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Toady's Lesson in Real Life Kitchen Appliances - 5/29/02
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. School. 2 Days left until SWEET, SWEET SUMMER! *insert tropical music track here, along with sounds of giggling girls, and the splash of ocean water upon the sunny, sandy beaches* Sadly, I'll be stuck here, in Nothingfield, either chained to a desk in Summer Skool, chained to a desk at a job, or (by choice) chained to the computer desk. *insert chirping cricket sounds* Blagh. Interestingly enough, though totally off subject, I might just pass enough classes to pass Freshman year, somewhat thanks to Finals. Strange thing, Finals are...

Eh. Guess what? I've been working on the front page, as you may've noticed. Sadly, Bill the Cat will not be appearing on the front page again. Don't worry, kiddies, he'll be elsewhere in this slum.

"TV is power, baby. Sexy power." -Chad Ghostal

How true that is... Anyblue, I'm off to continue working *snickers* in Computer Keyboarding I.

El Latero.
