Worm Story Y-II: Into the Plothole


Introduction by Worm Mad


Worm Story Y-II was probably the oddest Worm Story of them all, being as it was, set inside a plothole. It leads on from the story begun in Worm Story Y-I unlike Worm Story Y-III, which although it leads on, starts a new story. Good fun! 


Worm Story Y-II


Chapter One


Yipee Two-Face was falling and falling and falling. Around him other things were falling, strange things. Cows, old friends, household appliances all were falling down into the abyss. Yipee heard a voice and craned his head to where it was coming from. What he saw was a small worm from worms 1 sitting  on a sheep from worms 2 (twice his size), the pixel worm said

"MMMMMMMMrrrrrraaaaaappppppp!" And disappeared forever. Yipee saw Zipface, who was looking completely normal, but still the colour of a stapler. "You can find some neat stuff in here, look at this, I found a genuine copy of the very first Nintendo Power, with Mario's overalls coloured wrong on the cover!"

"Whoa! How much do you suppose that thing will go for?"

"I'll trade it to you for one of your books on world domination!" grinned Zipface.

"Ok but I may need my World domination books" exclaimed Yipee then realised they would be no good as he was in a plot hole and there was no world here to conquer.


Just then Yipee noticed a pocket money counterfeiter floating by, he grabbed it, and started making himself rich. He also notice a thing stuck in the side of  Zipface’s head, it appeared to be a longbow arrow, but no ordinary longbow arrow. It was the longbow arrow of all things completely pointless, he gasped and reached out to pluck it from zipfaces head but as he reached The arrow, embodying all things pointless, began to glow and produce a very upbeat trancy dance tune.

For some reason it seemed to fit the surroundings, so Yipee decided to let it pass.


He looked off to his right, and saw nothing really he saw pure refined nothing, He blinked and saw nothing again so he decided to withdraw the pointless dance tune arrow from his teammate’s head in hopes that he could make hundreds on it.


But, as he reaches for it, the plothole bottoms out and he finds himself in a very dark, black area, resembling space itself. He's standing perfectly still...on nothing. He looks around. Sure, the place looks nice and all, but it's a long way from home. Suddenly, he notices a mysterious purple mist ahead.


He watches intently, and then, a shadowy figure emerges."Aaaaaah! It's Paul.Power!" They saw Paul.Power and he was eating Johnson's Baby lotion  pie. “Okay, now how did you get in here and where do you keep getting all  this pie?"


But before Paul.Power has time to answer a sheep falls on him, blasting him out of the plot hole. Yipee looks for an exit but all he sees is Zipface turning into a Johnson's Baby Lotion pie, and really big.


And at that point, for no reason whatsoever, the one and only Zero plummets from above and lands next to Yipee. "YOU again?! I'm getting tired of this. What are you doing down here anyway?!" demanded Yipee. Zero looks around the place for a bit, and then, quite truthfully, says, "I haven't a clue." He notices Zipface turning into a pie. "What's up with the pie theme of these stories anyway?" Suddenly, from the depths rings out an evil-sounding laugh.


"It's ThomasP!"

"No, it can't be. It's..."






"No! I AM THE CONCRETE DONKEY!!!! HEAR ME HEE-HAW!" cried the Concrete Donkey. "Oh, sorry. You just looked a bit Spadgelike for a moment. “What's going on, CD?" asked Yipee. "Well, Your old friend - The Buffalo of Lies was a bit annoyed that you stole his favourite sheep and being the moody git that he is, he decided to create plot holes to envelop everything in the world except him and his sheep so that they could live in peace forever more." explained the Concrete Donkey.


"Hey!" growled Yipee "I never did business with the Buffalo, you're thinking of Jim. I don't even believe in him...or you for that matter." At this point the Concrete Donkey disappeared and in his place appeared a rather disgruntled and somewhat confused Paul.Power. Zero asks, "What are you doing here?"


