Worm Dimensions - Home Page


About this Site

What is it?

Hi, I’m Worm Mad and this site is a Worms site with a difference! Instead of relying on tacky gimmicks such as flashy intro’s which take minutes to load and such like, this website relies upon the quality of the site. Just look around and see what you can find.

Thanks to…

Paul.Power for suggesting I make an html version of my FAQ which gave me the idea for this web site.

No Thanks to…

Microsoft Picture It! Publishing 2001 which I tried to use to make a website first of all but was so buggy that I had to give up.


Sections of the Site and what they are…

  1. The Legacy of Worms – The complete story of the Worms phenomenon from Worms 1 up to Worms Blast.
  2. W3 FAQ – The popular FAQ that covers all the details about the next Worms game, which have been revealed so far.
  3. Star Worms: Episode II – Get the low-down on this popular sequel to the original Star Worms.
  4. Other Fangames – Bored waiting for W3? Download on of my two old fangames to keep you entertained till then (or at least for a little while)
  5. The 2002D Project – A unique project that asks people to send in their unique memories and tributes of the 2D worms series. Send in your stuff now, it’s a one year only project.
  6. The Library – Read about the exploits of Jim and Yipee Two-Face, two characters devised by a whole bunch of people over on the Team17 Forum.
  7. Wormed – A strange book like thing exposing what it’s like to be a fan of Worms. I’ll be delivering this weekly, a chapter each week so give it a read!
  8. Screensavers – A section that offers unofficial Worms screensavers made by yours truly.
  9. Fan Art and Articles – See all the worm-related stuff people have sent in here.
  10. Links – Visit other great Worms sites!
  11. Forum – Does what it says on the tin. A mini-forum for discussion of my website or other Worms-related issues.
  12. Chatroom – A chatroom for Worms related issues.



Daily Dose of Fun


What’s this, then?


This is basically just the old “Misc” section with a new title and bundled in with the Home Page for ease of use. The “Random Ramble of the Day” rightly replaces the “What’s New?” section that had never been updated.


Random Ramble of the Day


A few updates done. New Wormed. Some Links fixed. That’s all for now! – Worm Mad (Still as Mad as ever)


Random Ramble Archives…



My Avatars


A while ago, I held a poll to see which of a range of avatars I had made people thought should be my permanent avatar. You can see them by clicking the links below, there are seven in total. I also help people out by making Avatars for them from time to time. I also made an avatar, specially for last year’s Christmas period. It can be viewed below.


Avatar One: Worm Mad’s original animated avatar

Avatar Two: Typing Mad (my normal avatar)

Avatar Three: Two Mad

Avatar Four: Messed-Up Mad

Avatar Five: BnW Mad

Avatar Six: Space Mad

Avatar Seven: Zzzzzz Mad

Avatar Eight: Christmas Mad


You may not use these avatars on your websites or on any forum. If you want you can edit them and use them but send me an e-mail asking me for permission first.





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