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News and Info..


9/10/02--we had a practice today and found out that pauls room is the hottest thing in the world and he needs air conditioning really bad. well anyways practice was ok today played a couple songs and were thinking about covering a song for our next show. well i dont know what to put as of right now so im gonna end

8/8/02--i'm not the happiest person in the world right now...once again i found out we're out of a show...but i thank you roy for telling us in advance, better than the usual...i'm angry, don't feel like doing this anymore, so i'm ending this...both paul and roy, stimulus show on the 19th, are you free? answer me before the 10th, i'm leaving for vacation. alright, ending this.

7/3/02--sorry about not coming to practice on sunday...but as of right now there was no reason for it anyway....we've just pulled out of the show on the 6th. i'm incredibly pissed right now. try to tell us these things earlier if you can roy, if you would do that, it would make me not so pissed in the future. alright i don't feel like doing this anymore, so i'm done with my dribble.

6/29/02--Hey Hey Zeke here saying I changed the front page with flash. And EveryOne Go To The Show July 6. Ok Im done here

6/28/02--Practice Sunday indeed. We are going to rock in my room all day. I also wrote some lyrics to a new song I wrote its called "unexpected" and its about some kid that has the worst luck and his mom and g/f find him masturbating in his room. So anyway i just came on here to tell Joe and Roy that we will be having practice on Sunday and come over around 12 so we can get a good practice in. Later..

6/26/02--ok good, practice sunday? get back to joe if you can....oh yeah and this is news and info so i guess i'll put something informative in here, i got some pictures developed so once i get off my lazy ass i'll put them on here.

6/24/02--I am back from Tennessee but I will be in wildwood on wed. to fri. so keep up the good work

6/19/02--Well Roy is now in Tennessee or however u spell it, so we are taking a little break till he gets back. Me and Joe have been coming up with new material so were probably up to like about 4 songs that we have with no lyrics or drum parts yet. So whenever we get around to that we will have that done. We might be coming out with an album titled " Aquarium of lemmons" it might be out in the middle of july if anything. We are doing this b/c my cousin went to school for this kind of shit and he has all the material(like the mixing boards and recorders and shit) and we are getting it for free at good quality. Thats it for now so Later...

6/14/02--show today, went well. was a good time for all, atleast i think so anyway. thanks to all the showed up and supported us, and the kid that wanted my autograph. oh and, show maybe early july sometime. alright i'm ending this, i'm tired.

6/2/02-- Juse paul and joe at practice today b/c roy was getting confirmed. We played around w/ some shit and we will def. have new originals for the upcoming show. The new ones at the show will be Oiye,Jesus Anthem, and no name yet #1. At practice we also pissed off my blind dog really bad and it was snapping at us. And that basically it for Saturdays practice.... later

6/1/02--going to develop some pictures that we took at one of our shows today or tomorrow. they'll be up soon hopefully

5/30/02--We (paul and zeke) are working on a schedule for band practice to put up on the site. The reason for this is b/c i dont want to sound like shit at the show(June 14) b/c at every other show we played at we sucked ass. Thats all for now. Later....

5/28/02--so i hear i feel like shit all the time, well thats partly true...i haven't come to practice because 1) i'm an ass 2) i never come on the damn site to see this shit 3) i'm an ass. so i guess we're having practice on all the days before mentioned....come to the show on the 14th, it will be a good time, i promise you. if you don't have the time of your life, you can have roy for two nights, free of charge. i'm rambling so i guess i'll end this.

5/21/02--Paul here and noone comes to practice anymore cause everyone is gay.... But hopefully we will have 2 more originals for the upcoming show on the 14th. (2 more songs everyone else can love.) It depends though cause SOME other ppl have better things to do. Most common excuses for not coming to practice... For Roy its his parents and Joe its " i feel like shit".... Ok now if either of u 2 read this our practice schedule will be mondays,tuesdays,thursdays,saturdays. after school on weekdays and 12:30 on saturdays.. Later

5/11/02--We had our show today...there had to be like 80,000 people there (80,000 meaning 5). even though no one was there it was still a good time. thanks to you five people who came and supported.

5/6/02--Update Roy is leaving the 15th we are able to play the show on june 14th.

5/5/02--Well we have been practicing for the show may 11 at Mel's Put and play thing. On a happy note joe got his sik fender amp with wheels i might add. On the down side the show cant be changed and we will not be able to play the show in June. We also are making arrangements to do some almost proffessional recording (at a studio in Allentown or whatnot) in mid summer therefor letting us creat a cd of 10-13 songs.

4/6/02--we finally practiced again today. its been a long time. haven't played since the 23rd, and it showed. but it got better as it went along. we started making a new original, oiye. we're not sure what going on with the june 14th show yet, it depends if it is going to be on the 14th if we play or not (damn roy and his youth thinger going to stupid tennesee). once we know whats going on we'll post it.

4/1/02--yes its monday the last day of vacation, and we did a hell of a lot over the break. we didn't practice once, none of us got any, and roy didn't shower at all. i just found out that we're playing sometime in may, (when i get the date i'll post it) if we ever decide to practice. oh and roy just got his double kick pedal.

3/23/02--Show today... it was a good time for all. thanks to stimulis for letting us play. and thanks to all of you who came and supported us tonight.

3/22/02--Show tomorrow... and just for the record, blind dog was written by joe and no other. all night practice to get ready. started and finished new original, might play it tomorrow, we'll see how things go.

3/16/02--We finished the new orginal blind dog, and are working on two others, in other news paul fell down the steps and roy rubbed bengay all over his sac.

3/12/02--yes today we did nothing at practice, but there is a good side to it. we beat zach with a bat, now hes learned to not play when he shouldn't be.

3/10/02--We have a flash opening, its righteous and made by Citric Eye Drops, Patrick(it may take few seconds to continue when it gets to the Sofa Kingdom lightbulb screen)

3/9/02--yesterday we played at both Blue Mountain and Sokal Hall, both in about 2 hours of each other. it was a lot of fun and some learning experience. new original almost done, it should be finished sometime this week. also this week we should be putting some songs on the page to download.