Worm Story X


Introduction by Worm Mad


Worm Story X was a perhaps misguided attempt of mine to give the Worm Stories one last go. The first time it was started it collapsed into chaos, the second it almost did. The story is okay but is perhaps the worst of the worm stories. Give it a read anyway and see what you think. It concentrates on the authors rather than Yipee, Jim, etc.


Part One

Chapter One


Worm Mad was sitting at his computer, bored. Nothing had been the same since he had been kicked out of the Worm Story universe. Nothing exciting had happened.


Just then, however, as he was posting yet another thread on the T17 Forum, something happened. A worm's face, scarred and withered with age appeared and obscured what he was writing. The face spoke three words, "Help us all". Then it vanished.


Shocked from what he had just seen, Worm Mad contacted the other authors of the Worm Stories via e-mail. He then waited for a reply and while he was waiting - prayed that Jim was alright.


Meanwhile, Paul.Power was busy updating his site when...


*I may as well add my bit here*


Yes, Paul.Power was, on one of those rare occasions, updating his site. He had just finished updating, and had typed in the M:W web address so he could stare proudly at his update.


However, instead of the familar M:W colour scheme, a simple text file appeared on screen. It read:


Oi, Paul.Power! Get over to the Worms Universe right now, we need you and the other authors' help!


"Hmm, refreshingly direct," said Paul.Power. He saved the file, and attatched it to an e-mail which he sent to Worm Mad et al.


Worm Mad decides to check his e-mail to see if anyone has replied to his e-mail. "Hmmm, two messages" he thinks then checks them out....


Message #1: From: Paul.Power: 'This strange text file just appeared on my computer - I think it may be related to the Worm Stories.'


Worm Mad reads the attachment and is all the more sure that the worms from the Worm Story universe need the author's help. Then he looks at the second e-mail.


Message #2: From: ?*%$: If you need to get back, simply follow the cats...


"O...kay" thinks Worm Mad to himself then noticing a cat walking out of his back door, decides to follow it.


Meanwhile at star worms' house, he received a message, it said "Help us all," he thought to himself what that meant when another message came up on the screen, it said "oh, so you're confused, well it means help me, from Jim," then another appeared which said "hey, look at this animation," then another appeared which said "oh, sorry wrong address,"


Elsewhere, the cat lead Worm Mad into a strange time portal and he appeared next to Zipface. 

"Wait, I thought that donkey killed you?" exclaimed Worm Mad.

"Not quite," smirked Zipface "but sometimes I wish it had. Bwahahahahaha!"

"Why did you call us here?" asked Worm Mad.

"I didn't. I haven't left this restaurant for years. I don't know what's going on out there. I hear things though." laughed Zipface.

"What kind of things?" pondered Worm Mad.

Zipface looked at him and said "things, yes, things, hahahaha (evil laugh)" and ran off

meanwhile, back at star worms' house, a vortex appeared in his Worms 2 CD and was sucked into it to find himself with Worm Mad and Zipface.

"Hmmm..." thought Worm Mad "I wonder who will come through the portal next?"

His question was soon answered as Striker FLEW threw the portal and landed hard, nearly breaking his knees(well, us authors are really humans aren't we?*)"OWWWW!I just inserted my wwp cd when it sucked me inside of it!"(striker peers around looking at the other authors..) but just then the cat who was followed by Worm mad came through the portal.


But he was three times larger and was carrying Zero Worm on his back. "What the...?" began Worm Mad. "Guess we hit a plot hole on the way," explained Zero. "What's going on...? There I was, innocently playing Gundam Battle Assault 2, when suddenly...aw, sod it. Where am I?"


And then Squirminator2k was there, for no particular reason whatsoever, much to the annoyance and anger of the other people who actually sat down and READ the story rather than try to speed-read it at 11:12pm at night.


"What the Hell is going on?" asked S-2k. "One minute I'm sitting there playing Lemmings and..."


"Lemmings...?" said Zero72, a look of conviction upon his face.


"Er...how about Cannon Fodder?"


"Suppose so. Go on..."


"...anyway, then a Lemming...uh, I mean soldier said, 'Come with me if you want to live.' A vortex sucked me in and..."


"Hold it right there," said Worm Mad. "Your part is getting way too big. Plus you're not supposed to be able to control what other forum members are saying! It's rude and downright annoying!"


"Sorry, replied S-2k. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could utter a word he was interrupted.


SupSuper is browsing his mail account, and taking care of the usual tasks.


"want more $$$"... Delete

"a new game"... Delete

"free XXX just for you"... Delete

"our webcam"... Delete

"STFU Newsletter Nov 20"... Delete

"new website"... Delete

" "help us!" text file"... Del... hey, wait a minute. the sender is Paul.Power. I better read it.


But just when SupSuper pressed the link to that mail message, his screen went black and the following message showed up: "HELP US!!!". then "FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT". (I made a gif animation of it just for you guys. boy, am I in a flash-mood today)

SupSuper looks out his window and sees a truck stop in front of his house with the words "White Rabbit Productions" and a white rabbit as a logo.

SupSuper leaves the house and gets in the truck. the driver is a non-relevant worm that takes him to a vortex portal, and crashes the truck against a lamp post right after driving into the portal.


While talking to other forum members on MSN received the email and opened it. A voice came out saying "help us" many times, then, it vanished, and the monitor screen turned to something like water, a water screen, he touched it, and then looked inside, when he opened his eyes, something was pushing him, a strange force. When he finished his "trip", he landed over many others.


Elsewhere, Squirmiantor2k finds a small wooden box. He opens it to discover that...


It's Empty.


"Wow," thought S-2k. "I really know how to keep these stories flowing."


Then Pickleworm got sucked through.


"Just my luck, and I have four aces this time too. figures."


Pickleworm threw the Ace of spades, it landed in the "Empty" wooden box, and S-2k picked up the cards and turned to face Pickleworm.


"So, what, now you're using my plotholes against me?" he asked in a slightly demanding voice. "I'm only here for fun. i care not for the story!"


Suddenly the walls cracked down and a piano falls right on top of star worms, "just my luck" he said


*A while ago*

Dim Worm, who was almost forgotten, saw the others running and started following them, he escaped, with a few hurts on his left arm. He was seeing only a face of the others, so he started running and saw the piano, as he approached the others.


star worms crawled out from beneath the piano, bruised and battered. Then through the vortex came SSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPLLLLLL




Stapleman, stapleman,

staple this and that he can,

stapleman, stapleman,

he likes mutton, he likes lamb,

stapleman stapleman,

can he fix it? yes he can!



"OH SHUT UP!" Said Pickleworm and stapleman fixed the piano...sort of...for some very peculiar reason, then left And then a worm came out of the piano, he seemed to be a wizard, magician. He said "WE NEED HELP!"

"Okay," said Striker “What do you need help with though for the last damn time!?"


the magician replied "we need help so we can kill the people who have destroyed this place". Star worms said "who did it", the magician replied "it was...". He was shot by a worm up on a cliff and everyone ran after him Worm Mad tried to get some sense out of one of the locals. "What's going on? Why can't anybody write a decent story nowadays?" he asked to which the worm replied "You must go to Castle Terror atop of Mount Evil to find the answers you seek..."


So Worm Mad and a bunch of authors of sound mind set out on towards Mount Evil. It would be a long trip but the authors were ready for it.


The first thing that the authors came across on their way to the mountain was an old worm, who warned the authors of terrible things in Castle Terror, but the authors could only leave the place when peace was resumed, so they cautiously approached the castle, when suddenly STAPLEMAN???

Stapleman, stapleman..

"OH SHUT UP!" Said everyone in unison.

So Stapleman then proceeded to staple them to the trees, but the staples weren't strong enough. So star worms kicked Stapleman off mount evil, into the moat.


They tried to enter the castle, the gate opened arose about a meter from the ground, and suddenly the rope( a large, very large rope)attached to it crushed and they got themselves unable to enter the castle. While they were pondering how to get into the castle, Paul.Power turned up.

"Sorry I'm late, lads, I had to change plotholes at Crewe."
He looked up at Castle Terror. "Hmm. Probably the easiest way to get in there would be to..”

“..Blast the door open with a stick of dynamite" interrupted Star Worms. So, he took a stick of dynamite out, and placed it by the door, lit it, and ran. The drawbridge opened and the authors cautiously walked in and met a trap door...err, floor, which they fell through they felt weird as they fell, they blacked out for some reason, but when they came too, they realized they had been turned into worms!!!

A voice boomed from a nearby speaker "welcome to worm castle, where EVERY LIVING THING gets turned into a worm!!!!"

"I was a Worm to begin with," offered Zero. Everybody jumped. Yes, Zero Worm had been there behind them the whole time. "Sorry," he explained, "I kept falling into that damn hole while I was trying to get all the energy crystals out of the factory."


"and where the hell do we get a shrubbery? what is a shrubbery, anyways???" - said SupSuper.

"AAAAAA... YOU FIND OUT, YOU WORTHLESS SLIMES! *ominous thunder is played* NOW GO, AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" - boomed the voice again

Star Worms replied "but we've just fallen into a trap, ther isn't a way out."... The mysterious voice said "now you do" and all the authors fell through another trap door to find them in the cellar of the castle. "Shrubbery, eh?" said Worm Mad for no apparent reason.

All of a sudden, a ghost appeared. "I am the ghost of Christmas Past!" it cried. The authors said "yes..., we believe you" (sarcastically)
Star Worms took the cable from the socket connecting it to a projector and turned the speakers off, and the authors carried on.

