WORMED: Through the eyes of a wormer…


Chapter Five: Ye Gods!


Donkey – Concrete. Buffalo – Lies. