Worm Story Y-III: Yipee’s Revenge


Introduction by Worm Mad


The final Worm Story EVER!!! Worm Story Y-III is a story that could almost stand alone due to how complete it is. Read the story and be amazed, I’m not going to spoil it for you! 


Worm Story Y-III


Chapter One


As Yipee walked back to his small house, his big plan got bigger and bigger in his head.

He would be the master of the Worms world, maybe even the universe. Jim had stopped him once but now he was on holiday with his family to Pluto so there would be nobody to stand in his way.


Just then he saw a television. With his newly-found Ability to read subliminal messages, he found out Zipface was already at step 5 at the10 steps to dominate the world. "Dang!" Thought Yipee "If I had caught him in the last Worm Story, It would have never come to this! How do I stop Him?"


Then he thought of a plan. He phoned Zipface on his phone and asked him to meet him at the local restaurant, which just happened to be all the authors favourite restaurant too although they were too busy having fun with the plotholes to visit it. Yipee met Zipface around 2:00pm and started to convince the ridiculously naive worm that they could work together to take over the world.


He started to persuade Zipface of this by saying "I'll tape a Super Banana Bomb to your back if you don't do what i say!" but Zipface had better weapons to take care of anything! So he threatened Yipee with the most sacred weapon - the Concrete Donkey but he was so dumb that he ended up getting the Concrete Donkey to land on him instead.

"That's got rid of him," grinned Yipee "now for THE WORLD!!!".


For his world domination plan, he would need two litres of orange juice, a twelve-inch piece of string, a 9V battery, a Giant Mega Death Laser and  a large bottle of spontaneously combusting Johnson's Baby Lotion.


He was sure that he had a Giant Mega Death Laser somewhere in the house, but he had no idea where he could get a 9V battery. Those things were darned expensive  so he decided to take the one out of his smoke alarm that was on the ceiling in his lounge. He then headed to Worm Mad's house to see if he had any orange juice that he could borrow.


On the way however he bumped into phen (a sheep) who had accidentally warped into the perimeters of this story and was busy eating Worm Mad’s orange juice cartons which he no longer needed since he switched to jars. After Receiving the orange juice, he grabbed the Johnson's Baby Lotion.


Step 1: Set Up Lemonade Stand Of death!


He got all the wood, but as he was hammering in a nail he realised that he had nailed his hand to the wood. "Owwwwwwwch!" he cried. He tried to pull the nail out but he nailed it pretty well. he kept trying to get unstuck but he just ripped off his finger (that was left nailed). He screamed "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" and fainted.


When he woke up he was in the hospital and they had made a transplant of a finger to replace the finger he lost. Problem is the finger wasn't of a worm. It was of a human. "I want a worm finger!" Yipee cried. "Worm fingers are very expensive this time of the year. You should be pleased we had a finger for you at all!" scolded the nurse.


There was something about the nurse, Yipee thought but he couldn't put his finger on it. Then he realised she was missing a finger! He squirmed up to her and asked, "Is this your finger on my hand?"

"Yes!" she cried "Which is why I was so upset that you didn't like it - they made me give it you, they said all good nurses had to put the patient first. Now I'll never be able to take over the world!".


Yipee was shell shocked, this young woman had given up a finger for him and was also keen on taking over the world. Yipee grinned, "Don't worry, we can take over the world together, what's your name?" - and this time he was sincere.

"My name's Goerge. Everyone laughed at my name. NOW I MUST GET BACK! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Yipee then realised Goerge was insane and his eyes began to swell and then he saw SWAT walking by and he came to the instant conclusion that he had suffered partial amnesia and had nothing to do with the story whatsoever.


In any case, before very long, Yipee realized that this nurse was perfect for him. They go through a very elaborate slow-motion montage scene with sappy music playing in the background where they both eat the same sundae and prance happily across the beach and through fields and all that other stuff, but then, a couple of years down the line, Yipee realized that she would probably become a difficulty if he wanted to conquer the world. He killed her in her sleep with a minigun and then used an old

Time Machine he found in the basement to return to his exact position in the hospital, and everything was as it was, even the Nurse.


He realized that this could go on for a while, so instead of doing the whole thing all over again, he simply ran (squirmed?) to his house with  the fast walk (fast squirm?) utility where he found several bite marks in his orange juice bottles.


A mafia-boss like figure stood in front of him. "He....llo" said Yipee.

"You don't pay your dues, Yipee. You're gonna get hurt. That's why I bit into your orange juice bottles." the gangster-mole leered. Yipee asked "What's this all about...Mr..er?".

"Fletcher, Mr.Fletcher. Now what this is all about is you own the ACME Time Machine Company £7,000,000 for unauthorised use of their time machines."

"Oh no!" screamed Yipee but then he remembered that he could get all that cash from Zipface's bank account. "If only I knew where he left  his credit card" - said Yipee


But then he remembered that Zipface had it with him when he killed himself he would have to go to where Zipface killed himself. Problem  is he couldn't find the credit card as the donkey's blast could have thrown it to anywhere.


Yipee noticed a young worm walk by that was admiring a credit card in his hands.. "Who is ZipFace" said the young worm, talking to himself.

"I am Zipface!" screeched Yipee Two-Face.

"Really?" asked the young worm.

"Well...no but I did help in his downfall." Yipee said.

"How?" the young  worm asked.

"Well, I tried to kill him...failed and then he accidentally killed himself." explained Yipee.

"Take it, I'm too depressed to care  about it. I don't know who my dad is" sulked the kid.


"Really? What's his name?" asked Yipee.

"Yipee Two-Face, my mum says. She says he left her as soon as she was pregnant to go on a wild world domination scheme of his." said the kid sadly. Yipee almost had a coughing fit. Yipee thought.. "Maybe I should get to know this kid before telling

him.." He quickly unfolded a plan. Kids sell!


"Have you ever sold Lemonade?" asked Yipee. .

"The kids around town call me Mr. Rich. You give it to me, I can sell it. My dad, Yippie, once gave me tips." Said the young worm.

"Er...how if he left before you were born?" asked Yipee.

"Well," said Mr.Rich "He didn't really give them to me knowingly but he left his old book on how to make money and gain

power in the house and I used it."

"Ha! I left it in the house because it was old fashioned an....oh, my!" jumped Yipee realising the game was up.


"Woah!" said Mr.Rich "Dad? Cool - we can take over the world together. I'll help you a lot! What else do you think I have been working on around the house? Now, here, I have the latitudes and longitudes of the areas that are important. Not to mention the latitudes and longitudes of you Ideal work place. As for Step One, I have been working on a little something down in the basement. I have printed up 500 flyers for advertisement, and, I can hack into the gator database and advertise our stuff over the internet.".

"My Son!" Said Yippie.

"As for Step Two," said Mr. Rich, "We must do the very important task of finding the very first issue of Nintendo Power, with Mario's overalls coloured wrong on the cover," he finished.

Yipee groaned. "Man, I was getting tired of hearing of that thing. It changed owners so many time I don't know WHO had it in the end, or even if it still existed. Why do we need it anyway?"


Yipee's son drew a breath and started explaining. "Well, for some odd reason the wavelengths of the visible light reflected from the improperly coloured overalls of Mario combined with everything else on the cover is just right in order to power the destructive properties of the Super Death-O-Matic, which is the giant doomsday laser I've installed on the moon. With that, we can hold the world hostage, and they'll listen because by that time we'll have bent the public's minds in our favour with our advertising! But only if the light strikes the very first issue of Nintendo Power with Mario's overalls coloured wrong on the cover at just the right angle and just the right brightness."


"Huh? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." said Yipee.

"Just help me  find it ok?" replied Mr.Rich. "Yeah I'll help you find it if it'll help me gain control of the world. Just think, we could be rulers of the universe - father and son!" said Yipee.

"Let's Move!" said Yipee's son.


The first place they looked was the inside of a crate, all good worms

things come from the sky but they only found a concrete donkey in the

crate oh yeah, and a damagex2 (.....wait a sec, ONLY!?)


Which they used to threaten the worm who knew everything into telling them where the magazine was. It was in the Squirmara desert. They would need to travel far to get to it, very far indeed.


Chapter Two


They packed their bags for the long trip. In Yipee's bag was Worm Mad's orange juice, phen the sheep, a spontaniously combusting bottle of johnson's baby lotion and a remote control to call in the concrete donkey (with damage*2) that they used to threaten the worm previously. They saw SupSuper with Sheepy flying by, but that's not relevant for now.


Now all that was left was to find that blinking 9V battery. "How are we ever going to afford a 9V battery!" yelled Yipee

Mr. Rich, as he was being called until Yipee discovered his actual name, said "Simple, if we're in the World Domination gig, let's steal one. but there do you find 9v batteries?"


A crate conviniently landed right beside them. Yipee and his son looked at each other wide eyed, then ran to see what was in the crate. THEY OPENED IT TO FIND... a pistol but it's ammo was... 9v batteries!


They unloaded the gun and put the 9v batteries in one of their bags. Now they were ready to go. All they needed was a way of

transportation. (SupSuper: I would suggest using my Sheepy, but if they were on the world domination gig they would probably steal it from me.)


"Look at that" said Yipee. He pointed at mail men loading mail onto a plane. "We can become stow aways.. The question is.. Where is  the plane going?"

"Why don’t we look at the mail?" said the kid.

"But.. but that’s highly illegal! I know! We kill the mail men, take their suits.. and get on the plane!" replied Yipee.


So they did and everything was going smoothly until Yipee got tempted and looked at someone’s message..


"Dear Unsuspecting Fool, Attached to this letter is a parcel that contains an atomic bomb. We at B.A.T.P.S (Baddies Against

the Post Service) don't like the post service so we are going to blow you all sky high. The bomb will go off at 3:00pm. Ha

ha ha ha ha ha ha. - From John"


"Pfft! Boring!" sighed Yipee and threw it one side. Just then he saw Mr. Rich eating some candy from a care package.


"Don't eat that son! You don't know where it's been!" chastised Yipee.

"You're always picking on me!" moaned his son, "Why can't you ask me about what I've been doing and such like instead

of bullying me!".

"Okay then...er...what's your real name?" asked Yipee.

"What's that ticking noise?" asked Mr.Rich.


Yipee pulled an alarm clock out of his pocket.. "Oh.. let me get rid of this." He tossed the clock next to the letter bomb. The clock smashed when it hit the ground, but the ticking continued. Yipee suddenly realised what was happening.


"A bomb!" he screamed. He saw another one. And another. And two others. He dropped the five mail bombs out of the plane, inadvertently creating a Mail Strike.


"That was lucky," he said to Mr. Rich. The mail strike came down upon a patch of desert which exploded to reveal an underground  river of molten gold! Mr.Rich and Yipee looked at each other then  cried in unison, "We're Rich, Rich, RICH!"


Chapter Three


The next thing they did was to pay someone to raise a dog that would sniff out the magazine they were looking for. They picked up a local newspaper and looked through the classified ads until they found this:





PRICE FROM 50 CENTS TO 50000000$


They called him but the phone was busy. they tried many times but it still was busy. they decided to check the phonebook to see where he lived and went there.


They ended up in front of the old folks home. They walked up to a nurse and asked her, "Is this 555 1jerk street?" The nurse

answered, "No, this is 556 1jerk street. 555 1jerk street is right across the street."

Yipee turned to the nurse to ask another question.. then thought for a second.. and changed his mind..


Then he thought, "What am I going to eat tonight?"


Mr.Rich pulled at the nurses hat that fell off to reveal the nurse's true identity that was - Suzette! (Boggy-B's sister).

"What the?" exclaimed Yipee noticing Suzette "It's my one time love-interest turned stalker, Suzette!".

"That's right!" grinned Suzette "And Wahoo or Mr.Rich as he's better known is my son, he's so ANNOYING! Just like you! I'm going to kill you for leaving me alone to bring him up!".

Yipee tried to work out a way of getting out of the room with his son before Suzette shot him. Then he thought

of a plan.


They would RUN! And use elderly people for shields as they ran They managed to escape the clutches of the evil Suzette after a little while and then went to the real address. They rang on the door. After a while it was answered by Ettezus, a clone of Suzette the Buffalo of lies made to while away a few hours between the News and the late-night move.


Ettezus was the complete parallel to Suzette though and so loves Yipee and son and finds them really interesting. "Oh! Do you want me to train your dog, buddies? I'll do it for free because you are so great, you know - I'm your BIGGEST fan!" grinned Ettezus.

"Oh No!" remembered Wahoo Two-Face "We left the dog at home!".

"No Sweat! I've got that mag you want anyway. I got it just for you. I'd tell you how but it's a LONG story!" grinned Ette. Ettezus handed them the magazine.


Then she asked them if they wanted to come in for tea and wedding cake and they did, but the cake was drugged! So it was good thing that they didn't eat any. "Whose your husband?" asked Yipee.

"Oh, I'm not married. I stole this cake from my friend!" explained Ettezus.


Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Yipee opened it to find Nothing.. Yipee figured it was some kid playing a prank. he quickly set up a net he found to capture the prankster on his next knock.


