

Signing off,

7-07-02 Zibi here, making an update. Darren, one of the Critics and Merchandise Commander has updated the store with loads of new goodies. Remember, the prices are as low as I can get them, I could raise the prices to where I get profit, but these are as low as they can go, I make no profit off of these. Check it out, if you see something you like, order it. Furthermore, Max and I have completed the script to Snud Gets Sick and Phil is about 25% done with the animation. Next comes the sound and then I'll post it. One last thing, Darren's bio picture is up.

Thanks for watching,

7-07-02 Howdy Folks, it's Phil again. I have returned from Poland, and yes, I am still working on the new episode, Snud gets Sick. I was thinking of giving you guys one of my patented preview pics, but I couldn't find a suitable scene. Instead, I'm going to direct your attention to The_Flaming_Lips_Website. Where-in, you can listen to their new album, Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, for free. It's quite excellent, I'm listening to it right now.

Shiniest Spackle Ever,

Nothing yet, foos.
6-29-02 Ah yes, along with Derek's not long ago, Snud had his first birthday on June 15th. It's hard to believe that we've been working with Snud for over a year now, but we have. Anyway, to commend his birthday, Snud can now be on your AIM buddy icon. Just click on him at the right.

Thanks for watching,

6-6-02 Everyone wish Derek a happy birthday. Yes it's hard to believe, but exactly 16 years ago out popped derek, a bouncing baby boy at the ripe old weight of 8 pounds and 12 ounces. Just came here to tell you all that Derek turned 16 today, hooray for Derek! He's one of the Critics if you didn't know, here at Snud we look out for each other, except that time Derek fell down that hill, but regardless. Happy Birthday Derek.

Thanks for watching,

Derek's 16!
6-5-02 Ahoy, it's me, Zibi. I just came here to tell you guys that Phil is animating the first episode that Max and I wrote, and we've got a truck load of ideas for the second installment of "Punk Snud vs. Time Travel." Furthermore, I tweaked the team page a bit giving you more details on your beloved amigos here at We still need to take new pictures but all is well.

Thanks for watching,

it's a comin'
5-28-02 Hello there, it's Phil again. I guess I just felt like having a swell time updating. Anyway, here's a small preview (as I like to do), of the newest episode. This is basically all I have done so far, so you better like it.
5-23-02 A couple of new Snud episodes are in the making. Max and I have submitted a new one to Phil, and it has been decided that we will write "Punk Snud vs. Time Travel Part 2" and Phil will animate it. That's all for now.


nothin' much
5-21-02 At last, I have returned. It was a long, cray, boring month without my computer. Which is kind of pathetic when you think about it... but regardless. Phil has done a stand up job maintaining the site, but i'm back. As promised, Phil has just made a brand new, juicy Snud episode entitled "Snud vs. the Warbletron." Just from the title you can tell it's another zany installment from Phil. Also, I have a new E-mail for those of you wiching to contact me. Send an email to Another thing before I finish, as you have probably noticed, artisticly Phil supercedes Max and I by atleast tenfold. Therefore, we have all decided that we would make Snuds on a sort of assembly line. Now you may think "Oh no, Snud will lose what little heart it has!" and yes it might. Quite frankly, I'm willing to take the chance. The production would go like this: First, Max and I will get together and write out a script. We then would do the recordings, and then send that on over to Phil for "Filifying" so he can geniusly animate it. That's something for the future though, until them, check out this new episode.

Thanks for watching,

Snud vs. the Warbletron
5-18-02 Hello boys and girls, it's Phil again. 'm not quite sure what's going on with Zibi. Sorry I haven't been able to update, but I was swamped the last two weeks. On a brighter note, the new episode is this close /) (\ to being finished. It's guaranteed to make you splooge yourself. Almost!
4-30-02 Howdy, it's Phil again. Zibi's still down for the count. I had a swervin' new idea. If you have any questions/comments/general insanity, send em in to me. Anything you send will be posted on the site in a "mailbag" section. So, get to writin'! Nuttin'!
4-24-02 Hi there faithful Snudheads, Phil here. Zibi finally let me on the site. His computer's out of commission, and that's the reason we haven't seen any updates since the relaunch. Don't worry, we're going to continue tuning the site. I'm working on a new episode. Click on the pic to the right to see a preview.
3-28-02 Behold, the wonders of the new Snud site. A few of the updates include:
  • New look, obviously.
  • Few new episodes.
  • Team Section a bit redone.
  • The Help section has been redone
  • Poll is updated
Anyway, I'll still be tweaking the site a bit, making smaller changes here and there, but I'm not going to take down the whole site again. I look forward to pumping out a as many Snuds as the team can muster. The Team has also been thinking about a new way of making Snuds, for a higher quality and faster output of Snuds.
Snud vs. The Racoon

Punk Snud in the Future (Part 1)

Images and Content © Zibi Bendarz 2001-2002