Worm Story 4: Worms Armageddon


Introduction by Worm Mad


Worm Story 4, I called “Worms Armageddon” as a reference to the game and because it was about a giant war between two rival groups – Jim’s and Yipee’s. As it turned out, this would be the last Worm Story (or at least the last in the first series) making the title especially fitting. Paul.Power ended it all with a slightly disappointing ending but Epilogues to the major characters helped round it off. All in all a fitting end to an epic saga.  


The Story…

The ship was still descending when Paul.Power asked Worm-Man "Is your ship really designed for re-entry?" when suddenly the wormian nation turned up and fired 3 torpedo’s. Wormian tried to steer the ship away. But one of the torpedoes hit it and damaged the master/main controls.

"Well..." Jim grinned "...At least I've got a full crew." then he turned around. The ship was empty. "Huh? Guys? Anybody?" he stammered.

A voice answered him "We the authors have helped you many times in the past but we cannot help you now. You must find your own destiny, Jim. Good Luck!"

"Oh thanks a bunch!" shouted Jim then he rushed to where the parachutes were kept and Paul.Power sprang out and said "Surprise! We were kidding you. All the other authors are hiding in the engine rooms. Now, let's land this spaceship..."

The ship landed on a small island, wormian got out to see where they where - a rocky, misty place. One of the authors screamed as a sheep blew him up. Dark figures were emerging from the mist. They were surrounded!

Worm Mad pulled out his shotgun and ran in to the fighting followed by SupSuper and Paul.Power yelling their battle cries which sounded like the angular wooden giraffe: "F*** OFF YOU F****** f******!!!!!!!!!!"

Luckily SnipperTheWorm booted up the special laser weapon in the ship, and shot the **** out of the enemy... now they realized Striker was nowhere to be seen.

But the battle was long and many of Jim's loyal troops were lost. Including Arnold and Shwazennegger and Blubber! A good cousin of his.... (Jim cries and then shoots a guy's head off).

Also on Yipee Two-Faces side who were killed were Wikanoo (Wikapoo's evil twin) and Pinapplehead. Three days later and the battle was still being fought, but the action was dying down. Most of the banana bombs were thrown, but there were still surprises when momentarily, a dozen HHG would shoot up like rain, blowing up most of the terrain.

Bored of the now ridiculous action, the worms ran away into a near by cave, but as they entered a light appeared into the sky, and another spaceship appeared. It was the WormerPrise! And who were inside? The author’s unquestioned allies, the Cyberworms!

A laser was fired from the WormerPrise, creating confusion along Yipee’s troops. The Cyberworms popped outta the ship, and went to give assistance to Jim’s almost-massacred troops.

"Hi there! It looks that you didn’t forgot ´bout us (although we DID forgot about you), eh?"
"Lt. Jim, you are talking to Commander Ireng, 3rd division, 2nd army..."
"Ok! Tell that later! We’ve got a war to fight!"

So the armies grew more confidence, and valiantly battled, seeming to get the upper hand of the situation until suddenly Yipee Two-Face found a crate with Armageddon inside. He planned to launch it in 30 posts; Jim and the Authors had to stop him!

Hearing of this, the team sUpErWoRmS! Sprang into action from their hideout in a giant sheep from a map generated by the word "arrghhh!" Angry Ed, Dr Bangh! and The Axe sped towards Yipee Two-face in the sUpERjEt!, but it was blown out of the sky by a plane delivering explosive mail.
"What do we do now?" asked Dr Bangh! as a girder was placed over them by a flying arrow...

So they all got together every magic bullet, flying sheep, antique vase and trucks loaded with discounted carpets that they could find and set off to destroy Yipee Two-Face. The truck passed the sUpErWoRmS, who were still sealed underground by the girder.

On the horizon, Yipee Two-Face had for some reason managed to randomly generate a castle out of the air. He did an evil laugh as he saw the approaching truck.

"Hahahahaha! So they're trying to stop me, eh? They won't succeed. I'll use my de-evolution machine, I'm gonna turn them all into small un-dangerous chameleons, so they will never ever again interfere with my business, "Mwahhaa", he laughed insanely, but suddenly he said "If I can’t have the glory, at least no one will have it!" He said, with his 100 hp left. He continued: "What a lovely day to destroy the world!"
The Super Skunk (see "Another Worms Story") activated, and went towards Yipee. He couldn’t evade it. He felt its odour. Yipee Two-Face was poisoned!

