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Down is a former county in the southeastern portion of Northern Ireland, situated along the Irish Sea. In 1973 it was divided into the districts of Down, Ards, Banbridge, and North Down, and parts of the districts of Castlereagh, Newry, and Mourne, Craigavon, and Lisburn. The present district of Down has a population of 52,869 (1981), and covers an area of 646 sq km (249 sq mi). Downpatrick is the reputed burial place of St. Patrick. Mourne Mountains contain Ireland's highest peak, Slieve Donard (852 m/2,796 ft). Oats, barley, wheat and hay are grown and sheep and pigs are raised. Downpatrick, the administrative seat, has a textile industry, and agricultural machinery is produced in Ballynahinch. Fishing is important along the coast.

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