Zero glances nervously over his shoulder- secondary characters like himself seldom get to stand around the major characters for very long, and he can sense that he's past due for something unfortunate and painful. Which he most definitely is! his tail starts to shake as he looks up slowly and spots SPADGE!...no wait... MAIL STRIKE! Zero turns and flees, pursued by the fluttering envelopes, disappearing into the darkness for at least a little while.


Again cleared of the distraction, Yipee turns back to Paul for a response. "I'm here to tell you a story about a country that was made of cheese. Yeah, yeah...you gotta believe!" Paul.Power sang. "Why is everything so crazy down here?" exclaimed Yipee. "Only I have the answers you seek!" said Worm Mad, who had just appeared behind him.  "Worm Mad, ol' buddy. You gotta help me!" yelled Yipee. Worm Mad thought for a while then said "I am the one!" Then to prove his skills he leaped high into the air, wriggling as he went... and fell flat on his wormy little ass.


All of a sudden SWAT walks past them singing. They stare at him as he strolls along, all instantly coming to the conclusion that he has suffered partial amnesia and therefore has no relevance to the story.


Worm Mad leaped into the air again and disappeared. He reappeared a few minutes later with a big bottle of fizzy pop and began to drink from it. Yipee slapped Worm Mad and demanded, "What's going on? Where did you just go?” Worm Mad replied "This may come as a bit of a shock to you, Yipee but - none of this exists!" "Huh?" puzzled Yipee. Worm Mad replied, "Only joking!”

"Phew!" exclaimed Yipee "You had me worried for a minute there!"


Worm Mad then explained his plan of escape from the plot hole to an interested Yipee. The plan was as follows...


THE PLAN: They would build a rocket made entirely out of dried macaroni noodles, and an intercombustion engine.


Zipface had to trade his Nintendo power for one, so they got to work. Paul.Power was baking Johnson's baby lotion pies for the lunch break, and supervising otherwise. For glue, they used an entire bottle of napalm of course, which they got by raiding the kitchen and for the boosters they used flame throwers and for paint they used melted Velveeta, and they built a runway out of potato paper.


They named their rocket, Macarocket and got ready to launch it out of the plot hole. They needed a crew though so Yipee was the captain, Worm Mad was the navigator, Paul.Power was the cook and the other members of the

crew were Zipface as the lookout, Pickleworm (Who they just happened to find) was the cargo Watcher-Overseer, and Zero Worm (Who came back to steal the pocket counterfeiter) Was the only person who knew what gasoline was (except Paul.Power, but he was too busy cooking), so he manned the fuel tank. "Ready for takeoff?" Said Yipee "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,4,3,2,1.....ZERO!!!"they then lifted off.


"Did you just call me?" asked Zero Worm. "NO!" they chorused. The Macarocket began to approach the boundaries of the Plot Hole, they were getting closer and closer. Soon they would be out. Just then Pickleworm noticed that the cargo

had spontaneously combusted during the take off. they decided to throw pickleworm on the fire to smother it as he was no use to them. Pickleworm screamed in joy as he burned badly (but not dead yet) was picked up and sold in the new store "Bob's burnt pickles"


Back at the ship the napalm glue has heated up so the crew decides to use some of Paul.Power's now surprisingly famous Johnson's Baby Lotion Pie to plug the gaps. However, that burst into flames too, so Worm Mad handed out the Jet Packs.

They were going to have to fly the last bit with them.


Unfortunately there wasn't enough for all of the crew. They drew lots and the loser was Yipee Two-Face. "Oh, thank you very much," he said as the crew told him "you're welcome" and pushed him out.


He jumped back onto the ship with a well-timed jump. Then Yipee remembered he was still a bad guy despite trying to save the world on occasion. Grinning evilly, he stole Worm Mad's Jetpack and blasted off on it. He could hear his

former friend shouting at him though, "You'll pay for this Yipee! I'll destroy you! I named you but one day, I'll come after you for this and when I do...wherever you go on sea or on land, you'll never escape from your ol' pal Worm

Mad." Yipee laughed at Worm Mad and continued his ascent.