"Ulk!" he gasped. "Quick! Get me a health crate!" Jim stupidly gave him a health crate saying, "Here, now stop being so angry and let's be friends!"

Yipee grinned and said, "I thought you wanted a fight?" then he fire-punched Jim into the air. An ally of Jim's named Wormy called "The Eye of the Donkey, Jim! Remember the Eye of the Donkey!" Jim fell back to the ground and the duel continued.

Jim began to wonder if it was time to don an eye patch and get out his giant mallet. As it was, all he could do was strike back. After all, the health crate he gave Yipee had only contained 25 health. One clean punch and...

... "HAAAADOOOOOOKENNNNN!" screamed a voice.
"What the?" cried Jim and Yipee and they turned around in time to see a fireball engulf them both. The time-machine appeared and as all the worms on the battlefield came around from the massive power burst, it started a little tune, which goes something like this:

"We are worms, we're the best, and we've come to win this war. We'll stand, we'll never run... ooh, hang on, I'm not a worm, I'm a Time Machine..." The Time Machine looked round and saw the damage it had caused. "Did I do that?" it asked.

Yipee Two-Face turned to Jim and said "Hey I've got a better idea than us fighting each other..." He whispered his plan to Jim who grinned and nodded.

"Hey...guys, er what are you plotting? ha...ha..er...guys?" stammered the time-machine. All the worms were grinning insanely at the time-machine then they brought out, from behind their backs a double damage and a Holy Hand Grenade.

Jim turned on the grenade, praying:
"Fithos... lusec... wecos... vinosec... Excitate vos e somno, Donkey mei... Cunae non sunt" Then he threw the Almighty’s Holy Hand Grenade and blew the time machine apart... or so they thought, because the time machine was reassembling itself...

It turned into a metal buffalo and roared "SO!!! MY OWN FRIENDS TURN AGAINST ME? So be it, you will fall before my wrath!". Worm Mad yelled "Eat lead, you evil time-machine thing, EAT LEAD!!!". And the two worms armies fired all their guns at the beast but they did no good. The time-buffalo parted the worms as it charged at them.

They tried many weapons but it kept coming. It just kept coming until it smashed its head on a girder and shattered into a thousand pieces and this time it didn't come back together.
"HAHAHAAA!" laughed Worm-Man, "I got you!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" cried the time-machine. "If I must lose, I will take you all with me!" he created a forcefield that had a radius of 10 miles. "I have my settings on self-destruct, you can't escape death!" it laughed evilly.

Jim and the others had to think of something quick. Jim then had a good idea. He sought out Wikavroom (the last member of the Wika family) and said to him "A while ago, Wikapoo promised me three wishes but I only got two as he didn't like my last wish and so never granted me a third.

"But he did promise me three and so you as his only descendant left have an obligation to fulfil my wish. It is this, to have a happy ending, one that will resolve all my problems and leave me free of worries forever. So what do you say?"
"It shall be done but first I have one small favour to ask of you."
"What's that?" Jim asked kindly.
"You have to turn a Aqua Sheep into a Inter-Stellar sheep. There's one over there."
"Jim," said Worm-Man" do you remember how the Super Sheep was changed into an Aqua Sheep?"
"Try looking in the Bible of Secret and Super Weapons" replied Jim.
"But we are trapped inside a forcefield! The bible is in a far distant land generated from a well-known four-letter word, resulting in it being a fiery hell.

Suddenly, the god of Worms appeared, and proceeded to tell them where to find it. "You shall journey to the land of you-know-the-word, and find the Bible of Secret and Super Weapons. To prove yourselves worthy, you must undergo three tests. These tests are as follows: Test 1: Cross through the Minefield of Doom, without being blown to worm soup. Test 2: Fly a jetpack around a tricky landscape while undergoing enemy fire. And Test 3: Enter the Secret Cave, guarded by the Sacred Rabbit."

