Star Worms: Episode II

The Buffalo Strikes Back!!!


Star Worms? Episode II? How did this come about?


If you have checked out the ‘The Original’ section, you should find the original Star Worms which I made a couple of years ago available to download as well as several expansion packs. Basically Star Worms merges my favourite set of films, “Star Wars” with one of my favourite sets of games, “Worms”. I was always fairly pleased with Star Worms and after some positive feedback from people on the Team17 forum; I made up my mind to make a sequel. I decided this time however I could make the game better with more people working on it, alongside me. SupSuper was critical of Star Worms and at first I was annoyed, it was a brilliant game, but then after I thought about it - I realised that Star Worms could have been better and SupSuper had some valid points. I promptly asked him to be on the team and he accepted, I realised that with someone who had been critical of the original on the team then it would help to make sure that this one would be much better.  Discussion started between me and SupSuper via E-mails and the structure of the game began to emerge. We also realised that we may need certain people to do some tasks that we weren’t as good at, such as artwork and music. The game has now been finished and can be downloaded below…


The Team taking you to a Galaxy Far Far Away…


Worm Mad (Project Leader, Designer, Game Creator): As the lead person on the project, having come up with the idea, my job is to think of how the game should develop, seek out talent to help with various sections of the game and create certain sections of the game.


SupSuper (Co-Designer, Game Creator): SupSuper is the other lead person on the project as he is creating about half of the game and I am creating the other half. He also told me what parts of my design were good, which should be scrapped and added his own ideas while in the design stage.


Paul.Power (Main Music Theme): Second to respond to a request for volunteers to make music for SW2, Paul.Power’s first tune was good but didn’t seem right for the intro. It was decided that it was more suitable for the menu screens, which is where it can be heard in the game. Later, after Compudragon stepped down from his place of making the music for all the missions in the game, Paul.Power took up the role and has produced many good pieces for the game to date.


Trippyshoe the Compudragon  (Intro Music Theme and Additional Music): Compudragon was the first to send his music to me after a request I made on the forum for people who were good at art or music to contact me. The music file he sent worked well for the intro sequence to the game and it was decided to ask him to make the music for missions throughout the game too. Unfortunately Compudragon has been unable to fulfil this request and although he has sent me some music, he will be unable to work on SW2 any longer.


Yoshi (Character Portraits and Some Other Artwork): I noticed Yoshi’s brilliant 3d pictures of worms on the Team17 forum and decided to ask him if he would mind making some 3d pics to use for the character selection screen in multiplayer mode. Being a fan of Star Wars himself, he agreed and that same day sent me the pics. He has also helped by making a couple of other pics that will be used in the game, probably in the 1 Player missions.


Sgt.Worm (Villain Artwork): Enlisted by SupSuper, Sgt.Worm made the Death Star soldiers. He has also made a very well known villain from the Star Wars universe for me, I’m not saying whom though.


MtlAngelus (Yoda Artwork + Honorary Beta-Tester): After running a competition to see who could make the graphics for the Yoda character in the multiplayer mode of SW2, MtlAngelus came up trumps. His Yoda artwork will be in the game and he will also be one of a privileged few beta-testers when the game is completed.   


Developer’s Diary: Wednesday, 23rd of April 2003 – Worm Mad


“It is done. The project is over. Play through the missions, seek out the easter-eggs, get the highest scores you can. Live the adventure that is Star Worms: Episode II. Download it now!”


Developer’s Diary Archives




Download/Installation Instructions:
1. Go to
2. Click on the "" link
3. When download is done, extract zip file and run "setup.exe"

Minimum System Requirements:
Any Windows OS (Windows 3.x included)
VGA Graphics Card (with 256 colour support)
Windows-Compatible Sound Card
10MB hard disk space
Pentium II 233mhz




If you have any queries about the game then you can contact me at Remember to put “SW2:” followed by the subject in the title of any mail. Also e-mail if you get any high-scores on the mini-games that you want to tell the world about. Make sure that you attach a screenshot as proof though.



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