While in the cellar, the currently worms authors were trying to find out what's a shrubbery when Dim Worm said: "maybe some kinda wine", and the others quickly replied: "He has a lot of wine here", "but that's it, he may be looking another kind of wine, and it may be lost by the castle".
A strange noise took apart of the cellar, they soon realized that it was Star Worms, saying that a shrubbery is a type of plant.

Worm Mad suddenly found a plant growing on an old chest. "Hey I've found the shrubbery, guys!" he yelled and the other authors came running. "Great! Let's grab it and get going!" said Dim Worm. "I wanna see what's in the chest first" grinned Worm Mad and opened it.

The chest was virtually empty apart from a card. Worm Mad looked it and muttered "Hmmm, "Wandering Monster", isn't that a card from "Hero Quest" that makes a monster come after you?"

Suddenly a skeleton warrior jumped out on them and attacked with a ferocious scythe. Worm Mad grabbed the shrubbery and ran while the others tried to hold the skeleton, so Worm Mad could have got out of there. But the skeleton wasn't like a material thing, it was like ghost, attacking when he needed, avoiding other attacks. He threw his scythe, and it hit Worm Mad, who let the shrubbery fall in a hole.

Striker took out his drill and dug a wider hole so they could reach it, he got it, and also a paper with writing on the floor, it said "In order to bring me the shrubbery, you must get to the top of this 50 story castle! And Wait, there’s more, every floor has 2 traps that test skill, and 1 Boss demon! You must get past the traps and defeat the demon! After you do that a staircase will appear that leads to the next floor!!! You are currently in B2(Basement level 2)and your fighting a skeleton warrior that’s the boss! Defeat him, and you go to B1.also,im sorry, but teleports don't work in this castle!!!”

So, it looked like the authors were in for a long journey. After a while they had managed to get back on to the ground floor. Then Star Worms had an idea. And he ninja roped up to the highest window, and jumped in, the other authors followed. But they found themselves to be on floor 45, another 10 traps to go.

The castle boss said "NO CHEATING" and a trap door opened underneath all the authors and they fell to basement 2 again, with the skeleton ghost boss waiting to fight them but with two others. They were talking about shoes and nail polish while getting a manicure by a fourth.

"Oh! They're back!" They said, as Zero appeared from practically nowhere again and lopped two of their heads off with his Z-Saber. "KILL BREAK DEATH DIE!" he yelled as he randomly chopped off an arm. But they came right back. Being warriors of the undead, it was going to take something more than a mere decapitation to bring them down.

The warriors were hit, were losing bones, and they were coming back. That appeared to be endless. "We need to immobilize them, put them where they can't escape", said Dim Worm. Soon they realized what in that same room could help them. Star Worms took out his lightsaber. He viciously chopped off bones and then, by using the force, pushed the evil undead creatures into a trap door and used a Jedi mind trick on them to keep them there. The authors walked up the stairs to floor 1.

There were no traps on this one except some humbling beast that looked remarkably like a squirrel, but 10 times the height. It charged at the authors, who all darted out of the way into the corners of the room, then it charged at Zero72, Worm Mad, and Star Worms, who had all darted into the same corner, then Zero suddenly sprung up yelling "RYUENJIN!" The blade of the Z-saber turned to pure, intense flame. It hit the squirrel and set it ablaze! It started careening around in circles making angry squirrel noises. Zero starts moving towards the next door, waving for the others to follow.

They made it to the ground floor, eventually. The authors cautiously walked up the stairs and looked around, to see a very perplexed Squirminator2k holding a wooden box.

"Hey, erm," he managed to utter. "Where did I go? I mean, I was there earlier but I kinda got written out."

The others looked around, confused as to whether or not S-2k deserved to be included in the plotline.

"By the way," added S-2k. "Along this next bit are a series of complex traps, not too dissimilar from those seen in Egyptian Tombs. You lot have seen 'The Mummy,' right?"

Once again, the others looked at each other. This time their looks were of worry and, in the case of star Worms, the sense of embarrassment that usually accompanies a suddenly full pair of underpants.

"The first trap is a panel with two symbols on it. If you press the right one, the wall moves and you can leave. Press the wrong one.....and, well, you know. So, who wants to go first?"

Who among them was brave enough to step forward? None other than Paul.Power, who proceeded to find a very long stick. He pressed one of the buttons with said stick. A big hole opened up where he would have been standing had he not used said stick. He shrugged.

"Eeh, these trap-builders, they forget about big sticks."

He pressed the right one, and they carried on to the second trap. This one was 'name that tune'. The tune played like so - der der da der der der da da der der da der da der da der da der da der da derrr - "Oh I know!" exclaimed Worm Mad "It's the Simpsons theme tune!"

Some spikes popped out of the wall and impaled Worm Mad or they would have done had he not been wearing a spike-proof vest. "These dungeon builders don't seem too bright" thought Worm Mad and the group carried on to Walk across the pool of pickle juice!

"Oh no!" Said an extra who was being paid three dollars an hour "Pickle juice drowns worms!"

Never fear!
Pickleworm appeared.
"Everyone get on my back! I'll carry your across!"
When Zero got on, who was the smallest and lightest...


"AH! MY BACK!"" Said Pickleworm who then rolled into the pickle juice and drowned.

"Anyone here know CPR?" asked Paul.Power.
"Um, I do," said the extra.
The extra performed CPR on Pickleworm, bringing him back to life.

"Okay, the Get Across On Pickleworm's Back suggestion didn't work." Paul.Power said. "Any other ideas?"                          "Well we do have these Prototype Jetpacks from 1954 but I don't think they work." said the extra.                                  "What did you say?" said Worm Mad who was already on the other side of the pool”                                                             "How did you get across?" queried Paul.Power.
"I used the bridge" said Worm Mad pointing a large stone bridge.

They all went across the bridge which then collapsed. However, the extra had been left on the other side so the other authors told him to Hold his breath and give it his best. Instead, he just used his ninja rope, much to the annoyance of the authors who had failed to think of this for themselves.

Then, cautiously, they moved to the next floor. This one was old, and a bit creepy, with many webs. On a table there was a book, an old book, with a light yellow colour due to time. Worm Mad said: "Hey! There are many pics here. And this looks like a dictionary, or something like it...". "Wow! Let me see" said Dim Worm."...
Shrivel... no
Shroud... no
Shrub... no
Shruberry²... ?!?
Shruberry³... ?!?
"What's going on here?" he started to say, but at that moment.

"We represent, the lollipop kids, the lollipop kids, the lollipop kids..."
"MUNCHKINS!" Said Pickleworm as he took out this huge rocket launcher/bazooka
"Where did you get that?" said Worm Mad
"Cracker Jack box!" Said Pickleworm, who then split in to two half sized mini pickleworms for apparently no reason.

S-2k, who had managed to stick with the group despite no mentioning of him whatsoever, approached the two Pickleworms and ate one of them once again proving that he has no discernable effect on the storyline other than turning up and ruining it.
"That was dumb," said the tiny Pickleworm.
"IN theory," replied S-2k. "But look at it this way - at least we can tell the two of you apart. You're the one who's NOT being digested."
"I hate to interrupt, guys," interrupted Worm Mad (with a grin on his face), "But there's a giant Octoworm standing right in front of us and we're armed only with a book containing definitions of a select few 'S' words and a ninja rope."
"Ah," said S-2k. "Nice knowing you, it's been fun. Really."

It became all too apparent that the only way they were going to get out of this random plot anomaly was to go back to the drawing board. So the authors went to the magical drawing board and planned a scheme to get rid of the Octoworm. Then they returned.

By the time that they had come back, the Octoworm had died due to lack of water. Having a good laugh over the unfortunate creature's demise, the authors walked into the next room and into a room that looked like to be a maze, and the walls were about half of the room height, and it could be easy for a normal height person to see over it. The authors decided to lift Pickleworm(who was light enough) to see the way. When he reached a little above the wall, he took a shock, a purple energy emanated out of it and Pickleworm went directly to the ground, creating a small Pickleworm's shape on the stone floor.
"Now what do we do?"                                                                                                                                                           “Well, I guess we have to go through the maze without coming to a dead end” said Star Worms

Paul.Power pulled out his trusty bottle of Johnson's Baby Lotion and started laying a trail of it along the ground. Immediately it burst into flame.
"How about this for a trailblazer?" he asked. The others groaned deeply, but followed him into the maze. Star Worms led the group in, with his lightsabre alight. He hacked at the walls of the maze, but they were just energy shields covered by an illusion. The authors walked carefully, knowing they hadn't yet stumbled upon the traps

Anyway, eventually they got to the centre of the maze where the Minotaur was waiting.
"Hi guys you remember me from those ancient Greek myths, right?" grinned the Minotaur. Some of the authors nodded. "Well, who wants to fight me?" asked the Minotaur. The authors pointed to each other at random.
Eventually the extra stepped forward and proclaimed "I shall fight you!". The Minotaur looked at the extra and said "You!, you, hahahaha. I'll take you all on at once!" Star Worms and Zero72 stepped forwards with their sabres blazing. The other authors found things like branches from trees to attack it with. The battle began. Star Worms jumped up and slashed the Minotaur's horn off. Then Zero72 also jumped up and slashed the other off. Then they both jumped forwards and slashed his weapon, it fell apart. The other authors charged at them. Some with lit branches. They proceeded to beat the Minotaur. He was now lying on the floor and Star Worms and Zero72 did the honours of stabbing the Minotaur to death.

"Ahhh!!! Please stoooop!!! I can Help you!!!". Suddenly, all the authors looked to the Minotaur. "How can You help us?", said Zero 72,"You tried to kill us and now you wanna help??",                                                                                  "y...e...e...es......look...",                                                                                                                                                           All the walls disappeared, showing the way to the next floor(3rd floor, I’m sure)."Jus...let...me...live". And the Authors carried on.

The authors arrived on the first floor in a room filled with bizarre gadgets. "I wonder what this does?" said Paul.Power as he bent to pick one up, observed it "oh, a pencil, oh and it's a holographic one, ooh, must keep this!" Then he reached for another one, he picked it up, and a gigantic monster appeared in front of them, it looked like an over-grown Miniature Giant Space Hamster called Boo. "Oh, err, sorry I scared you, guys. Didn't mean to. I've been locked in this level for ages. Could you let me out?”

Star Worms said "we would if we could but we cant get out ourselves until we get to the 50th floor of this castle." The hamster replied "oh, I know of most of the traps up until floor 15" So the hamster united with the authors, hiding in Star Worms' pocket. "Here... Use the holographic pen in corridors like this one, most of them have traps, like here... see? If you walk over that button...","What button??", "That one", said Boo pointing to it, "Wow, that IS small, we would never see it", "So... let's go...".They went, but the corridor was so small that they tumbled on themselves and a mob of them fell over the button. Happily, they all escaped, the arrows crossed over them.

"They really know how to make these traps" Star Worms added sarcastically. The hamster commented on all the traps on this level as there were more than usual. he said "there's an infra-red beam there at knee height, it detects heat change so go quickly and high over it, but below the one above at neck height. But Star Worms being clumsy forget to tie his shoe up, and he tripped and stumbled over both of the beams and something appeared in front of him, it was a piece of paper which read "Don't trust the hamster known as Boo" and was signed Jim. "Hmmm... the plot thickens!" remarked Star Worms as he handed it among the other authors.

Worm Mad grabbed the hamster and threw it out of the window. There was a scream then a squelch.
"He was getting annoying and we can solve these traps ourselves." explained Worm Mad.

The authors found themselves on yet another floor. They were in a dark empty room with some stairs leading upwards. They were about to walk up the stairs when they heard some load groans.

Behind the stairs they found a gagged and tied Wahoo Two-Face. They untied and ungagged him and he thanked them before revealing to them that…                                                                                                                                                         
All of a sudden everyone heard a large AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! OOF! Was heard. It was batman! "what’s with this crap? I’ve been turned into a worm" said batman. " I was just playing video games when I heard this big booming voice coming from some castle, so I left my house to see who was making so much bloody noise and then I fell and blacked out, now I’m here"

Meanwhile, Paul.Power said, "You know, those giant hamsters remind me of a book I read recently... oh, never mind. Could someone find me a giant frozen lake so I can deal with these hamsters please? I love hamsters, really, but we have to deal with these giant ones..." after batman was filled in on the details they focused their attention on the Wahoo two face. he said "I know a secret passage out of this stupid basement and if you follow me you will be out in seconds" just then a bolt of lightning struck him dead. then a voice said "didn’t you hear me before? I said NO CHEATING!" then the group decided to move on until they met a room with... Elsewhere, in places the other Authors would find themselves later...

It was ludicrously dark. so dark you couldn't see the end of your nose if you tried. The fact that worms don't have noses made this exceptionally harder for S-2k who found himself in this oblivion of nothingness.
In his mind he toyed with the notion that he was dead. But the fact that he was mechanical meant that if he had indeed been destroyed in the blast he would not be able to perceive anything "beyond". Still, they say everything has a soul...
He waved his hands around in the fashion of a blind person, hoping to feel something solid and, hopefully, not particular pointy or evil. He found a cord hanging from what he assumed was the ceiling, and so pulled on it. The room suddenly filled with light and he found himself near a small Squirminator2k-shaped hole in the floor. Great, thought S-2k. What now?
The room was filled with all sorts of items of value. But it had to be a trap. Why else would it be here? Besides, he had seen both Disney's Aladdin AND Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and he wasn't about to take any chances.

Meanwhile, elsewhere... Star Worms had just walked into a room just to the side of that one, he was in a mirror maze and one step wrong and zero72, Paul.power and Striker would fall down to the basement, so they had to act carefully... ..Worm Mad had managed to revive Wahoo but he'd lost his memory so wouldn't be of any help to them. Still he followed them regardless.
                                                                                                                                                                                           All of a sudden in the Treasury, S-2k sat on his hands, resisting the urge to steal a item that could potentially get him killed.
The temptation was too great, however, and he reached out to pick up an gold statuette of "The Great and honoured Spadge". Suddenly the room began to fill with sand. S-2k and the other authors with him waded through the knee high sand, which was rapidly rising.                                                                                                                                                                     

Meanwhile in the mirror maze, Star Worms was getting confused, he didn't know which way to go, then he had an idea, he decided to... ...Paint over the mirrors, trying not to get confused. But as happened before on the other maze, the paint burst into flame, but this time, turning the mirrors into glass, they started spraying around everywhere. When they've finished, they found themselves separated on the maze, They regrouped and tried to find the others or either a stair leading to the next floor. But..."There's no exit from here!!" exclaimed Star Worms... get out his laser pointer. "this might help" he thought. he pointed it at one of the mirrors and turned it on. VOILA! the beam made a path to the exit. so he followed the beam, he and the others could now get onto floor 4.                                                                                                                                                                                    

Meanwhile, the sand level was rising... but it stopped abruptly. The authors' eyes darted around, knowing that the sudden disarming of a trap for no reason was more likely to be a bad sign than a good one. The door to the next floor also slammed shut before them. They readied their weapons of choice, expecting the next boss.

Suddenly, evil robot grasshoppers dropped from the ceiling! Zero and Star Worms, who seem to have developed a weird tendency to act simultaneously, both turn and cleave through the torsos of a pair of them, spilling parts and oil across the floor. "Robots are fun," observed Zero, "you can hack them to bits without feeling bad for killing something!" 8 of the grasshopper-bots remained... and batman got out his utility belt and pulled out his Mecha Grasshopper Demobilizer. he used it sending an invisible wave throughout the room. Unfortunately he had it configured wrong and it only worked on one grasshopper! "crappy Microsoft XP incompatibility issues, I pay bill gates for software that screws up my tools, that’s rich" grumbled batman. meanwhile the others started to... proceed to the fourth floor, the first trap that awaited them there were....evil clones of themselves! Only they had some of the most advanced weaponry available at this time!!!...

"Hey, what does your bottle of Johnson's Baby Lotion do?" Paul.Power asked his evil clone.
"It freezes things," replied the clone.
"Does it? Interesting... hey look! Over there! A pair of giant mice!"
While the evil clone was distracted, Paul.Power shoulder charged him, grabbing the new brand of JBL.

"Hmm... now I have two types!" he said... Dim Worm was equipped with a bass. His clone had a bass with an incorporated amplifier. "I suppose you can play fast...Try this: G-20h21h22- (X15) in 10 seconds". He started playing, but his mechanicals were not supposed to do that. His left hand fell down, and his right one exploded, throwing the bass on air. Dim Worm jumped and got it right before it could reach the ground. "Phew... close one"...

Zero arrived at the 4th floor splattered with the fluids of the grasshopper-drones, only to be confronted by an evil clone of himself. "Ah... Now this ought to be entertaining," he commented as he charged to the attack. They locked sabres dramatically much like the real Zero had done with the Colonel in Mega Man X4. Come to think of it, the same music started playing from nowhere, too.

But then, as it turns out, the good Zero whirled around and lopped the evil clone Zero clean in half. The evil Zero had grown used to the overly-dramatic style of battle and was completely unprepared for an anticlimactic finish. Zero started moving for the next floor.

Meanwhile... Lawd was heading towards the castle, In his Flyer form (I'm a more advanced version of S-2k, I have a digger(a giant drill), a Normal, and a flyer(Jet wings with missiles come out of my back) form) Praying he wasn't too late, he had to enter cyberspace Manually, since the only version of worms he owned was worms 2, and it wasn't working...

Worm Mad found that his evil clone (Worm Bad) was in a massive robot. Luckily for Worm Mad, his clone wasn't too bright and when he asked it if he could borrow the robot for a moment, Bad readily complied.
Using his new giant robot, Worm Mad picked Worm Bad up and tossed him out of the window. He then proceeded to the next floor. However... striker's evil clone started shooting random shots at the authors...the real striker said "why do you do that?" once he had some cover ,the clone said" I dunno, just want too" "well I guess that was a stupid question...I know a perfectly to defeat these clones, i will drive them insane with stupid sayings! "Striker then proceeded to say "i like cheese...do you like stuff? do you hate thing? do you hate things that are on stuff though like stuff that is on things? did you know stuff thinged the things inside the stuff? also thing went to stuff to stuff the stuffy stuff inside the thingy thing until it become thinged and stuffed."*the clones instantly started going insane, like laughing for no reason, and not doing anything in particular that is harmful at the moment.....

...Star Worms and his evil clone had a long, tense lightsaber battle. But managed to scrape through by force jumping over the evil clone and stabbing him through his back... -2k smashed through a wall, sand clogging his circuits. Unable to speak any English whatsoever, he could only speak in binary.
"0110101001001001?" he asked.
"Dunno," replied Worm Mad. "But I think we're not the only ones with evil clones."

