If you were to get Adam Sandler to write a song on sexually transmitted deseases and then have Elmo the muppet sing it, you may very well end up with the song "Scratching the Surface."
The song begins with a drum beat with a bass guitar playing over it. This music reminds me of something you might hear playing near a beer tent at an Oktoberfest. Not wonderful but not too bad but then things just go downhill from there...
This high voice kicks in. It's actually squeaking more than singing. I assume this is the chorus since there is a full thirty seconds of him repeating the same line over and over. That line is: "Scratching the surface, aye yie yie yie"
After this he goes into a little story about how he contracted herpes from his girlfriend's auntie... and it's all in the same squeaky voice. The band must have worked long and hard to conjure up such lyrical wizardry as the lines "Now it hurts when I go poo / My girlfriend says she's got it too" and "And because of nasty sores / I can't do her in the butt no more." I was underwhelmed.
After this the chorus comes in again and then the whole song fades out... but to my horror it was not over! An overdirven guitar begins doing a solo. And I do mean solo. No other instrument or voice is present. Just the guitar. It's nothing spectacular, just another chance to add some more oddity to the song. It plays on for a full minute before a voice cuts in telling him to "Cut that sh*t out, boy"
If the band is just trying to be funny then it seems to be aiming at 12 year olds boys. As an adult, I don't find it worth listening to. Even if it's supposed to be weird just for the sake of being weird.
I'm sure that there are people out there that would enjoy listening to it just because it's different. However, part of our review process at GoM is to decide whether to recommend it to the general public. Would the average person want to listen to this? The answer is simply "No." With other tracks such as "How do girls pee?" and "What have you done for me lately, cannibal corpse?" This band is reserved for a select few.
Review by Vince Cipriano
(from http://www.godsofmusic.com")