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Da Fine Print
Disclaimer for:

The owner (hereafter known as "Tie Guy") of (hereafter known as "The Website",) will hold no responsibility for any injuries, illness, or death that may occur from viewing the website. Due to the non-graphic nature of the website, viewers over the age of 100, and under the ages of 5 should not view said website. Tie Guy wishes it to be known that in the making of this website that one animal was harmed: a whale, and begs the forgiveness of any Animal Rights Activists out there. Beware of making cheese pies while viewing this website, and eating TV Dinners that're still frozen, at any time.
Please don't be offended if you see an image from another site. Just go back to the main page, and click the Suggestion Box to fire off a note to me. Please include your name, the name of the URL of image in question, and name of website aforementioned image is supposed to have come from. Also, if you want to add a little comment, feel free.
Of course, Seriousness is not allowed in this website, and is never shown in any of the webpages, images, or various text. Trust me. Sarcasm is often used, along with Witticisms, and rat poison in many parts of the website, and Tie Guy likes his windows clean. There's a bottle of windex and a roll of paper towels in the corner. Get started.