At that moment the S-1000 smashed through the other wall. He grinned evilly and turned his left hand into a long, sharp double-edged sword. S-2k retaliated by pulling out a stumpy wooden stick.
"Let's rock," he said before charging at his duplicate... Worm Mad got onto the next floor and to his horror beheld that it consisted on jumping a number of annoyingly placed platforms.

"WHEN WILL THIS NIGHTMARE END?" he cried. All of a sudden some bearded bloke appeared and said "Did you say Knightmare, traveller?". "No..." said Worm Mad and the man disappeared. Just then batman pulled out his grappling hook and shot it up to the top platform, then pressed the "retract" button and pulled himself up. The rest of the authors said "you idiot! why didn’t you take us with you?" "whoops!" said batman "oh well that’s what you get for leaving me out of the big clone fight scene" then the authors decided to
follow him with their own ninja ropes. I mean, come on, who leaves home without ninja ropes?

"This is nuts," said Zero once they had gotten to the other side. "It could take a freakin’ week to get through here! And we still don't even really know why we're here!... Do we? I was playing Mega Man Zero, so I might've missed something. Meanwhile at the top floor of the castle where Wormly is waiting. A small and dumb worm enters a large room filled with computers, terminals, and levers. "Argh!", says Wormly, banging the computer screen. "They're advancing too fast for my liking! Kris!" "Yes, master?" replied the small worm. Wormly smashed in the screen displaying the level the worms were currently on and said, "Commission Operation Blast-Off!"
"Right away!" he said with a slight laugh and left the room.

We now rejoin our heroes...
S-2k clumsily forgot his Ninja Rope. However thanks to the marvellous technology developed by PieNET (The Friends of the Future of Tomorrow, Today!) he was able to produce a batrope from his HeadHatch and flung himself across the platforms.
The next challenge was not going to be so easy, for it was non other than...

DEAR GOD! Enduring a 2 hour Stand-up show of Mark Llmarr!!
As everyone watched in horror as mark droned on batman said "this guy suck crap!" and shot him with his.. uhh.. batgun.
so him and the other authors decided to get going to...the like totally next floor, man! "NO CHEATING!" And Mark was back up and the authors sat down to watch, out of nowhere, Pickleworm came, eating popcorn and jawbreakers.

"Where'd you find that?" Asked Star Worms
"Under that box over there. With the word "Poison" written above it. Want some?" replied Pickleworm
"N-n-n-n-n-n-nooo t-t-t-thanks!" muttered Star Worms. Worm Mad who had got bored had found a new button inside his robo-suit. "Hmmm.... 'Warp', I wonder what this does?" he mumbled then pressed the button.

Chapter Two

Wherever Worm Mad was it was dark. His head throbbed and he had the distinct impression that someone or something was watching him from within the darkness. He sat perfectly still and hoped the others would turn upto wherever he was sooner or later.

Elsewhere... Zero had just finished beating Mega Man Zero for the second time, and decided he was going to give a go at Hard mode. Maybe it'd have a different ending or something. Before he got past the intro stage, however, an idea jumped into his head. He shut off the GBA and got the attention of the other authors. "Hey," he said, "Who's to say we can't just kill the guy?" "We already tried that," seethed Batman. "Damn, never mind," Zero replied before going back to his game. Then Dim Worm realized. Worm Mad wasn't there anymore. But the show was pretty boring, and he fell asleep, like the others, except for Zero 72, playing his Mega Man Zero. The show finished, but zero continued playing for hours, until he said "wow, enough for now". He soon realized the others were sleeping, and attempted to wake them up. He was not successful...

Meanwhile Worm Mad was getting restless, deciding that he was not going to be rescued he decided to try and find a light switch.  Fumbling around he located one and switched it on. He could see a door and carefully made his way towards it. "Going Somewhere, 'Mad'?" asked a voice from behind him. He turned around, and screamed.

While this was going on... ... Paul.Power was considering the possibility of dropping a Concrete Donkey that he had found onto the tower, then climbing up the hole left by it.
"After all, it wouldn't be cheating - we'd have defeated all the enemies by dint of the Donkey."
"But wouldn't it kill us as well?" asked someone else.                                                                                                                   
"Ah... good point... oh well..."

Worm Mad stared at the tree. It was a tree with eyes, arms and a big nasty grin on its face.
"Witroll, at your service" grinned the tree.
"But the Wika family is finished. They all died out." exclaimed Worm Mad.
"Yes, they did. Such a shame. I however am still a descendant of the original 'Wi' as the tree had a brief liaison with the giant Venus fly trap known as 'Tro'. This was kept secret but the 'Witro' family has long been waiting for the day it can take this land for itself and now I, Witroll, have done so for my ancestors." replied Witroll.
"Well, I'll be off then. Good luck" began Worm Mad and ran for the door.
The next thing he knew he was the size of an amoeba and was stuck in a jar with Wormler and Wormly. While Worm Mad interrogated the two worms, elsewhere... the tree yelled "muahahaha! you thought you could get away that easily now that you know my story? I will leave you trapped in here forever! now I will take over this land and nothing will stop me. muahahah...*cough* *cough*... *cough* *cough*...oh, I gotta stop this laughing business."
Worm Mad decided to start interrogating the two worms, since he had nothing else to do…
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Just then the batteries on Zero 72's GBA had died. "Noooo!", he yelled as he instantly fell asleep.

Is this the end for our heroes? Find out next time on... THE REAL WORMS STORY X!!!! *echo,echo,echo*                                  

Worm Mad managed to escape the jar using his robo-suit which had also been miniaturised and got out of the room through a mouse hole. He waited there until... meanwhile everyone was sleeping until batman fell over and the floor hit a button on his belt which activated the overly loud siren-o-matic. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH I swear she wasn’t my sister!" screamed batman as he was startled awake. "ewww" said zero. "I don’t know why I ever had this crappy siren installed" said batman. "hey wait that stupid guy is gone! we can advance!"                                                                                                                  "why did you say I swear she wasn’t my sister?" said zero                                                                                                   "IIIIII eeeeeeeerrrrrr uuuuuuuuhhhh hey look there is some stairs!" said batman and they all headed up them... ...to find S-2k, who hadn't been around for a while.

"Erm," said Batman, "How did you get up here."
"I took the elevator," replied S-2k. "You guys been using the STAIRS this whole time?"
The other authors looked about themselves embarrassed.
"We could take the elevator to the top floor but I broke it and it only goes up this far. Still, we can always go back do-"
"NOO!" screamed the others.
"Righty. Er, what now?"
They looked around them. The room looked like something out of Hero Quest, and smelt like something you'd normally find in the back of Steptoe and Son's carriage. In the room were two doors, each with a doorman.

"I know this," said S-2k. "It's the puzzle where one of the doormen will tell the truth, and the other will tell a lie."
"So we need to ask them the right question?" asked Star Worms.
"No. We blow both of them up," S-2K replied, his HeadHatch opening to reveal a large cannon.
Which fired. But things went disastrously wrong...

...the ceiling collapsed and Witroll (who was in the room above) fell into the room with them along with the glass jar, which broke upon impact. Witroll began to laugh, insanely.

Meanwhile, Worm Mad was making his escape from a mouse that looked as big as a small house to him in his miniaturised form. Luckily his Robo-suit allowed for fast transport and he escaped through another mouse hole. Inside the room, he saw a brand new time-machine. "I know I shouldn't but what the hell" said Worm Mad and flew into the time-machine…

Meanwhile Star Worms had tough opposition against a gigantic constrictor. No matter how hard he tried the lightsaber wouldn't take effect on the snake. it would take time that he just didn't have. He jumped up and slashed the snake's tongue off. Now he couldn't be smelt. But the snake had infra-red heat detectors on it's head. It searched out Star Worms and then he chopped off the end of it's tail. Then he stabbed the snake right through the head, meanwhile... A vortex opened in mid-air and a worm fell to the ground doing a metallic sound.

"Ouch" he said with the CyberWorm voice. "Worm Mad, Paul.Power, Stryker, it´s been a long time". Ireng couldn´t smile, as he was half machine, but his eye (look at my avatar) went insanely blue. "Actually I have had A TON of schoolwork so I couldn’t drop by anytime before. And my system crashed and someone called for Nutter, who was taking a vacation from his space-icy adventure, and he fixed me. By the way... Where is the life form Plutonix? He created Jim so it’s strange not to see him around."

The authors looked at each other, and then replied... “Erm..." said S-2k. This was his first adventure and had written himself in for the fun of it without asking. Still, the others had accepted him, and not kicked him out mainly because his name wasn't Blinx. "The Doormen thing still hasn't been resolved. They're still there waiting for a question."

C'mon people! thought S-2k. This is a CLASSIC riddle. EVERYONE knows the answer to this. While the others were puzzling over the riddle, Worm Mad was doing a bit of time-travelling. He had already managed to get himself back to his normal size (along with his Robo-suit) when he'd visited the far future and now he was terrorising a clan of cave worms in the prehistoric era.
"Hmmm... this is boring, what now?" he thought then he decided to visit a time one month before the message had come for all the authors to visit Worm Story land to see what had happened. He set off once more.