After a while, he accidentally flew out of the screen, he was falling endlessly. "When will anything go right for me?" he growled.


Suddenly, Yipee was scooped up by Zero, whose Jetpack was still functioning. Yipee stammers, "Zero?! Why are you, of all people, saving me?" Zero replies, "'cause I'm a good guy, and it's my job to do good guy stuff." Then, the jetpack runs out of fuel. Zero lets Yipee drop like a stone while using a Ninja Rope to attach himself to a floating life-sized wax replica of Gundam

Deathscythe Hell Custom. Zero looks down and yells, "Sorry! Only one Ninja Rope!"


Yipee mutters a curse under his breath and then decides, in his few remainingmortal seconds, to eat a Johnson’s Baby Lotion pie. just then Paul.Power noticed it's smell so he went back, but to eat the pie! "Hey, what about me?" screamed Worm Mad. "You don't look like a JBL pie to me!" he replied.


Just then, SupSuper showed up in a super sheep and saved Worm Mad. He tried to reach the other wormers but the sheep accidentally ran into Zero's Ninja Rope. It becomes dislodged from the floating wax Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom and tangles around one of the sheep's back legs. The sheep bleats loudly and swerves around a little bit due to the mysterious extra weight, but SupSuper, ever the SS expert, maintains control.


From behind him, he hears Zero yell "sorry!" SupSuper tries not to be distracted from his mission, so he turns around to pursue all of the victims of the macaroni shuttle explosion. However SWAT walks past them singing. They stare at him as he strolls along, all instantly coming to the conclusion that he has suffered partial amnesia and therefore has no relevance to the story.


SupSuper continues flying his super sheep toward Yipee. "Grab on Yipee!!!" he yelled.Yipee opens his eyes cautiously and sees zero swinging towards him on a ninja rope attached to the sheep’s back leg. Zero yells "HELP!!! I'm in a whole lot of trouble!" and smashes through a wall, which has just materialised. Yipee can see the edge of

the plot hole not far above him so he climbs on Worm Mad's shoulders and jumps up towards it and missed completely because the story is not allowed to end so quickly, he was falling fast when he saw his only hope.


His last hope was a Worm named Zero dangling on a Ninja Rope attached to the back leg of a Super Sheep. Just as he passes by, Yipee grabs tightly onto Zero's tail. The sheep wobbles a little bit again. "What're you doing, you madman?!" barked Zero,

"Can't you see we're unstable enough as it is?!" Yipee merely replies, "I thought you were the good guy who does good guy stuff." Zero can't come up with a response to this one, so he just looks straight ahead. Then, SupSuper spies a big, giant, massive field of grass! The super sheep decides to stop there for a break and for a well deserved snack, even with SupSuper yelling at it. As the super sheep wasn't gonna get nowhere until it finished eating, SupSuper decides to get Zero's rope off the back leg of his sheep (called Sheepy, if you're interested). Just then he sees a giant JBL pie coming towards them.


Suddenly something helicopter-like flies in front of it and the pie disappears. When it turns around, Yipee and friends see that it is a strange flying device being piloted by Worm Mad and Paul.Power (who is eating the pie). "Hop in!" Worm Mad cries. Yipee, Zero and SupSuper all hop in but Yipee is perplexed, "I thought you said you were going to kill me if we ever met again." he says to Worm Mad. Worm Mad explains to him, "I was going to but then I realised that this is a story so I can kill you whenever I feel like it.” Yipee still doesn't understand it very well so he just keeps quiet or he could say something stupid. during the voyage, they keep seeing strange things inside the plothole, like lots of JHL pies (but not of giant-size),an aqua sheep (not Sheepy, he's following the helicopter-thing and he's a super sheep), Star Worms 2, the world being blown up, etc. They suddenly realize that all (or most) of that stuff are their dreams.


