Worm Story


Introduction by Nutter


Worm Story 1 was an idea plucked from another message board (on a non-Worms topic) from somewhere on the net. The idea being, that people could add to the story by posting the next 10 words of the story - but no more. Thus there would be lots of contributions by lots of different budding authors - anyone could add their little bit to the story.


Because of this, it never really had a topic or base storyline - it was written as we went, and basically the whole thing was left up to the imagination of the next poster.


There were some inherent problems in doing this though, including  people adding the next bit to the story without reading what had happened so far, and those that didn't like the 10-word limit (so they posted paragraphs instead), but it was a bit of good fun and kicked off the follow-on Worm Stories.


The Story…

There was a worm named Jim. He was always afraid of war but he was born with evil within. He joined the ranks of the Buffalo of Half-Truths, but he didn't know the terrible secret that was the concrete donkey of injustice, which apparently stole moo moo milk to give it back to the 1000 Mad Cows Clan who were famous for two things being mad and funnily enough, being cows. They needed it to put in their super-milk cannon that would eventually destroy the donkey.

However Jim's fear of war meant that he hid in caves and never came out resulting in laughter and tears and made him very lonely. He decided to join the lightside but having been in the darkside, the donkey of light said he must complete three trials. But he couldn’t do these three trials because he was one lazy fool.

Just then, Boggy B came along and told him of the super-weapon - a weapon of such power, that it could kill thousands of worms with one hit and even his mother in law! It is hidden beyond the great Sheep Catacombs, locked inside a cage guarded by the evil buffalo of lies who's stinky and smelly, because he never washes or wipes. The only thing keeping him from taking a shower is the fact that the pesky worms keep stealing his priceless Ming vase, which strangely enough holds all the power of deodorant and shower gel.

After lots of searching, the Concrete Donkey's evil twin contacted his brother and told him to kill thousands and thousands of innocent worms.

Meanwhile, Jim is trying to find this cage that was unknowingly guarded by the massive hulk of the Super Sheep of Terror that eats worms after marinating them in pear scented washing-up liquid and essence of Domestos. And we all thought it was just the Buffalo who smelled strangely, which is why they call him the Smelly Buffalo of Lies.

Jim was in quite the conundrum over how to defeat the sheep so he decided to go along to the Worms Shop to acquire some weaponry, and form a plan. When he got there though he got depressed and shot himself, because he realised that this story was going nowhere but he was a lousy shot, and accidentally hit a startled and confused vicar who was meandering by, who then shouted "OH MY GOD IVE BEEN SHOT!!!... or is that red wine... no its blood! ARGH!" and then the vicar died.

After that Jim collected some of his friends (some, I meant Lot) and formed a big platoon to take that super weapon. The worm's names in the Big platoon were Bentusi & Icarus, as well as bam margera and brody.

Joining them in the fight was Spadge, who had an enormously huge bag of whelks and was busy handing them out to the pensioners who'd escaped from the evil B.S.B.C (Big smelly buffalos convention) who tortured worms by suffocating them in water but just as they are about to pass out they take the worms out and torture them by getting THE STRETCHER which is the process of whipping them with an overgrown elastic band and then stretching them like gummy worms until they broke in half (ouch!)

But all of this was futile, as the sheep catacombs were in sight as well as the gigantic bulk of the Super Sheep of Terror, which was about to consume them all if they didn't hide its pear-scented washing up liquid in a toilet full of dissolved bog roll from centuries ago and leftover lemon pie which was quite a pleasant smell compared to the Incredibly Smelly Buffalo Of Lies.

So they ventured on, when suddenly something completely incoherent and unexpected happened - it started raining crates! Jim picked one up. It felt strangely heavy. In fact it felt like the sacred Concrete Donkey...

But alas, the Super Sheep of Terror has booby-trapped this sacred crate and a fireball rushed towards him but he was saved by a monkey who hung by ninja rope, and swiftly propelled along the ceiling. However, the monkey was not a friend for he went rabid and started biting our poor friend Jim and they both foamed at the mouth when suddenly, an earthquake started, catching them off guard.

The group began to shake and wobble, getting closer to the edge, then from the sky a voice claimed: reinforcements are arrived, and five Holy-hand grenade crates drop near them. As one brave worm went to collect one, a shudder happened and he lost his balance and hit a mine, setting off a huge chain reaction of exploding crates, killing everyone but Jim.

Jim fainted; when he woke up later he noticed that almost everything that had happened so far had been a series of illusions. For all this time he had been held hostage by the Buffalo of Lies, and had undergone major psychic overdose which had led to him having all of these hallucinations.

The buffalo of lies had tied Jim up in a pit where the enemy could easily shoot at him, but he couldn't escape without a ninja rope. Fortunately, he still had his Jetpack but his fuel was limited - he had 2 points of fuel. If he engaged Low Gravity, he might just make it - after completing his VR training, Jim knew all too well that he had to take certain chances, so he decided to go for it.

He activated the jetpack, and suddenly a sheep flew into view, and as it flew past, it dropped something. To his horror, he discovered it was a frothing mad cow, which proceeded to make unusual mooing sounds and stumble along the bumpy terrain. And it did what it does best. It made a sloppy, brown, slimy mess all over the ground and exploded in a giant "poot", sending our hero flying into a booby trapped dark cave filled with 60 proximity super banana bombs.