In the castle, the authors had finally figured out the answer and one hapless author yelled out... ... to one of the guards "If I asked the other guy if this door you are guarding is the door to the next level, would he say yes?". The guard said "no".
"Right, he's the one," said Paul.Power, who had looked the answer up on the Internet. They went through said guard's door and ended up on the next level... ...and they came face to face with an evil camera. It started taking pictures of the authors and blinded them (not for good). Then Star Worms charged forwards with his lightsaber, but a trap door opened and he fell through. The other authors managed to take the batteries out. Then Zero72 saw something which he could get Star Worms out, it was a... a jet pack,but how could he throw it down without breaking it? They asked a small, off-duty Chekovslovakian traffic warden, which they threw down and for some reason which I will go into detail about later, everything turned out alright.

Meanwhile, Worm Mad's meddling with the timeline had caused irreparable damage to the quantum state of the Universe allowing time and anit-time to merge into one another. A White Hole opened up in front of the Authors, spewing out time.
They spent the next 6 days having a 3 minute conversation about where it came from.
As quickly as it had appeared, it stayed there. Then it vanished.

But the damage to the timeline was irreversible and as a result, Star Worms had never been born, neither had any of the authors heard of him. Except for S-2k, who was impervious to the effects him being from an alternate future and everything. I mean, come ON. Terminator 2 left no open ending in sight and they're making a sequel?!

"Who?" asked Batman.
"Star Worms!!" replied S-2k. "The short dumpy one with the stupid haircut!"
"Never heard of him," said said Paul.Power.
"How have you never heard of him?! He was right here!"
"Sorry," said SupSuper, and the rest of the authors went on.

S-2k would never let a fellow author be erased from history, especially seeing as it was him who wrote him out in the first. Place. using his HeadHatch he produced a small timedevice and traveleld back in time to meet up with Worm Mad before he caused the damage... S-2k bumped into Worm Mad just as he was about to go and terrorise some cave-worms. "STOP! Star Worms ancestors are among those worms and if you terrorise them then one of them will die and Star Worms will never have been born!" yelled S-2k. "Okay," said Worm Mad "I'm still going to check out what caused all this crazy stuff to happen though!"

"I'll come with you," said S-2k "To make sure you don't cause any more trouble..." then they set off to a month before this whole thing began...

Chapter Three

They travelled back in time a bit, and when they stopped, they saw a peaceful village nothing really bad happening, and the restaurant where they all started at... and s2k said "worm mad you knob, you of all people should know that time travel is very risky! and what if the machine ran outta gas!" "all I did was squish old prehistoric bugs!" said worm mad. "hmm, I cant see how that would affect star worms" said s2k. "oh yeah I did beat his mother to death with a bat. I was gonna go back in time and not do it but I lost interest." said worm mad. "well that’s where the prob is!" so s2k decided to... ...stop in at a nearby café for lunch with Worm Mad. Over a cuppachino they discussed the dos and don’ts of time-travel.

"I see your point," said Worm Mad. "But there is so much we can do! We could...go back and stop Hitler!"
"As a result Women's Rights would be trampled," replied S-2k. "Don't you know history?"
"Er...stop JFK from being assassinated?"
"Did you not see the episode of Red Dwarf called 'Tikka to Ride” where they accidentally killed Lee Harvey Oswald?!" shouted S-2k. "Chaos will ensue!"
"Erm...I see your point," replied Worm Mad. "I suppose when we get back, we will destroy the Time machine."
"Good idea."
Suddenly, next to their Time machine, another one identical to it appeared and out emerged ANOTHER S-2k and Worm Mad.

"Wha?!" said the original S-2k.
"No time to explain," said the future Worm mad. "Suffice to say all the other authors are DEAD. D-E-D, dead."
"Bleeding bloody hell!" remarked Worm Mad. "How did..."
"Not sure," replied the future S-2k. "But the Castle EXPLODED, killing everyone."
"Damn!" said S-2k, calmly.
"Our only hope is to go back to the castle and try to stop it from happening," said the future Worm Mad.
"Er...I thought we were going to destroy the Time Machine?" said Worm Mad.
"When you get back you discover the castle is nothing but rubble," said the future S-2k, "and the corpses of all the other Authors, including Star Worms."
"Balls," said S-2k.
"Let's go save the future!" said Worm Mad as the pair of pairs got in their respective Time machines and travelled forward in time to the castle... ...to see everyone dead.

Except, they heard some moaning.
They then saw Pickleworm stuck to a tree, a tree branch went through him, just missing his heart.
"I'll never, ever eat another..."

"PICKLEWORM IS ALIVE! MAYBE HE CAN TELL US SOMETHING!" Said Worm Mad... ...so he ran over to Pickleworm who said, "Worm Mad, you've gotta go back!"
"Back where?" replied Worm Mad
"Back to the Future!" grinned Pickleworm and died.

"He wasn't much help S-2k." said Worm Mad turning round to Witroll who was inexplicably still alive and was busy finishing S-2k off. "OH NO!!!, Everybody's dead and there's only one thing to do." screamed Worm Mad then he got in the time-machine and travelled back to the date that all of the authors had got the message to enter the worms universe. He distracted them and stopped them from receiving the message then he went back in time further to see what had caused all this stuff to begin.

He arrived in a meadow and found Jim standing around, looking rather nervous. "Jim!" Worm Mad greeted Jim who turned on him and replied... Excuse me?!"
"I said, Jim!" repeated worm mad.
"What're you doing here?" asked Jim. "And why is S-2k writing this bit? He's never even written a story with me in it."
"No time to explain that," replied Worm Mad. "Something hideous happened in the future. All the authors were killed, but I think I saved them by stopping them from getting their emails."
"Sorry, you won't understand. Suffice to say, it's all to do with this castle..."
"What, THAT castle?" said Jim, pointing to a castle which was behind them. Odd, it looked very familiar, perhaps a little less war-torn.
"Looks familiar," said Worm Mad. "Let's go inside the damn thing and see if we can't pinpoint the location of the emails."
"We'll need help," added Jim.
"Right. We'll need to contact the other authors. Jim, get emailing. We're not going to do this alone."

2 hours passed and eventually all the authors came. They were from the Past, and had no recollection of the events that had occurred in the castle.

"Ay," said S-2k. "what's going on?"
"Well..." "GET INSIDE! NOW!"
They rushed inside, and not a bit too soon. At that moment, a giant star worms fell from the clouds. And, it was driven by no other then...

"But.... why?" Started Worm Mad... They entered the castle, but, it was different... there were no traps, and no gate, the castle was bright, and the butler came. "Looking for something?" he said. Worm Mad thought: "Oh no! This have something to do with Jim's capture!" Then they heard a very, very loud noise. They all, including the butler went out of the castle, the butler fainted. A big spaceship was almost landing in the place where Jim was before. It stopped for a while and then it showed a blue light, which blinded the authors for a second. When they looked back. The ship vanished. The authors ran to the place. When they got there, they found a box. It was hard to open it and S-2k did the service. Inside, there were some objects and a piece of paper, written in a strange calligraphy...

“Play with fire, and you will eventually get burned"
"What does this mean?" grinned Worm Mad.
"Very philosophical" added Paul.Power.

And then, the spaceship crossed the sky, leaving on its way, in mid-air, a bigger wooden box, with a broken parachute.
Inside they found Ireng, with its system turned off.
"Let’s just leave him the way he is" said Pickleworm.
"I think that’s a good idea" replied Paul.Power...

"This is all very freaky," remarked S-2k. "You guys were part of the previous Worms Stories, can you fill me in?"
The other authors proceeded to fill S-2k in with a brief version of the previous stories…

"but could someone please explain to me what's going on? Am I dead, or alive, or what? And what's the next step?"
"I guess we go and get Jim back," said Worm Mad.
"Well, that makes sense at least..." because of the time travel batman was sent back to his original place, playing video games and hanging out with his friends. he never got the email and was drawn to the castle because of all the noise previously. so batman sat and gamed away with no recollection of what ever happened. is this the end of batman? time will only tell... Because he was built with PieNET's all-new Temporal hard Drive System (© 2017 PieNEt Technologies Ltd.) memories of the past traps and pitfalls were suddenly uploaded to his memory banks. He gathered the authors together and told them of what had happened. Worm Mad filled in the blanks, while everyone else simply got confused.

"...and so Worm mad and I went to find out why the castle had collapsed and I was apparently destroyed by Ireng," concluded S-2k. "Or at least that's as far as my Temporal memory banks go. There may be more that I haven't retrieved yet."
"There's too much Time Travel through this," said Paul.Power. "It's not exactly original, is it?"
"Agreed," added Worm Mad. "But the story can take some interesting twists when the authors get really drunk." Everyone slowly turned their heads towards Batman. Unfortunately he was still at home playing video games, so all they could see was a wall.
"So why not go into the future and rescue Jim like that?" asked Dim Worm. "Why not travel Back and STOP him from being captured?"
"The Temporal Laws of Space-Time prevent us," replied Worm Mad. "That and it'd completely smeg up the plot."

A White Hole opened again! This was becoming a more common occurrence.
"What is it?" asked Paul.Power.
"I think it's a white hole," said S-2k.
"A white hole?" inquired Dim Worm.
"Black holes suck in time, right?" said Worm Mad. "So a White Hole spews it out again."
"What is it?" asked Paul.Power.
A white hole?" inquired Dim Worm.
"We've already done this part...."
This went on for several days before the hole closed.
"I think it's to do with your bloody time-travel," S-2k said to Worm Mad.

