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Wakovia NEWS!!!

------Incase your reading this The Wakovia bank Robbers are still around and if you didnt know were planning on taking the world over by storm. We know it will be hard work but by the year 2173 more people will know the name of the one true WBR.
------The WBR played in Longwoods annual Battle of the Bands this past September. Low and behold there were lots of good bands and people that wanted to have fun. We recruited Sam in the band and he became a back up singer crowd pleaser. The mix up part was great...
Noon: Adam and Cullen show up to Longwood with the equipment and to see Adams gf. We rock out around and get some food.
2PM:Still wandering around campus with his gf and hanging out.
5PM: Barry, Anne, and Big Respect have left Blacksburg by now and Daniel left after his last class.
6PM: Barry should be there soon and so should Daniel since we go on about 710PM...but no sign of them.
645PM: Barry shows and they rush back to the stage to meet us. Anne Big Respect and Tbird stay back and wait where Daniel is sposed to show. Meanwhile Sam joins up with us.
710PM: the sets got pushed back and we thanked Broken Lighter for stalling for us. They rocked. Then we got set up and Matt West was gonna drum for us.
714PM: Josh started to introduce us but then Barry shouts DANIEL! and here comes Daniel thru the crowd. It looked like a staged act.
715PM: We rocked the hell out of everyone and everything that night...but the judging still we had to wait for...
930PM: The Bands names came in for judging. We got nervous because of the last band...very talented. #3- Chowderfoot #2- Broken Lighter and #1... (silence fell over the world at that we all looked to the stage the people from WBR-Wooburn Road, who won last year, started to cheer and get happy...) The Wakovia Bank Robbers!!!
the other WBR swore it was rigged or they were sposed to win by some law or something.
That was our shining glory...finally we rock out of this city hard. This set us up with a gig for Bandfest. Its in April and its gonna be great i tell you.More info on that later to come.
-------WBR shirts will be done very very very soon. They will be 7 bucks and hold the black and white logo of the WBR. Pins will also be made.
-------WBR's new album "Space Jerks" will be out sometime before the April show. We will be hopefully doing and finishing the recording durring the month of December.
Thats all for now WOOP WOOP!

