Worm Story 3.5 (Another Worm Story)


Introduction by Worm Mad


Worm Story 3.5 was originally entitled “Another Worm Story” (It was Paul.Power who called it Worm Story 3.5 in order to fit better into the series on his site) and was explodingsheep’s attempt to create an alternative to the Worm Story series. I changed all that though by naming the worm of this story, Yipee Two-Face (which was the first thing that came into my head) and pitting him against Jim. The linking of the stories was done very well and Worm Story 3.5 was the first appearance of the anti-hero who later went onto spawn his own story series in the later Y range of stories (see Worm Stories Y-I to Y-III). Anyway read on to witness the beginnings of Yipee. He has recently been in the story Worm Story 0: Enter the Jim , the prequel to the original Worm Story as well.   


The Story…

Once there was a worm that was celebrating his 1000th kill on the battlefield he was unpopular his name was Yipee Two-face. He was a bit peeved as everybody interesting had gone off somewhere with an enemy of his named Jim. He decided to seek out the one named "Jim".

Squirming along some grassy terrain he ran into an unexpected being. The stranger greeted him with a grimace; he was wearing a dark hood and looked very scary. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a deck of cards. "A game of Blackjack?" he grinned slyly.
Yipee Two-face gave the stranger an eyebrow, "What are you doing?"
"Follow me and I'll show you..."

Yipee Two-face followed and they stopped when they reached a pen full of super sheep.

"Take one then you can travel on its back around the world to recruit all the worms into a new army ready to vanquish Jim upon his return!" laughed the stranger.

Yipee Two-Face thanked him then asked "But who are you, mysterious stranger?" The stranger replied, "You should know who I am we met 4 years ago"

Yipee Two-Face gave him a dirty look and tried to think back to when he previously seen him. "Oh yeah. Now I remember you beat me when I was the heavyweight-boxing champion of the world and I've been unemployed ever since. Why do you want to help me?" said Yipee Two-Face.

The stranger didn't reply and left; his black cloak dragging on the floor.
"That was strange..." Yipee Two-Face scratched his head and looked back at the pen of super sheep. "They're in a pen but they could escape easily by flying... stupid sheep..."

But Yipee Two-Face realised there was a force field in the way so they couldn’t escape then the stranger said 'you need the key' he gave him it then he opened the door. He got onto the back of a super-sheep, which he named 'Baafled' and then took off on his adventure across the world to raise an army against Jim and his friends...

He landed in an Army Training Base where he was expected but he fell off the sheep and hurt his worm tail. "Ouch!" he yelled. "Don’t worry, I’m fine." said although no one had asked him anything.

"HEY, EVERYBODY!" Said Yipee Two-faced. "You know, there is a guy named Jim who says that W3 will never be released. He also says that the Skunk can beat the Aqua Sheep!" he lied. All the soldiers were astonished and furious. "Who is this Jim?" they asked.
"It's scary, but Jim is known by a lot of crusades in the earth squadron. I will crush this "Jim" get me my ship," Yipee Two-Face demanded.

"I have a better idea," grimaced one of Yipee Two-Face's new officers "when Jim gets back we will hold a big party for him and his friends and then while they're eating we attack and kill em...ha ha ha ha!"

"STOP!" Yelled Nutter, who hadn't been sent into space in a ship after all, and had been listening to them. They tied him up.

"This guy sucks. Look at that ridiculous hammer he has!" said Yipee Two-Face.
"What’s the problem with the hammer?" Nutter said.
"You know, we need to finish this guy"
"Let’s send him to the Dark Mole, who will know what to do!" said an officer.

When he got to the mole he was...well, frozen then sent off to space with a rocket. Just than a worm appeared out of nowhere because of a teleport and said, oops, wrong place too order pizza, bye bye!

Days passed... and soon Nutter was rescued by Jim, Paul.Power, FlipNautix, Worm Mad, and others. Yipee Two-Face was outraged and demanded a war against the opposing army. So what they did is go on the Internet and found out who the guy was that teleported here and back!

They found out it was Striker so they sent a spy to teleport to where Striker is and captured HIM! (sheesh another capture) luckily they had no execution set up for him......yet...

Yipee Two-Face cackled in an evil tone. "Yes... my plan is working excellently..."
"What do you plan to do Master?" a henchmen asked.
"Well..." Yipee Two-Face began. "Jim may not know it, but what he’s carrying along with his weapons is a new type of Skunk, whose disease points are 100. If Jim says "What a lovely day!" the Skunk will activate! Mwahahaha!" said Yipee Two-Face.

"Why exactly is Jim your nemesis, master?" asked the henchman. "Well... it all started four years ago when we were performing operation "Who left the flood-gates open?" He started moving to safety, but he was so lazy that he didn’t told me that the water was rising. I drowned, and I was luckily saved by a neutral Aqua Sheep. Since then I have always hated him..."

"Hmm, sounds like the plot of Goldeneye," said the henchman. "You know, when James Bond sets the times early and leaves 006 to die, but he doesn't and comes back to attempt to wreak revenge, but he is foiled and decides to start training with a super sheep that blows up and the sheep is still alive he was named 'explodingsheep'..."
"Hey!" interrupted Yipee Two-Face.
"Yes boss?" asked the henchman.
"Shut Up, O.K?" Yipee replied.