Suddenly and unexpectedly, Another S-2k appeared. It was heavily damaged, and looked like it had taken quite a beating.
"i'M fRoM thE FutURe," it said, it's Virtual Voice unit virtually inaudible. "YoU muStn'T leT It HApPeN."
"Let WHAT happen?" asked Paul.Power.
The future S-2k replied... iT. YoU kNoW, IT! Oh, fOr heAVeN's sAkE, yOu mUSt KnoW!"
"Um, no we don't," said Paul.Power, "being from the past and all. Could you elucidate?"
"wELl, It'S tO Do WiTH jIM..."
"Okay, not bad for starters, what else?"
"yOU mUsT'nT lEt hIS kIDNapPErs..."
Then the future S2K died, having run out of battery power.
"We mustn't let his kidnappers... what?" asked Paul.Power

The other authors looked stunned.
"Er, kill him?" asked Worm Mad.
"Possibly. Or it might be 'make him tell them some secret vital to the worms way of life'. Or something else entirely. We just don't know..." Odd," remarked S-2k. "This is a future version of myself, right?"
"yes," replied the others.
"His memories have not been transmitted to me via the temporal hard drive," said S-2k.
"Possibly," said Worm mad, "Because he still exists. The future he comes from hasn't changed."
"Ah," replied S-2k. "Still, it's bloody scary, seeing yourself die like that. I mean, I know I'm a machine and I shouldn't fear death, but now I'm all scared..."
"'mustn't let his kidnappers...' what?" asked Paul.Power.
"I reckon his kidnappers have a time machine of their own," said S-2k. "I reckon THEY destroyed the castle. Even though it's no longer happened. But it still may happen.”
"Ay?" enquired Worm Mad.
"Think about it," said S-2k. "That first White Hole appeared before you even FOUND the Time machine."
"Good point," said Worm mad. We've got to stop them from polluting the time line otherwise we'll have to start a new chapter and ruin the plot."

So they went further into the trap-free castle... ...and searched it for clues. Worm Mad suddenly yelled to them "Come Quick! I've found something!". They all gathered around to find Wahoo Two-Face eating a banana. "Wait a minute wasn't he with us?" enquired Paul.Power. "Yes," said Worm Mad "but that was in the future, or was it past? Anyway, this is a Wahoo from a different timeline."

Wahoo looked at them and said "What are you guys doing here?"
"Jim's been kidnapped!" exclaimed S-2k
"So?" replied Wahoo.
"So we thought you might know why!"
"Well, I don't but my dad got kidnapped about a week ago."
"Who by?"
"I dunno but they told me that I should... "...give you this," he said, handing the team a note.

Worm mad read it aloud...
"If you take away Pi you end up with 7, we'll see you in Hell, looking down from heaven. huh, confusing."
All of a sudden the floor opened and the team fell down, down, down into the dark cellar.

"No traps, eh?" Paul.Power said, leering at S-2k.
"Okay, my bad..." S-2k looked down at his wormy tail to see he had been split in half.
"If I weren't mechanical," he commented, "This would hurt. Someone get me a toolkit..." ... "hold on, hold on," said Paul.Power, "if you take away pi... the answer's pi plus 7. If you want a numerical answer, it goes 10.14159... and so on. But what does that tell us?"
"Don't we have more pressing matters right now?" asked S2K.
"Oh yeah, you want a toolkit, right... well, by luck I have one on me!"
Paul.Power set to work repairing S2K while the others talked about... ...Worms 3, Super Smash Bros.Melee and quantum physics.

S-2k was soon fixed but something appeared to be wrong, he had become rather emotional. "It's all ho-peless!" he cried, "We'll never find Jim and what's pi got to do with it and nobody loves me and..."
"Somebody shut him up!" yelled Worm Mad "We're trying to discuss whether Suicide Chess is a good game or not!"

Then, all of a sudden... Another white hole appeared, but not fully white, it had a small black part.                                            "Does anyone here did some time trips around here?" asked S-2k. "No" everyone else replied in a non-sense of what was happening. Then a hand appeared, with a screaming like "No!!! Release me!!! Lemme go!!!" the voice vanished, the hand was going out, but it left a medallion, with the Pi symbol on it...

Worm Mad grinned and said "Mmmmmm, pie."
"Not pie, pi!" replied Paul.Power.
"Isn't that what I said?"
"No you said pie"
"How can you tell?"
"I read it on the computer"

S-2k picked the medallion up and put it on. It began glowing and released a strange mystical energy which had the effect of... ...turning S-2K on a really smart robot. then he started saying things like "E equals MC square, the logarithm of 2 is 0,69314718055994530941723212145818..., pi equals 3,1415926535897932384626433832795..."
Worm Mad immediately removed the medallion from S-2K, which stopped for some time to cool off since his sudden smartness overheated him.
then... ...S-2k, still rather emotional, fell onto the floor.
"Why did you take that away from me?" he asked Worm Mad. "Everything around me always get taken away. I remember once, I fell in love with a Sinclair ZX Spectrum. My Motherboard didn't approve, and -"
"Shut up," said SupSuper who had apparently been there the whole time. "Look, we're still trying to figure out what Pi is all about."
"Thick crusts and yummy fillings," said Worm Mad.
"Shut up," said SupSuper, repeating himself. "What's more, the medallion must have some use otherwise it wouldn't be here at all."

Everyone suddenly looked at Dim Worm, as though their predicament was somehow his fault.

"...and then there was the pocket calculator," continued S-2k. "My Motherboard kept telling me, she said, 'Sure she's got the brains, but she's got no personallity!' so she dumped her for me. Every time I get close to someone they leave me."
No-one was listening - they'd found the stairs, used the Medallion to unlock the door, and left. (They've still got the medallion though - it has some use later...) ...They ended up on the bottom floor of the castle. It was smaller than in the future, about 10 floors. Star Worms was feeling a little peckish after hearing all about pi/pie, and ate the medallion. "Oh great, now we'll never find out what to do" added Worm Mad. "Brb!" Replied Star Worms... meanwhile, batman was still at home playing video games when all of the sudden someone dropped on him! why it was the batman from the future. because this was the time that batman was supposed to hear the loud noise and go investigate, but because of the time change he never heard the noise. "batman from the past you must go to the castle over there and rejoin the other authors or else..." "or else what?" replied past batman "or else you will just sit here and play video games like a dork! THATS WHAT!" said the future batman. "well then lets roll" and they both ran off to the castle, fell through the trap, and caught up with the news that the medallion had been eaten. but then... ...Star Worms vomited and out popped the medallion and some corn-on-the-cob*. Everyone went to pick it up at the same time but suddenly a White Hole opened u and the S-1000 appear, grimacing evilly.

"ha," it said. "I am the one who has been travelling back and forth through time, ruining the timeline, creating White Holes and kidnapping Jim! by polluting the timeline I will destroy the Multiverse and everything in it!"
"Multiverse?" asked Worm Mad.
"Don't you ever read Terry Pratchett novels?!" asked S-2k.
"Silence!" shouted the S-1000. "I will now open a vortex and suck the Multiverse into oblivion!"
At that moment, the S-1000 held up an exact duplicate of the medallion and a vortex opened. Slowly, the Universe began to get sucked through the hole and all the Authors could do was run.

Doesn't mean they did though. Instead, they... ...watched TV (Pickleworm had just turned into a television for no good reason). "Ha ha ha! Funny!" Said Star Worms... ...suddenly and completely randomly, the Vortex closed. The only things it has successfully destroyed were the State of Alabama and George W. Bush's brain, but they're no great loss.

"What happened?!" screamed the S-1000.
"I used the positive wavelength of the original medallion to stop you," replied Worm Mad.                                                          Now we must use S-2k's time machine to travel FURTHER back in time and stop you from kidnapping Jim! Ahahaha!"

S-2k's head hatch opened up, and the Time Device came out. Everyone held on tight as they were sent back in time... They ended up in a S-1000's hideout, he was just about to use the time machine to ruin history.... STOP!!!" yelled Worm Mad and S-2k shot at the S-1000's time-machine. It exploded in a shower of sparks.

"Oooh, look at all the pretty colours!" said S-1000, who was actually pretty dumb.
"I guess this wraps everything about up" grinned batman.
"Not quite," replied Paul.Power "We still don't know why Jim was kidnapped."
"Don't forget Yipee" said someone.
"No, you see Yipee was never kidnapped. We were told this by his son Wahoo who didn't seem surprised or even bothered by his father's supposed disappearance!" grinned Paul.Power.
"What are you trying to say?" said Pickleworm

Paul.Power drew a deep breath then began... "yippee is the one at the bottom of this! otherwise wahoo would have been more upset or at least surprised about the kidnapping" "whose yippee? whose wahoo?" said batman "never mind, its your fault for not knowing cause all ya did is play video games" said Worm Mad. "well I say we will just have to see about these happenings!" said s2k "so lets go travel back in time to before yippee was kidnapped, and monitor his actions! but first this must be done" said s2k, who at that moment picked up a huge stick and hit s1000 with it. "that idiot needed that for too long". "well lets roll" said s2k and he got out his time machine and they... ...disappeared further into the past.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the future...
"SomEtHinG iS SerIoUslY wRonG hERe," said an S-2k of the Future.
"Amazing how all our Time Travelling, all our journeys," said a very bruised and battered Worm Mad of the future, "They've lead us here."
"What?" said an unscathed batman who was playing Golden Sun on the GBA.
"ThiS Is tHe MaN wHO - mAn WhO - MAn WHo - " Worm Mad slapped S-2k across the back of the head. "MaN wHO sTArTEd IT aLl. AnD nOW wE mUst fInISh HiM OfF."