So Jim went on his way until he reached the minefield of doom. When he came to the start of that test, he was puzzled on how to find a safe route through the minefield. But then he saw a wind-up worm toy stall and that gave him an idea. He would set them up and they would lead him safely through the minefield, blowing up any mines before he came to them.

However, he was low on cash so he made a fake credit card so he could trick them into fake money and then bought the easiest thing to get across with... a jetpack with 200 fuel... how cheap and easy.

So he completed Challenge 1. He also had enough fuel left to complete Challenge 2, and he did. Now, onto Challenge 3. However, he had seen the film "Monty Python & The Holy Grail", and wondered if this rabbit might be one of the breed that can bite your head off if you go anywhere near it. He was very cautious as he approached. Luckily, he had one last Holy Hand Grenade.

"Three is the number that ye shall count, three and only three. Four shall ye not count, nor two except on the way to counting three. Five is right out... etc..." And he threw the Holy-Hand Grenade up. Instantly the rabbit ate the bomb.

He ran for his life. His best weapon had been completely digested by a giant rabbit. Would he make it? Suddenly, he heard a "Hic!" from the rabbit. And another "Hic!" Then, a BOOM!

"Oh, good, I've completed all three challenges," he said. "Now what did I complete them for? Umm..." He suddenly remembered. "Ah yes, the Bible of Secret and Super Weapons."

It stood on a pedestal right in front of him. Light shone down from a hole in the roof of the temple that had suddenly appeared.

He reached into the light, and grabbed the book. Suddenly, a giant worm appeared out of the book in a cloud of smoke.

"I am the Genie of the Book, and I shall grant you three wishes. There are some limitations though..." He proceeded to tell Jim the limitations of being a genie, and then broke into an irritating song. Jim noticed that it sounded suspiciously like Robin Williams, so he decided to make his three wishes and get out of there before the genie's annoying, smarmy, far-too-cheery voice irritated him to death.

Jim smiled and said "I wish that the time-machine had never been invented!". Suddenly he appeared in a cave with all the characters from WS1 & WS2. "Eh? What's going on?" cried Jim. "We're trying to work out how we can get out of the Ice Age as we only had one time-machine so now we're a bit stuck!"

Jim realising he had made a mistake called on the genie to grant him his second wish. This time he wished for his first wish to be annulled. His third wish was for everything to be sorted out and everyone to have a happy ending. And they did.


Written by 

Worm Mad, Paul.Power, wormania, SupSuper, Striker, Worm-Man, FlipNautix, Plutonic, Ireng, manitou, thomasp, svenneundulat and SnipperTheWorm.


Jim was teleported back to his home which had turned into a mansion as a thank you from the authors for providing them all with a lot of fun. There he spent the rest of his life in blissful retirement although he always had time to write his memoirs and autobiography. Occasionally all the authors and characters of the Worm Stories would go with Jim out to restaurants and talk about the crazy adventures that they all had.

Jim kept healthy due to his secret lotion which he claimed granted him eternal life (although he was probably lying) and one day he and his wife (who had been peeved off when Jim had left her to go off on lots of crazy adventures) had a son...who never had any adventures to his father's annoyance. And they all lived happily ever after.

The Wormerprise was used to carry Ireng and the Cyberworms squad back to his planet. Then they gave it as a gift to Jim for saving the Universe. The Wormerprise was sold to a Pizza Delivery in exchange for 2 free pizzas per-week. And the pizzas were delivered in the Wormerprise. After Jim passed away -cuz the lotion was lying, it only made Jim to live a week more-, his remains were put inside the Spaceship, and the Womerprise, the spaceship in which Worms Story 3 took place, with Jim, his owner, were delivered to the eternity of Space...

Some Worms say that in the nights of full Pizza (usually called "Nights of full Moon"), you can see a light which constantly crosses the sky. Some people even say that the light is no one but Jim, searching for the Lotion to destroy it with the help of the HHG...

Yipee Two-Face was accidentally squished by a falling piece of land, being the first piece of land to fall due to an odd gravitational discrepancy caused by a freak wormhole appearing in that very spot, which also caused a group of elderly salami to appear on a high-rised building seven miles away.