Chapter Two


The voyage would take about fourteen posts to get out of the plothole in their new slower transport and the crew had to find ways to keep busy and have fun so they practiced the art of Voodoo on Worm Mad and Yipee. They played games like

'Shove this up your nose', 'This is my copy of Nintendo power with Mario’s trousers coloured wrong on the cover' and 'grab that counterfieter'. They also had a pie eating contest, but Paul.Power always won and of course they counted sheep, until one fell on the copter but SupSuper lured it away.


But it was during a round of 'What do you think Spadge is doing now' when it struck Yipee. "Of course!" He said "It's so simple! To make it go faster we can spam at every moment possible!"


Zero leans annoyingly over Pickleworm's shoulder. "Wow! Is that the very first issue of Nintendo Power, with Mario's overalls coloured wrong on the cover?! Dude! I'll trade it for this copy of issue 100. This is the one with the top 100

Nintendo games ever (at the time,) and 100 of the best codes, and 100 other things that equal 100, like the number of cans in that painting of all the Campbell's Soup Cans. So, wanna trade? Huh? Huh?"


"No, thank you" says Pickleworm "I find the poorly coloured overalls of Mario rather hypnotic." While this was happening Paul.Power was playing on the Virtual Johnson’s Baby Lotion Pie Simulator which was curiously the only onboard entertainment provided on the ship except for an oddly shaped roller-skate. there was only one, but that’s ok considering worms don’t have legs. Yipee jumped in the roller-skate and said, "push me, zero!" zero gives him a shove which unfortunately sends him flying through a window.


Yipee grabbed back on the ship and when he came back onboard he found everybody playing on Worms 3! When they found out that was installed too they all went to play it. Problem is, no1 was controlling the flying device so the ship started ascending at an incredibally fast rate. When the crew realised that it would have been quicker to leave the ship on its own, they were annoyed.


They were more annoyed when Paul.Power disconnected the Worms 3 Computer to play the Virtual Johnson’s Baby Lotion Pie Simulator one last time. Yipee had had enough of Paul.Power's JBL Pie antics and decided to Destroy all the Johnson's Baby Lotion in the world! But knowing there was only 6 posts left to reach the top, They had to do it faster, but how?


Yipee thought of a great idea to destroy it all. The only thing he needed was an Anti-JBL pie and then if he cooked it well enough and fed it to the person who liked JBL the most (Paul.Power) then all the JBL in the world would disappear. The Anti-JBL pie ingredients were vinegar, gelatinous substance, and a pie crust.


He had baked it, Paul.Power Reached down, Took a slice, and then secret agent 00 Worm popped up!


"You'll never get away with your evil plan Yipee, for I have taken the liberty to replace your vinegar with sulphuric acid. So the pie won’t work!”


Yipee cursed his luck then remembered that Paul.Power was about to eat the deadly pie. He turned round to see the edge of the plot hole just one post away. Paul.Power had already eaten the entire pie. "April Fools!" Said 00 worm. "So, It really was vinegar?" Said Zero Worm. "Heck, no!" Said 00 worm "Just something with a higher PH. Otherwise known as "...hydrochloric acid. "Yipee and company were taken aback. "Really?!" 00 Worm replies, "No, I was kidding again. It was pudding."


"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" And with the 14 posts up, they managed to get out of the plothole. Paul.Power was mad at Yipee for the Pie thing... They thought they had finally gotten out of this, but in front of them they saw none other than the Buffalo of Lies. He was huge, with horns as big as houses and a stench that reeked of corruption. "What are you doing?" growled the Anti-Donkey. Yipee tried to explain "We were, umm, and, er, um, well, it's a city, we can visit it, can't we?" Said Yipee.


Then they saw SWATmonkey walking by and they realised that he had suffered Partial Amnesia and had no relevance to the story whatsoever.