Knock Knock! Thwang! "Wahoo Two-Face? You must be invisible or else I would be able to see you!". Said Yipee. "I got caught outside Fertilizing the garden," said Wahoo, "and "someone shot me with a weird shotgun to make me invisible"


"It must have been somebody who wants to ruin our world domination plans, but who?" thought Yipee.

Wahoo said "I guess it may have been Suzette"


“On the other hand," said Wahoo, "now that I'm invisible, phase 279 of our plan is made a whole lot easier."


Before anything else could really develop, some sorry underling showed up with a specially-trained Nintendo Power sniffing dog, who promptly led Yipee and company to the nearest closet. Yipee yanks the door open and finds...





Zero sits hunched in the closet clutching the ever-important first issue of Nintendo Power.

"Fine! You can have it. I took it while nobody was looking because things often go completely forgotten in these stories. I would've gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids! ...No wait... I would've gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't become a  crucial part of the storyline! Jeez, just my luck..."


Yipee snatches the magazine from Zero's grip. Zero timidly asks, "I don't suppose you can trade...?" Yipee sighs and hands Zero a copy of the newest issue, which he happened to have on hand just in case he did have to trade for it.

"No way! F-Zero screenshots?!" Yipee slams the closet shut. He hopes he's heard the last of Zero, but he knows better by now.


Now that he's finally got the coveted Nintendo Power, the world is in his hands. But first he had to find a new 9V battery, as the old on had just ran out so he asks Wahoo to steal one from their neighbour, thomasp who is too busy on his Mac all the time to notice an invisible worm stealing his batteries. Wahoo treads softly outside thomasp's house and looks through the window. Inside he sees an empty Chair in front of the computer!


So they went to the 9v mart (for all your 9v needs at low prices!) As they entered they saw an old man greeting people at the door, some wild children running around screaming, and a mother giving her child a spanking. They proceeded to find a 9v of their choice "'35 years of 9v fun' Looks good to me!" Said Yipee.


"What about this one?" pointed Wahoo to a big 9V battery labelled "The Best 9V Battery in the World EVER!!! - Version 2943". "Let's just grab one and get out of here!" said Yipee. After they had brought a fine looking 9V battery, they went back home to put their plan into action.



Chapter Four


The first stage of the plan was to go to the moon in their private spaceship with all the death-ray stuff.


However, the worm piloting the spaceship was not the normal Worm. It was Suzette in disguise, out to try and foil their plans once again.


However the co-pilot was Ettezus and she noticed that the pilot was exactly the same height as her and spoke in the same way so she pulled off Suzettes mask, revealing her. Suzette was annoyed and pulled out a banana! "This is a muck up," she said.

"Don't you mean a stick up?" asked Yipee.

"No, a muck up. I forgot my gun."


But she still had a banana, which could easily be turned into a Banana Bomb. Wahoo took advantage of Suzettes Distraction. Suzette was so busy slapping Ettezus that she almost forgot about the banana in her hand. Wahoo grabbed the banana and ran to the bathroom to flush it. The banana shot out into space.


At this point Paul.Power walked in. In the same way that Suzette had been masquerading as the pilot, he'd been pretending to be the engineer.


"Okay, stop this right now - it's getting silly. You've got plenty of money, Yipee - why try to take over the world? After all, think of all the logistical problems a leader of the world would have. You'd have to manage all the industry and commerce and all sorts. Anyway, any ruler of the world will get a sack load of complaints from people who need their taps fixing..."


Paul.Power rambled on and on until Suzette slapped him with her leather glove (which was specifically reserved for slapping). But, as people often do, everyone had forgotten that they were headed straight for the Russian spacestation. The impact sent them all flying forward (especially because there is no gravity in space) and the evil twin sisters crashed through the windshield of the spaceship and floated off into space.


Fortunately, Yipee, Wahoo, and Paul.Power where saved by the Russians.

"Come and have a drink with us comrades," exclaimed the Russians. Perfect, this would buy them time to launch their advertising campaign so the world would surrender to them more easily.


But the drinks were drugged again!, the Russians were working for suzette! So it was a good job that they didn't drink them. Instead they realised the  Russians were Suzette's friends and paid them to find Suzette and stop her from killing them again. "Pleasure doing business with you, comrades!" they said friendlily and blasted off in their spaceship leaving the spacestation

to Yipee and Wahoo.


The next thing Yipee did was to stop and think "Hey, maybe Paul.Power's right... this conquering the world lark is a bit pointless...Nah, always finish what you start. Now where did I leave that issue of Nintendo Power?"