The henchman was furious and walked off on his own. Suddenly the evil time-machine (who had been hiding from Yipee & his friends) jumped out from behind a bush and zapped his friend with a crazy ray which caused to start running around in a crazy way, knocking into things, and colliding with fellow worms.

"Okay! Okay! Enough! What do you want?" Yipee asked.
"I wAS shOWinG YOu A piEce oF mY pOWEr. I wanT tO MakE aN allIANce WiTh yOu." said the evil time-machine.
Yipee replied, "I don't need your assistance!! I can-" Yipee Two-Face was interrupted as the evil time machine lifted a sheep over Yipee’s head.
"I WiLL ASk iT AgaIN. wIll YOu JOin mE?"
Yipee peeped out a reply, "Yes..." and sat back down. "Now what do you want?" he asked.

The time-machine replied "AGenT jIm iS AppROAchiNG thIS PLanEt wiTH tHe almiGHTY auTHors. wE NeeD tO inTerCePT ThEM. dO YoU HAvE aNy IdEA?"
"No, I don't..." Yipee Two-Face grunted. "But I have a question..." he started. "...Why do you speak with that funny big-letter accent?"
"UhMMmm... It iS BEcaUSE I HAve "The FUnnY AcCEnt" SwiTCH tuRned oN. dO mE A FavOr aNd TurN It OfF."
"Thank you. You seem to be intelligent enough to follow orders..."
"You can just shut your mouth and tell me what your plans are!" Yipee Two-Face growled angrily.
"Patience... my corrupted friend..." the time-machine coaxed. "Besides: 1) I have a loudspeaker, not a mouth and 2) if I shut it, how can I tell you my plan?"

The time machine then proceeded to reveal its plan. "We will go back in time, and you will help me to spray all the worms in the world the colour... PURPLE!"

Yipee Two-Face was puzzled. Here was a time machine that wanted to go back in time, and paint all the worms in the world the colour... purple.

"Why would you want to do that?" he asked. It appeared that this time machine was a few transistors short of its CPU...
"Because... I like PURPLE!" it yelled.

Yipee Two-Face considered the madness of the time machine's plan. He would go along with the time machine's plan to colour the world's worms purple, then betray it and stop Jim from being born...

Meanwhile, on Worm-Man's ship, Jim, Worm Mad, Paul.Power, FlipNautix et al are returning home after their success in rescuing Nutter.

"So who is this Yipee Two-Face, Nutter?" asked Paul.Power
"Jim knows." replied Nutter.
"Do I?" asked Jim.
"Yes. Remember Operation Who Left The Flood-Gates Open?"
"Oh, that..."

Back on Earth, the time-machine had found that he had a sanity switch, it was switched off. "HEY! Turn this on will you, Mr.Yipee What's-Yer-Face! I wanna see what it does!" cried the time-machine. Yipee obliged grudgingly. Suddenly the time-machine was back to normal and no longer evil. "WHAT HAVE I DONE?" he cried and disappeared upset at having tricked Jim. Yipee Two-Face decided to have a rest and go to sleep.

Back on Worm-Man's ship, a weird thing happened. As they discussed Operation Who Left The Flood Gates Open, the ship began to change to the colour purple. Come to think of it, it was more of a magenta.

Jim watched the colour change, which was odd, but everyone seemed to think it was OK.
"What's going on?" he asked.

The others looked at him. "What? We've always been purple."
"No, you haven't," Jim said. "You were a sort of pinky colour." This argument went on for quite some time, until manitou popped up from under a hatch.

"Jim's right. You were coloured a shade of pink before" he said matter-of-factly. "You see, for some bizarre reason which I can't think of, Yipee Two-Face and the mad time machine have gone back and painted everything purple."
"How come we didn't remember this?" asked Worm Mad.
"Temporal paradoxes are often odd and full of plot holes. Don't think about it too much about it or your head'll hurt."

After trying to explain it several times and failing because of bad plot holes, manitou had had enough. "I'll go and turn the Worm Drive into a sort of time machine." he said, and disappeared into the hatch.

Several minutes later, Worm-Man's spaceship disappeared into the past, to go and confront the evil time machine, which had corrupted the universe's narrative. But due to the nature of temporal paradoxes, they had fallen into a plot hole.

Manitou realised this and put the ship back into chronological sync with the universe, making the previous events never happen (this last section was v. bizarre so if you don't understand it, don't worry!)

So Yipee was now wondering what the hell he should do, when suddenly a column of smoke appeared in the sky. It was Worm-Man's ship re-entering the atmosphere! Yipee Two-Face shouted to his troops "It's time for the ultimate battle! Get your Bazooka's primed; stuff those sheep in their cannons! I will have my revenge this day and Jim shall fall before my army. Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of War!!!"


Written by

 explodingsheep, Worm Mad, FlipNautix, Plutonic, Ireng, Striker, Paul.Power, thomasp and manitou.



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