Hey everybody, this is Chris Creevy and your at The Supe Fun Site Number One! Yes here you will find stories, poorly drawn art, and much much more. This is not only a web site, but a place to unite all the super fun guys and super fun girls! I am super fun guy number one, email me and you'll be put on the super fun list along with your awsome number! The lower in number you are, the less chance that you'll get cancer! you can email to become one with the site below or use IM, look up the user name chriscreevy. If you'd like to read more then head over to one of the links to the site. Sit back, relax and enjoy your time here! Update! 10-21-02 The brand new dougy shoe section has been added, he's as cruel as he is cool! Copyright 2002 Laughing at a Box Inc.
Things To Chew
Here's where the fun begins!........bitch
Super Fun Stories!
Super Fun Art!
Super Fun Guys/Girls
The Super Fun Guestbook!
The Dougy Shoe Section!
Other Super Fun Site
Colin Tanner's Blog!