Fan Art & Articles


What? WHAT?


This section is for all you wormers out there to get creative and send in your stuff. The stuff can send in should fall into one of the following two categories….


Fan Art: Preferably worm-related but I will accept other Team17 related artwork as well (Superfrog,etc). Just send in your pics and as long as they’re not offensive then I’ll put them on the site. Each artist who sends pics in will get their own section of the site where all their works will be showcased. People will also be able to leave comments on whether they liked your pics or not so hopefully you’ll get some creative criticism or maybe even some inspiration.


Fan Articles: If you want to talk at length on a Worms related subject then send your articles in and as long as they’re not offensive then I’ll put them up on the site. Fan Articles will be split into sections based on the content once I’ve got a few in. Like the Fan Art, people will be able to leave comments if they happen to disagree with your opinions.


Fan Art and Articles should be sent to with “Art:” or “Article:” as the start of the subject heading depending on what you’ve sent.


The Stuff


Evil Bunny




Worm Mad



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