Random Rambles: The Archive…


27th June 2002: How many Worms games are there? : 8. What are they?: Worms, Worms : Reinforcements, Worms : The Directors Cut, Worms 2, Worms Pinball, Worms Armageddon, Worms World Party, Worms Blast. What’s coming next?: Worms 3. But it’s the ninth game!: Er, yes but Worms 2 was the third or fourth (depending on if you count expansions). The Number is more about the stage of evolution of the Worms series. The games before Worms 2 are the first Worms style. The Worms games up to and including Worms World Party are the second stage, hence the 2. Worms Pinball and Worms Blast are unique games and do not fit into the traditional stages of evolution due to this. Worms 3 is the first game in the third style of Worms which is incidentally 3D.  


28th June 2002: 18:00PM (GMT) – Today: If everything goes according to plan, which it inevitably wont, then Forum history will be made at this time. The idea is to get the most people ever on the Worms Forum at one time, so if you’re reading this, visit forum.team17.com today! Also tomorrow is my birthday so there will not be a Random Ramble then. On Sunday, service will be resumed as usual – Worm Mad (keeping you up to date with the events that don’t matter!)


30th June 2002: Star Worms – A brief history: Ages ago, I thought what if the Worms series (one of my favourite game series of all time) crossed with Star Wars (my favourite film series of all time)? I didn’t have any means of making the game into a reality at the time but I began to plan out the game, it had lots of missions, characters and more. Anyway, time passed and one day I decided to e-mail my ‘Star Worms’ idea off to Team 17. I did using one of those ‘feedback’ forms on one of their Worms sites but never got a reply. More time passed and I saw the pictures of jedi worms on the Allotment and Worms 2 sites. I got Klik & Play and after tinkering around on it for a while, making various games, I was reminded of my ‘Star Worms’ idea once more. Deciding that Team 17 would never make it, I decided to take matters into my own hands and make it myself. Using the art from the Allotment and Worms 2 sites, I began work on the game. It was a laborious task as I had to animate the worms that were in one position in the picture so that they would walk (well squirm), jump, order reinforcements to arrive and fight with their lightsabers. Without the animations from Jon Skeet’s site, it would never have been possible. I put sounds from the Worms’ games in it and added some nifty effects. I later expanded the number of multiplayer levels and added a close-up option. When I came to make this site, I decided to release ‘Star Worms’ to the public. I had to cut into small chunks so that the close-up mode and some of the extra multiplayer levels I had made became expansion packs in order to upload it properly. Now, I am planning to start work on a sequel based on popular demand. I am going to start soon, though I still have hopes that one day Team 17 will join forces with Lucasarts and make a proper official version!   


1st July 2002: Pigeons eat Worms. Moles eat Worms. Donkeys squash Worms (probably). Sheep also squash Worms (maybe). Mad Cows are mad and so most likely eat Worms. Skunks make Worms ill.

This is why Worms use them as weapons… REVENGE! After all the lousy stuff that those animals have done to the humble worm, it was only a matter of time before they got a little miffed. Using them as weapons allows them to attack their enemy worms at the same time as killing off their animal foes. Well…….either that or it’s just a game.


2nd July 2002: It occurs to me that there is a strong likelihood that nobody is reading this today or is going to read this today as it is the only thing that is updated regularly and it seems improbable that anyone would visit the site daily just to read this. Therefore, I could ramble on about anything and all this sites visitors would be none the wiser, except if they were just visiting and hadn’t visited before or if you’re reading this in the archive at some point in the future. Fish and Chips. Elephants. Periscope…. This has been your ramble for today – Worm Mad, signing out…


3rd July 2002: The T17 Forum Companion (see above) looks quite outdated already. I’ll have to update it tomorrow. I’m not surprised really as things move fast in the worms forum community. Last time, my post to inform everyone of the updates that I had made to this site caused my own T17 Forum Companion to be out of date, immediately. Irony, it’s always looking for a way to creep up behind you and laugh at you. – Still Rambling, Still Worm Mad.


4th July 2002: I’ve updated the T17 Forum Companion…. What? You want more of a ramble? And they call me Worm Mad!


5th July 2002: Artist Needed: I am working on Star Worms: Episode II with SupSuper and we need a good artist to do the artwork for the game. If you feel you have what it takes then e-mail me at wormdimeprojectentry@hotmail.com.


6th July 2002: This section is getting to be more like the ‘What’s New?’ section on the home page than that section itself. If you have read the Worm Story stories on Paul.Power’s site then you may remember Yipee Two-Face and how in the Epilogues it said that he was killed after being squished by a rock in his section but in my section it read that I “did some DNA testing on Yipee Two-Face's remains only to find that it was not the remains of a worm at all but a lifesize blow up worm. Yippee Two-Face's whereabouts remain unknown although WM claims he has a good idea where he is.” Tomorrow the whole truth will be revealed in ‘Yipee-Two Face: The Worm, The Legend, The Mystery… Day’. So if you care about Yipee Two-Face, visit the site tomorrow and let him know and maybe you’ll see him again soon…


14th August 2002: It looks like I may have fixed Word. If I’m right then expect updates by the barrel load over the next few days! – Worm Mad.