There was a massive struggle, and Batman and Worm Mad were killed. With his last amount of strength S-2k took out his Time Device and travelled back. Back to when they had first found the medallion....

"ThEY MuST nOT lEt IT haPpEN..."

Back in the past...
"Where are we?" asked S-2k.
SupSuper replied... Duuno. Maybe if we turn Ireng on we might get an answer from him."
"No! Don’t turn him on!!!" shouted Pickleworm.
But it was too late. SupSuper turn Ireng’s switch on. A small flash caught the air, and Ireng’s eye went from grey to red.    "Good day, and thank you for activating me" said Ireng.                                                                                                         "We were just about to turn you on, but you see, with all this time distortion, you tend to forget" lied Worm Mad.                           "I understand. You life beings usually tend to erase old memories." suddenly Ireng’s eye went blue "So that means I am an old, unimportant memory" Ireng started trembling.                                                                                                                            "Nah, not a all" said Paul.Power "It’s just that..." he bit his tongue "Ouch! Shut up you f****d up robot and *** *** ******** **** ******* ******** ***** and **** ***** *********!!!".                                                                                       "I get it... You not like, like not, but like me, or not like but me..." Ireng started crying like a little girl. His system collided. Lots of brilliant sparks and smoke filled the air.
Worm Mad said "Too bad, he’s wrecked. Squirminator2k, do you think you can fix him?"
"Do I have to?"
"It’s something that none of us desires, but we have to save the future, don’t we? I mean, we could go to Batman’s house and play video-games, but we would eventually die and collide into the so-called Multiverse." said Worm Mad.
"Yeah" said Squirminator2k. "I’ll fix him and delete his instant memory bank, so he’ll want to help us."
So Squirminator2k went on fixing him. Hours passed. The authors were beginning to get bored. Meanwhile Star Worms explored the area. They were into some sort of abandoned city, without any sign of life. Finally Ireng was fixed. "Good day" he said. "Hey Ireng, would you mind telling us where we are?". "Checking root memory... please wait..... I have been here already, while on service with the CyberWorms. Our former location is... ...a place known as Eelem Island."
S-2k looked around "Okay, this place looks big so let's spread out!" he said.

Worm Mad went into a nearby house which had its door open. It was dark inside and Worm Mad was feeling a little nervous until in a flash of light a mysterious woman appeared.
"Yikes! Don't sneak up on me like that!" cried Worm Mad.
"Sorry, Worm Mag" replied the mysterious stranger.
"Worm Mad"
"Sorry, Worm Mad but I am a fortune teller. Do you need to know your fortune?"
"No, do you know where Yipee Two-Face is?"
"The one of whom you speak is no longer in this dimension. He has passed through into a parallel dimension where he has a greater chance of destroying everything."
"I see...so what can I do?"
"You can travel into the other dimension through my magic well but be warned.... you will see things better left unseen. You will hear things better left unheard. You will taste things better left untasted."
"Erggh. Okay then, I'll go but what about the others?"
"You will meet their parallel selves on the other side."

Then Worm Mad climbed down the ladder of the magic well into the other dimension and up the other side. When he emerged, the first thing he saw was... ...Pickleworm's brain. With shards of glass and a radio antenna in it. "Hello" Said Pickleworm, who had a hole in his head and his eyes were rolled back. Pickleworm's brain was atop a giant pillar, soaked in blood. Worm Mad walked up to it and looked at the brain.
"I thought you were dead," said Pickleworm.
"By all rights," said Worm Mad, "YOU should be dead. being a brain an' all."
Worm Mad looked around....not pleasant. A parallel Universe in which things had gone a bit Pete Tong. It was the ruins of possibly the biggest city in all the Worms Universe...
"Wormtopia..." sighed Worm Mad, a tear growing underneath his right eye. he looked to his left and saw a broken S-2k. This wasn't the S-2k he had left behind, this was an alternate S-2k. Obviously.

Worm Mad picked up a conveniently placed screwdriver-shaped rock that was nearby and ran to the alternate S-2k's aid. The body was unsalvageable. The head, however...
A few minutes later and S-2k's head was online.
"...we'll all die!" said the head as soon as it was turned on. Apparently he was in mid-sentence when he was destroyed.
"S-2k...what happened here?" asked Worm Mad.
"Worm Mad?" said S-2k with artificial shock. "You're...you're dead. This does not compute."
"I'm from an alternate dimension," replied Worm Mad. "What happened to Wormtopia?"
"Yippee Two-Face," said S-2k. "His double came. Together they.... they destroyed Wormtopia. The rest of the Worm Universe is under their iron fist. They intend to destroy it all."
"They have a machine called the 'Atomic Demolectuloratizer'," said S-2k. "It collapses the physical stability of the Universe."
"That may effect the Multiverse as well," said Worm Mad. "Perhaps you and Pickleworm's brain can help?"
"Pickleworm has very little life left in in him. All I can do is interface with his brain and download the data. As a result, I’ll have the world's world splitt-personality but at least he will he salvaged."
"Do it."

Meanwhile, back in the other reality...
"Where did Worm Mad go?" asked S-2k. “i dunno" said striker, "but i saw a old woman speak to him earlier,she's over there.*they approach the old woman* "I guess you want to go to huh!? Well GO!" "but wa........."before the could finish his sentence they were sent to the dimension where worm mad was, but for some weird reason they were spread out throughout a city, the reason why being that this is where the most recent place their parallel self’s bodies(dead or alive)were...

"Hello again," said Worm Mad as S-2k and Pickleworm materialised next to him.
"Hi," added the alternate S-2k's head, albeit in Pickleworm's voice.
"Eh?" said Pickleworm and S-2k in unison.
"Long story," replied the S-2k head in S-2k's voice. "We're trying to stop Yipee No-Face. Y'comin'?"

Well... Dim Worm materialized underground, near a small stalactite, with water dropping from it. Around he saw "himself", holding his pickscrape... He pushed his hand against the wall and a small part of it opened, leading the way to a laboratory, inside, he saw the "abnormal dimension" Paul.Power. Before Dim Worm died, he gave to him(the real dimension Dim worm) the pickscrape.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Meanwhile... ...Pickleworm had finally understood.
"Why you hittin yourself?"
Squirminator decided then too... Load up a bazooka and point at him
"Who’s gonna get blown?!" batman looked down and saw himself laying, dead. "oh man what happened to me? whats goin on?" said batman, then the future parallel s2k crawled out of the shadows and said "this is the result of a large struggle that involved you and worm mad in the future." "well what does that mean what’s gonna happen?" said batman in a slight panick. "it means you don’t have much time, neither does worm mad. once the time comes where you get killed from the future and the present come together, you will both simply fade away." "well we gotta do something to save us! Worm mad's smarts have saved us many times through this journey and I haven’t even got an xbox yet so we are vital to this team." said batman. "well then we have to get moving!" said s2k from the future. so they... ... got moving.

Meanwhile, Paul.Power, who had taken a few days off from adventuring in order to go to Cambridge, arrived back. "Hello, chaps," he said, "I've just discovered a formula for finding out how many runs a cricket batsman needs to score to improve his average by a certain amount. Oh yes, and I think I've solved the 'if you take away pi, the answer's seven' riddle...

"Er..." said Pickleworm as he stared down the end of the bazooka. "Okay, I think I’ve got it now."
"I would've got it by now," added the alternate Pickleworm from inside the alternate S-2k's cranium.
"That," said Worm mad, "is going to get more confusing than a badly dubbed Japanese episode of Red Dwarf played backwards."
"...Red...Dwarf?" said the alternate S-2k.
"You mean there's no such thing as Red Dwarf in this reality?!" screamed S-2k. "NOOO!"
"Right, er, right," said Pickleworm. "Er.... right. Yipee Two-Face? Right."
"Things aren't exactly hunky-dorey in this reality," said the alter S-2k. "For starters...."
"For starters," said the alter Pickleworm cutting S-2k off, "Yippee's gone and got himself a sidekick."
"A sidekick?" asked Worm Mad.
"Sorta," replied alter-S-2k. "He's teamed up with his duplicate. Together they're destroying this Universe - and yours along with it."
"You know WAY too much for a severed head," said Worm mad.
"Why you hittin' yourself?!" said Pickleworm, who recieved a friendly slap across the back of the head by a less-than-satisfied S-2k.
Pickleworm was promptly knocked unconscious.

Meanwhile, in other parts of the alternate Wormtopia... ...a god was falling, falling, falling.
The Angular Wooden Buffalo of Truth picked himself up then collapsed again. He was drunk, VERY drunk. He stumbled to the nearest shop and accidentally crushed it, being absurdly tall for a god. He next stumbled along the street in Worm Mad and the gang's direction, cursing all the way.
The meeting between the god and the gang was... ...different to say the least. Most worms had grown up with the knowledge that if it had four legs, horns and smelt the underarms of a Manchester Utd. supporter than it was most definitely not something you wanted to tango with.