The Buffalo of lies then Picked up Yipee and threw him far............so far he landed on Pluto, Yippee then said(when he came to) "That's awfully odd, how'd I get here? I'd put it down to the Buffalo of Lies but I don't believe he exists." The Buffalo of Lies was furious by this time and decided to go to Pluto so he could waste Yipee for not believing he exists.


Chapter Three


Meanwhile, Yipee was standing around on Pluto twiddling his thumbs, when another plot-hole opened up. "Oh, damn!" said Yipee.


But instead, out of the plot hole stepped, Worm Mad, Paul.Power, et al.


"Hi, Yipee," said Worm Mad, "Paul.Power worked out how to use the plot holes as teleporters. He's made a device powered by Johnson's Baby Lotion and..."


But just then, the Buffalo of Lies arrived.


"Here's Buffaly!" Grinned the Buffalo of Lies in a psychopathic way. Everybody laughed at him. "I was trying to be intimidating!" explained the Anti-Donkey. "Try harder!" everyone shouted at him. The Buffalo was outraged, "I don't have to take this" Said the buffalo as he picked up the Johnson's Baby Lotion teleporter, and flung it as far as he could.


"Ow my toe!" Said the Buffalo. He used it, opening up another plot hole, and sending everyone back in it. The woke up, finding themselves in arnold land, but it was different.


The Arnolds were all crazy and kept on laughing here. Suddenly a big monitor appeared in front of them and on it was the Angular Wooden Giraffe. "Word up, my brothers!" he exclaimed "I am the God of the Everyday guy and I am here to tell you why". "Why what?" asked Yipee. "Well why you should all be rockin' like da Ar-Nolds! Yo! Yo! Yo!" He put some upbeat music on, and everyone except Yipee Started jammin'. Then the Monitor was intercepted by the buffalo. "I will restore you to wormtropolis if you answer me these questions three. Question one: In the original Worms, what is Boggy-B's fathers middle name?" Yipee thought about this for a second and then said  "That question doesn't make any sense and YOU don't exist." "I DO! I DO! I DO!" whinged the Buffalo. "YOU HAVE NO POWER OVER ME!!!" screamed Yipee.


Suddenly they were all standing back in the real Worms world. "That's all it took?" laughed Paul.Power, "We just had to say he didn't exist and so had no power over us? Well, that's plum crazy! I guess everything's back to normal then. "Almost but not quite" said Yipee "One small thing is not back to normal and that is - we never fixed the plot hole on Pluto!"


"Yeah we did!" said Paul.Power Said Paul.Power. "Then, ummm... Zipface stole my favourite book on world domination! Get him!" Said Yipee. "how? we don't have the slightest clue where he is!" - said Worm Mad. "Maybe we do" - said Paul.Power - "remember that he"-then Paul.Power was cut off when a giant plot hole opened the size of the island about a mile away, but still it sucked everything in it,(It seems every author is making an appearance in this story, I think I will now too.)But then

Striker shot out of it and flew, and went into another plot hole the size of a island in front of it, then he came out of the first one and went into the second one again!and again!and again!and again!and again!etc.etc.etc.


Zero, who has, for his own good, kept quiet, spots Striker shooting in cycles through the plot holes. "Hey, that looks like fun!" He jumps into the second plot hole, comes shooting out of the first, into the second, out of the first, into the second, out of the first until he knocks into Worm Mad and they both go skidding off down the nearby hill screaming.


Yipee manages to get free too by jumping to the side. He realises that these two new plotholes don't do anything except provide the authors of the story with a lot of fun so he leaves them and walks back to hishome.


But Yipee is still the bad guy and he's been playing Mr.Nice Guy too long and as he walks home, a diabolical plan forms in his mind.





Written by


Worm Mad, phen, Pickleworm, Zero72, SupSuper, SWATmonkey, Striker, Paul.Power, manitou,



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