16th August 2002: If you read my last Random Ramble, I said I had fixed Word and to expect updates soon. This was true and the first update (the new Star Worms: Episode II page) is up and running. The Library section will be coming shortly but its more work than you would think so won’t be up for a day or so. Anyway – That’s it for today!


21st August 2002: Hello! I’m back from my holiday and on the case. SW2 Page has been updated with a new developer diary from SupSuper and a sneak peak and I’ll try to bring the library section online shortly. That’s all for now – Worm Mad.


22nd August 2002: Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahehhehhehahahahahahahaahahahahaaaahahahahahahahaha!

…I can ramble like a pro! 


23rd August 2002: Hello all! Sorry about yesterdays bout of insane laughter. Rest assured, I’m back on track now. As you can see I’ve cut the Forum companion in half as I didn’t see the point in updating it every week as it wasn’t very likely that anybody was interested in it as if they wanted to know what was going on the community, they’d just look for themselves. I’ve also added a new section to the site that offers screensavers that I’ve made. There’s only one up at the moment but expect more by tomorrow.  Also the library section is finally up – Hurrah! I might work on SW2 today if I have time as well so progress is certainly being made. Also, I entered this site into an official competition on the Team17 forum, wish me luck! – Worm Mad, just can’t stop the rambling!


24th August 2002: “Eh? What’s this doing here?” – you may wonder as you notice the new surroundings of everybody’s favourite ramble. Well, basically I felt that the Ramble wasn’t enough in the public eye and the “What’s New?” section of this page I hadn’t updated in a long while so I decided to replace that with this and move the Misc. Section over here as the Home Page seemed a little bare. Anyway, I’m off to work on Star Worms 2, I am this time, really – Worm Mad, Rambling : 24,7.


25th August 2002: “and an additional yet-to-be announced Worms title” – Team17 announces in no uncertain terms that they are yet to announce another Worms title at some point in the future. Rumours of what this will be have been flying back and forth for ages but the most likely genre is racing at the current time. I personally think it will be a fighting-RPG-cookery game with loads of simulation-style sub games.


26th August 2002: It’s a bank holiday! Wahoo! – Wait a sec, it doesn’t even count for me as I’m already off on my summer hols anyway – Doh! In other news, I’ve updated the SW2 and 2002D pages.


28th August 2002: I missed a day yesterday but I was rather busy so you’ll let me off, right? My 2002D Project is going crazy thanks to a thread on the Worms forum that somebody created. Soon my first BIG project for 2002D will be underway, if I could just think of what it was. If you have any suggestions, call our hotline!……………Wait a minute, I don’t have a hotline.


29th August 2002: I posted a thread about SupSuper being back on the forums on the 1st of September, on his request, and it got deleted. Why? It wasn’t insulting or anything? Have the moderators got something against SupSuper? Who knows? I don’t but I know one thing – In my domain, I am all-powerful! – Worm Mad, can’t stop the ramble!


30th August 2002: Thinking up some new ideas, especially one that should keep the forum goers happy until SW2 is released. Keep your eyes peeled. – Worm Mad, Ramble, Ramble, Ramble…


4th September 2002: Worm Mad, here! I’m taking a breather from all the tension at the Team17 forum but I’ll still be keeping this site up to date. In fact, I’ll probably have more time to keep it up to date – Worm Mad.


5th September 2002: I updated the Star Worms – Episode II page, added a forum and chat-room and started a webring – That’s it for today! – Worm Mad, Worm Mad, Worm Mad.


27th October 2002: It’s Baaaaack! After a unhealthy period of absence, a bunch of new updates to celebrate me finally reaching 1000 posts on the Team17 Forum. So submit some art or articles, have a read of the first chapter of “WORMED” or check out Paul.Power’s recent contribution to the developer’s diary. Have fun now! – Worm Mad (who else?)


3rd November 2002: Hi, time for the weekly update. New stuff includes a new Star Worms Ep II Developer’s Diary and a pretty large soundbank. If you want to know what else has been added then have a look for yourself. – Worm Mad.


8th December 2002: They say absence makes the heart grow fonder – I hope that’s the case as I’ve left this site absent for a while, again. Anyway, never fear as a bunch of new updates have been added and a new design. I’m not going to spoil any surprises so just look around and explore for yourself. Also you can see the Team17 Christmas calendar (inspired by me!) at www.team17.com which is slowly revealing the first Worms 3 screenshot in the run up to Christmas.


??? 2003: Not much to say except that there’s a new edition of Wormed on the site and some new artwork from Paul.Power and myself in the Art & Articles section. Also, the Star Worms II page has been updated. More updates on the way soon. – Worm Mad.


??? 2003: Star Worms II has been released. Download it now. Nuff’ said.




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