Alas, it had floated off into space along with Suzette and Ettezus.


Yipee held a banana to Paul.Power's head. "Build me a jetpack so I can go out and retrieve Nintendo Power 1..." he demanded."And give him a helmet too." said someone in the shadows.


Paul.Power pointed at a jetpack that was pre-placed in the space-shuttle.. But Yipee and Wahoo saw that it was drugged so they didn't use it but then they saw... SupSuper, riding in outer space with Sheepy just for fun, which luckily had caught the Nintendo Power issue and when he saw the space station he passed by and asked "Is this yours?"

Yipee and Wahoo said "yes!" but then he said "what will u give me for it?"

They couldn't blast him, as he had the issue, and they couldn't get it without giving him something.


Yipee said "How about this rubber chicken I found in the gutter?".

SupSuper  replied "That's perfect!!!! Do you realize how long I've been looking for this chicken? I lost it when I was just a wee lad. My dad gave up hope of ever finding it after he looked under the porch and in the tree. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!"


SupSuper reached into the chicken and pulled out a 9v battery. "At last! I have my ever lasting 9v battery!" SupSuper tossed the useless chicken into space and rode away on his sheepy.. The chicken landed on the moon's surface and blew up causing an explosion so big that it blew up the moon and pushed the earth out of it's orbit, as well as the space station and SupSuper

(with sheepy)!


Now how to get everything back in it's place before they all collide with something, causing more problems?


An alien flew by and pulled out a strange gun and fired it.. The gun shot made every thing back to normal.. as if the chicken had never exploded.. The alien flew away before any one could get a name.. all they saw was a license plate on the aliens UFO that said "REVY"


At this point, Zero floats by still holding the latest issue of Nintendo Power. Everybody simultaneously concludes that the F-Zero screenshots have placed him in a state of temporary amnesia and consequently that he has no relevance to the story.


SupSuper decides to follow the alien, therefore he won't show up in a couple of posts. As for Yipee and Wahoo, they still don't have a transport.


But then worm-man stepped out of the shadows with his huge arsenal of weapons and said, "Don't just stand there, help me out with this stuff you idiots!"


But Yipee and Wahoo had already gone. "He he, good idea of mine to steal the Wormerprise and renovate it wasn't it?" grinned Worm Mad inside the legendary spaceship.

"Doesn't it belong to Jim?" asked Wahoo.

"I...borrowed it." said  Worm Mad.

Yipee was crying. "Why ate you sobbing, dad?" asked Wahoo.

"Look!"  Yipee pointed at the remnants of his blow-up copy of himself  "I'm dead! DEAD!!!".

Wahoo and Worm Mad looked at each other and shook their heads.


Suddenly Worm-Man came up behind them in his ultra high speed spaceship, the Swift Salami. Meanwhile, Paul.Power, who was beginning to get annoyed at having seemingly disappeared despite having nowhere to disappear to, grabbed hold of a rocket engine that just happened to be floating past, fixed a steering wheel to it, and created an impromptu space-cycle.


He headed off to the moon, in the hope that he could foil Yipee's plans before Yipee could start up the Death Ray. But worm-man offered to help him, with his huge arsenal he had some weapons to spare so he let Paul.Power borrow them.


Meanwhile Yipee, Wahoo and Worm Mad were in high spirits over on the Wormerpise and were singing a rousing song. "We're off to take over the world, with a death ray kind of gun, our plan will be unfurled and its a lot of fun. We're off to..." Just then Wahoo noticed something on the radar. It was Spadge, floating through space towards them which they avoided, because if Spadge found out about their plan all the wormers in the world would set aside their differences and get them but was picked up later by SupSuper!


"What luck, now I’m stuck with Spadge. hmmm... maybe not!"

* SupSuper presses EJECT button *

and he went flying to mars, where he established a new Team17 HQ.


SupSuper decides to join the race of reaching the Wormerprise before Yipee and Wahoo take

over the world. For that he decides to activate the nitro-glycerine in Sheepy and soon starts to catch up with The Swift Salami!


D.Dastardly speeds by them both in his Mean Machine Spaceship. "Hurry up, Muttley! We can still win this race!" he cries until he smashes into a planet causing Muttley to laugh manically.


But the Wormerprise is faster than all of them and has almost reached its destination. Just then something causes the crews of all the ships to open their mouths in horror. In front of them is the entire ScreWee fleet from only you can save mankind!