This buffalo, however, was not only angular, wooden, drunk and clumsy, but also (for reasons unfathomable to anyone) rather nice, albeit the sort of nice that accompanies a beer belly and slurred speech.
"'Smazing," said the Buffalo. "I've had almost futhy butt'z and I'm comeely unesurpted."
"Er, yes," said Worm mad, slightly confused.
"Can we help you?" asked S-2k.
"Er..." said the Buffalo. "S'nash. I've....jus' beem kicked dout o'fa Council Of Gods." he punctuated this sentence with a loud belch.
"Council of Gods?" asked alternate S-2k in Pickleworm's voice.
"The....the foul-smellun Donkey and the Conkey Giraffe got a little pished with me smenun the year's budget on boooooze."
"I'd say YOu'RE the one who got a little ****ed," said Pickleworm.
"You're drunk aren't you," said alter-S2k.
"MEEEE?!" screamed the Buffalo. "Drinkinginginginginge? I autta .....do ...... soemthing....."

He fell onto the ground with all the grace and agility of Fat Elvis, and fell asleep as only a drunk man could.
"Weird," said S-2k.
"There's something in his hand," added Worm mad.

There was - a map, entitled "Route to Yippee Two-Face and Happy No-Face's Fortress. Trespassers will be bored to death with anecdotes about the Vietnam War."
"Happy No-Face?" enquired Pickleworm.
"Probably Yippee's alternate's name," replied S-2k. "Let's go." ...Soon they reached the fortress. The alternative S-2k tried to jump over the fence. Worm Mad and the rest tried the open door.

They entered and saw Happy No-Face sat on a gigantic throne. Next to him was the normal Yipee.
"Dare ye enter fools?" said the insane Happy to the gang who had already entered.
"Er, yes. We just did!" pointed out SupSuper.
"SILENCE!!! Let Happy SPEAK!!!" cried Happy.
"Look..." began Paul.Power.
"SILENCE!!!" cried Happy again "I want you ALL to DIE!!!"

Happy then laughed again. Worm Mad tried appealing to Yipee.
"Look, this guy's nuts. Why are you hanging around with him?" he tried.
"He is not really my alternative self, he is someone far greater" replied Yipee.
"But then who..." started Worm Mad before Happy jumped from his throne and screamed, "I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!!!"

To which the authors replied... "OK, umm... we'll fight you then"
"choose your weapon" said Happy
Star Worms reached for his lightsaber and the other authors reached for branches and torches (wooden with fire (not light bulb sort)) And Happy reached for his... BUTTON.

The button could do practically anything anybody could want, and therefore was among the more deadly weapons in the universe. In this case, however, the deadly Button didn't blow anything up. Instead, it retracted a curtain, which showed a clearly extremely unhappy Zero Worm suspended by his tail over a vat of boiling grease.
Happy No-Face had to yell now in order to be heard over Zero's swearing. "One wrong move," he yelled, "and your ill-tempered friend gets it!"

"Zero?!" gawked Worm Mad. "I thought he was right there the whole time!"
"Hardly," responded Yipee. "He was so absorbed in his game that he was an easy capture. That, and he kept wandering from the group to avoid all the confusing reality changes."

The group didn't know what to do next, but Zero's squalling was becoming annoying pretty quickly, so... ...the two whole S-2ks opened their head Hatchs to reveal large Plasma Cannons.
The severed head of the other alternate S-2k opened his head-hatch to reveal a "Noisy Cricket" style weapon, which promptly fell off and broke into tiny pieces on the floor.

"Useless," said Happy. "Fire those weapons and I press the button."
"Wrong," replied one of the S-2ks. At this point is was hard to tell the difference between the two. "These are Class 9-BETA Plasma Cannons. We fire, you get melted before you even realise we've pulled the trigger. you willing to risk it?"
The S-2ks tightened their grip on the trigger. One of them began to sweat. What would happen next?

Happy No-Face pushed the button. The rope holding Zero severed, and he began to fall...
One of the S-2ks fired his plasma cannon, disintegrating Happy No-Face. The other extended an arm Inspector Gadget style and caught Zero in mid-air, millimetres away from the boiling grease 9which later turned out to be Brylcreem).

"TTFT!" shouted Zero. Well, he didn't say TTFT, he said what it stood for.
"That's that then," said the severed S-2k head. "We can go now."
"Not quite," said Worm Mad. "We still need to find Jim, we still need to figure out what the amulet is for, and we still need to reach a point where one of the S-2ks is severely damaged so he can travel back to the past and tell us not to do whatever it is we're about to do."
"Confusing, isn't it?" said Star Worms.

At that point, they decided to... ...have a chat with Yipee who was crying over the body of Happy.
"What's up? Happy was a loony!" exclaimed Worm Mad.
"You...y..ou...don't understand th..that was the creator!" sobbed Yipee.
"You've just killed....Nutter!"
"Nutter?!?" exclaimed all of the authors.

Yipee explained. It turned out that... Happy was actually Nutter. "Oh I see" said Star Worms, when he woke up the next morning. "So Yippee is actually Nutter". "No!" exclaimed Worm Mad "Happy is, well, was Nutter". "Oh I see. So who's Yippee then". "How much do I have to explain. Yippee is Yippee". "Ah, got it now"...meanwhile batman and s2k were actively trying to save Worm Mad and batman. they finally met up with them and stopped them. s2k explained to them what would happen if they would keep going without being prepared. "thanks, s2k" said worm mad. then batman thought for a second and said "hey with that crazy deal that you have there in your head could you send me back home! I really grow tired of this time travel stuff" "well what about the future you, we cant just leave him here" said s2k "ill bring him home with me. I always wanted to challenge myself in video games!" said batman" "then its settled, lets go batman!" and s2k used his time machine to transport them home. "well I think we had better get going" said s2k to Worm Mad. and batman never saw the authors again....

...until he woke up the next morning.
"Hey this game stinks!" SMASH!
"Does he really eat this stuff?" CHOMP!
"Man his computer is slow!" SMASHSMASHSMASH!
Batman ran out, the find the authors having a party. After watching a game of pin the tail on the Bacon Goblin, Batman decided to... ...join in the party.

After a couple of hours batman asked "So what was that whole pi business about, anyway?"
A bloated Paul.Power explained while devouring a piece of cake - "W...well, it turned out that it was just a spelling mistake and it was a real pie after all. Nothing to do with pi"
"But the -7 thing?"
"Oh, that jusht meant to divide it up into seven pieces so we could all have a bit."
"I see...." replied batman then noticing a letter on the table, pointed to it "What's that?"

Worm Mad picked it up and began to read - "To the Authors to whom it concerns, It has come to our attention that you have killed the individual known as 'Nutter' who incidentally started the Worm Stories off, in your latest Worm Story. As Nutter's attorney, I have to inform you that this is a breach of copyright law 452(b) - Subsection 32(d) and as such, your license to write Worm Stories concerning this universe is to be revoked. Also, you are each to be given lifetime imprisonment for the murder or assistance to murder of Nutter. You are not allowed a lawyer and will be picked up at 3:30pm by the police for immediate imprisonment. You have five posts left before your license is revoked in full, use them wisely."

The authors sat around, stunned. A police car was heard nearing the building... I can escape," said S-2k. "I can travel back to the future from where I originated. Sure there's a huge war going on between worm and machine, but I'd rather not be arrested by the Worm Fuzz."
"So this is the end of the story?" asked Star Worms.
"Seems that way," replied Worm Mad. "We all knew this would end soon..."
"It's been fun," said S-2k. "This was my first Worm Story. I'm sure it won't be the last. I'm certain of that."
"Take care, S-2k," said Batman.
"Goodbye, fellow Wormers." With that S-2k opened his HeadHatch and activated his Time Device. In a flash, he was gone.

S-2k was saved. The story, for him at least, was over. But the future he returned to, it didn't seem right. Something was hideously wrong here.

But that's another story... ...As the authors were pushed into the police van, Worm Mad looked around him. Had it all been for nothing? ...The other authors were all locked inside.

But Star Worms used his lightsaber,. which the police hadn't taken from him and he stabbed the guys driving and killed them. He then drove the van, with knowledge of driving games, through a plot hole which suddenly appeared and they were whisked off back home.

As for Worm Mad, well, he kept running and running...

"Hey!" barked one of the police officers "One of them is getting away! Stop him!"

Worm Mad ran. Oh, Worm Mad ran. He ran along the streets, over the hills, across the river. They didn't stop following him though. He knew it was all in vain but still he ran.

As for the other authors,...

batman, worried that star worms may be a bad driver, decided to use his bat rope to swing out the window of the van. "better dodge these cops for a while. hey ill hide in the electronic store. I need new games and a new computer anyway because I smashed my old ones." then an idea struck batman. "hey ill work here! and live happily ever after off of an electronic store clerk's salary and enjoy the employee discount. I have it made in the shade." batman, who wanted to get one last glimpse of the other authors, because if it wasn’t for them he wouldn’t have had this new good job, and saw worm mad, still running... Zero Worm didn't care that he had gone over the post limit. This was the big moment, and he was going to make it count. It was time to save the day. It was time to be a hero.

So, he righteously, courageously, and heroically grabbed his teleporter and got himself the hell out of there.

And lawd, Who had not assisted in the killing of Nutter finally arrived on the scene and saw all the chaos and utter confusion, got out his Button, and pressed it, making sanity return, at least partially, to the lands, and found himself just outside the castle at the point where the other authors were before they left it


"Hmmm, that felt good," grinned the attorney "Who shall I sue next?"

Written by…

Worm Mad, Paul.Power, Star Worms, Striker, Zero72, Squirminator2k, SupSuper, Dim Worm, Pickleworm, Ireng, Batman, Lawd, Striker, Wormler.