As he gets up, he is shocked by what he sees, which is Johnson's baby lotion. He walks up to baby lotion, and goes to pick it up when suddenly the bottle exploded into flames. By now, Jim was starting to get a bit cheesed off with all of this, so he thought to himself "**** this" and he stormed off, and carelessly trod on a mine.

He saw bubbles and gases. How he got transported to the INCO factory in Clydach, Swansea, we'll never know because he had run out of Teleporters! He looked around and saw boggy B with a banana bomb with his name on and thought to himself, oh dear, I've laddered my tights, I better go and rub thoroughly with Johnson's Baby Lotion.

But realizing the lotion had exploded into flames, he jumped away from the bottle, but landed next to a mine which started making "beeping" noises. Luckily, the mine went bang with a puff of smoke; it was a dud.

Searching frantically through his arsenal, he found an old woman which was moaning and groaning, and threw her off a cliff. She landed on the head of the Smelly Buffalo.

Her constant nattering drove the Buffalo crazy, and he yelled "I HATE CRAZY THINGS" and in turn he created a giant jar of marmalade for his giant piece of toast, which could grant him the power of invisibility so he could steal cookies from the cookie monster and sustain his hunger.

Jim had begun to wonder just how many HP's he had lost, so he walked over to the nearest health crate, being very careful not to set off any mines. But the health crate was really a sleeping homing pigeon who woke up with a start, and began to peck Jim.

Jim decided to get his shotgun out and "BANG", shot the pigeon. However, he was unsure what to do with his final shot. So Jim shot a hole in the wall, and unintentionally revealed a giant bag of Tescos Finest Chicken Soup sitting on a table inside a secret cave within.

He decided to make a run for it, especially considering the nature of all the stupid animals that now appear to have joined the story but he ran right into a scarecrow, which brought him to an abrupt halt. After he firepunched the scarecrow he continued on just to see an apple tree named Wikapoo.

Wikapoo was a magic tree and granted him three wishes. One was he had 100 jet packs with 2 fuel each. Wish two was to make some sense out of the whole plot, so here goes:

Jim had some real bad luck over the last day... however his sister Clarissa had just won a triple-rollover Lottery and she decided to give £1000000 to her brother for a present - using fake notes. So therefore, his next wish was that she would go and die, but Wikapoo would not be evil and punished Jim by stealing all his Johnson’s baby lotion. Just as well, as it was still on fire...

An old lady came from nowhere but the terrain was too steep and she turned round merely to walk into Wikapoo, who was in enough trouble already with that burning Johnson's Baby Lotion. Jim got to safety just in time before it started raining comets, finishing Wikapoo off completely. Jim, however, survived with a bit of luck because he jumped into a piece of cheese that was rotten at the core.

The comets were still raining down and Jim decided enough was enough and reached right through the fabric of reality, to give us a good slapping for making his life story so silly. "Everyone, Run!" yelled Worm Mad as Jim tore down after all the writers with homing missiles, bazooka shells, etc.

Paul.Power, however, wondered if it might be possible to bargain with the angry Jim, but Jim smacked him round the head with a baseball bat. Dazed, he sat up in a corner of the room. If only they could give Jim what he really wanted... a happy ending...

Gumdrop said to him "there will be no ending as it is the Never-Ending, Ever-Bending Worms Story!" But Jim was still doing a lot of damage, so he runs to the hospital to see SnipperTheWorm use the Utility "Freeze" but he was too small so the doctors and nurses don’t see him...

Worm Mad decided this couldn't go on so he got all the wormers together and said "We have two choices - 1. Kill Jim and end the story or 2. Give Jim a happy ending". It came down to a vote and they all decided that they should go to a restaurant and discuss it over some good corn beef but Dragon said 'how cane u path?' and we all laughed too much to eat.

Jim slipped on some vomit that Dodgymat had produced and fell back to his world where concrete donkeys ruled the world. One of them punched ANOTHER hole in the time-space continuum. Jim jumped through it, only to appear in another piece of cheese, next to the flaming bottle of Johnson's Baby Lotion.

Suddenly a friend of Jim named Tim appeared. Tim was a sad loner and he was gay but Jim didnt care until he said "I have been sent here to tell you the decision which the committee reached about your future, it is this:

"You're gonna get blown up by a holy hand grenade in 1,000 hours unless you can find a way of changing your future... just kidding, you know what a **** I am. Really, you've only got 10 posts left - make 'em count" Tim said nothing and other worms said death Jim, but Jim has a Golden ticket which he found in his back pocket. It would enable him to hold the burning Johnson's baby lotion without getting 1st degree burns; now he only gets 2nd-degree burns!

Suddenly, a door appeared out of nowhere, because Tim had a Flamethrower for him and a Super Sheep suddenly became a Aqua Sheep. A voice was coming from the open door. It was the Concrete Donkey of Light! "Come with me, Jim. There is not much time left..."

Jim stepped through the door, and the story ended just in time.


Written by

Nutter, Plutonic, dodgefreak, Compudragon, Deadcode, Kheldar, KungFooWarLord, NZKiwi, shadowjuan, Quarkstorm, Paul.Power, Worm Mad, TheBandit, thomasp, SnipperTheWorm, Gumdrop, explodingsheep, Az, fuch, Striker, RastaMahata, Batman, DrumsOfWar, awt, SupSuper, Spadge, ThePaladin, Mdk, MrLee, Andy Snook, WormZ, BannanaBomb2002, _Peter_Boy_, Vahagn, dragon, Dodgymat and MoG


Thus started the Worm Story Saga….



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