So, the race now stood between Worm-Man and Paul.Power in the Swift Salami; Yipee, Wahoo and Worm Mad in the Wormerprise; SupSuper on Sheepy; and the ScreeWees and soon sheepy was getting very, very close behind the wormerprise, followed closely by the Swift Salami and the Screewee fleet, who were trying to shoot everyone else.


The race was neck and neck, but little did they know that Kinetic was already at the destination watching it all go on through his high powered telescope.


Then Yipee struck on an ingenious scheme to win the race. "Hey Wahoo and you...er...Worm Mad!" he called.

He relayed his plan to them which was to split up. Yipee would get in the small faster scout ship that the Wormerprise has and continues while Wahoo and Worm Mad stop the other ships from reaching the destination with the Wormerprise.


Worm Mad disagreed however and proceeded to try and blow up them with his small arsenal. Then after dropping a Holy-Hand Grenade, he ran and jumped in the scout ship blasting off towards the destination. He yelled behind him "Goodbye Yipee, you were a worthy adversary, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!". After landing at the destination, Worm Mad got out.


"I won!" he cried then stopped as he felt a gun pressed to the back of his head.

"Don't move!" said Wahoo, for he had gone to the darkside and hidden from the blast and then teleported to the destination guided by precise directions and location coordinates from Kinetic who was already there.


"HAHAHA" laughed Wahoo, "thought you could get away did you. You will pay for blowing up my father Yippee!"

And then suddenly Yipee fell right next to them. He had survived the blast, but flew real far until he landed next to Wahoo and

Worm Mad.


"So you wanted to kill us, eh, Worm Mad? Guess who's gonna die now!" said Yipee,  as Worm Mad kept sweating to see what has going to happen.


Suddenly, all the race competitors arrive by the following order:

1st - SupSuper with Sheepy (0:58:03)

2nd - Worm Man & Paul Power with The Swift Salami (0:58:24)

3rd - The Screwees (0:59:73)

But when they arrive, they find out that there are no prizes!

"WHAT???" - said everyone! - "Someone is going to pay!"

"How about the author of this story, Worm Mad?" - said someone (probably Yipee)

"OK!" - said everyone!


Everyone pulled out their favourite weapon and their target was Worm Mad. Worm Mad was sweating so hard he has causing a flood. "What can I do?" – said Worm Mad.


Then he thought "Of course, I know what I can do!". Suddenly Yipee disappeared and then Wahoo and the Screwees. The other authors were open-mouthed at Worm Mad's abuse of power.


"Don't worry!" he said, before they wrote him out "I'll bring them back but first we've gotta decide what to do with them. Do we let Yipee be dictator or not?". They all gathered into a circle and after a while decided that Revelation's second idea is the one they should go with. They all nod in agreement then notice a rumbling from beneath them.


"Er...who tied us up? Worm Mad?" asks Paul.Power.

"N...no!" replies Worm Mad who realises what has happened. They all look at Yipee and son who are standing on a clifftop

above them.


Then they realise they're tied to a train headed for a spare plot hole that Yipee has created. "You bent me to your will, authors!" cries Yipee "You tried to control my destiny but now I will control YOURS!!! I created a plot hole  and brought myself back into this world - our world to remove you and your interfering friends, once and for all. Now we may live in peace. It was you who made me power-mad, it was you who stopped us from having peaceful normal lives and now you must fall! Begone from this story! BEGONE FOREVER FROM THIS LAND!!!".


"Jim? Anybody?" cry the authors.

"I've gotta say I agree with him" says Jim  "I just want you lot out of here so I can have a bit of peace and quiet."


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" the authors cry and fall into the abyss and into a forum not very far away. Maybe you've visited it. Their adventures continue on this forum, even as we type....




Written by


Worm Mad, Pickleworm, Striker, SupSuper, thomasp, Paul.Power, phen, SWATmonkey,fcoelho_9,Zero72, Revelation, Worm-Man, Kinetic





Wahoo fakes his death to escape presure from his family.. then Yipee Shoots

himself with the death ray to be with Wahoo in the after life.. Wahoo awakes

to find his dad's toasted ashes then stabs himself.




Wahoo accidentally spills some juice on the Nintendo magazine.. rendering it

useless.. every one returns home.. the screen fades out and you hear Wahoo

say, "What are we going to do tomorrow night Yipee?" Yipee- "The same thing

we do every night Wahoo.. Try to find a 9v battery and aviod being drugged!"


Note: The Second one was very popular - just not dramatic enough for me!



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