But the worm parts were too squished into the land to be taken off the rock, so they decided what they would do over some good free salami a man 6-7 miles away gave them. The conclusion was they take the rock into the Wormerprise and leave it there for good, so the worm's remnants can still be seen today at the Wormerprise.

Note: Find out what really happened to Yipee in the “Other Worm Story Stuff” section of this site and read his further adventures in the “Worm Stories Y-I to Y-III” section.

SnipperTheWorm was lost in space forever after an accidental problem with going somewhere. He never did turn up to see Jim and never was stuck in another age at the end, because he had floated away. 14 years after Jim's death, he was found by one of Paul. Power's Super Sheep and was then returned to land.

He faced the facts of when he had been away, and then he decided to build my own spaceship. He now goes around the worlds discovering new races, and greatly helping lots of scientific experiments. About 200 years later he went away from this world and discovered a new life. Technically speaking, he died.

Paul.Power - After the success of the Worms Stories, Paul.Power somehow netted a lucrative publishing deal to write more wormy fiction. After fifteen years, he decided he did not enjoy what he was doing and, retiring on his wealth, got a job lecturing in ballistics at Wormiversity and researching into new and interesting weapon technologies.

He formed a research partnership with the newly rescued SnipperTheWorm, until Snipper went back into space. After a long and happy life doing eccentric stuff, in which he contributed greatly to both worm welfare and warfare, he died, donating his weapons and organs. After all, what goes around comes around...

Worm Mad became the royal taster for King Wormserton the Second and now had an official excuse for eating everything in sight. He also turned up to all of Jim's parties and also did some DNA testing on Yipee Two-Face's remains only to find that it was not the remains of a worm at all but a life-size blow up worm. Yipee Two-Face's whereabouts remain unknown although WM claims he has a good idea where he is.

Lt. Ireng - After he landed in his planet with the Wormerprise, Ireng and his CyberWorm team went on many incursions into the Indian Worm’s territory (from Worm Story 3.5, the Indians who were immune to the HHG). After the peace was established, Ireng decided to train highly developed skunks into the battlefield.

A few years later, he exchanged his machine parts for a ticket to Earth, where he tested many of Paul.Power’s inventions, like the PSM (Poison-Spitting Mole). In his last mission, "Super Sheep to the rescue!", he used the sheep to kill himself and his enemy, saving his comrades and the Worm’s HQ.

FlipNautix went on to become a bomb specialist after his disappointment with the banana bomb tactic. He soon worked for the Wormculear Agency and became the head of the W.I.A. (Worms Intelligence Agency).

He would often visit Paul.Power at Wormiversity and share potential weapon designs and blueprints for extra examination before presenting the prototype to the military. He offered a partnership with his progress with Paul.Power in weaponry development and continued his work in his lab in the country.

Wikavroom waited for the rest of his life for Jim to return and ended up dying of boredom. This ended the Wika family whose proud tree heritage had dated back to Prehistoric times when Wi and ka (two trees with medicinal properties) united their families resulting in the long line of magical Wika trees which played a small role in the Worm Stories. A short history of the Wika family can not be purchased from all good book shops, priced £1232434.

manitou - After causing numerous temporal paradoxes and becoming thoroughly confused by time travel and its consequences, he said "**** it", quit time travel and went on to become a highly successful computer programmer. His successful games included Attack of The Killer Sausage Balloon and Return of the Killer Sausage Balloon: I Told You So!.

After becoming mega rich and buying Bill Gates mansion, he got bored with his riches and shot off into the jungle in search of adventure, and more time paradoxes. He discovered the genie, too, and kept the book just in case he ever felt like starting another Worms Story.

Striker was finally rescued after the battle (he was tied up in a chair the whole time) and after that he lived his usual life in the army and talked to Paul.Power, Worm Mad and FlipNautix about those days, he is still trying to keep the light side ruling above the darkside to this very day.

Nutter - current whereabouts unknown, but he's probably taking some time out after having been blasted into space, nearly being shot a few times, frozen in a block of ice, and generally being knocked about a bit.

Boggy B - after the odd cameo in some of the earlier stories, Boggy B went off to war, and continued fighting until "his tail was split and his energy lost" in Wormsong '97.

The Time Machines... well, the XP version self destructed and the Linux version is still hanging around in 2003, doing sod all.



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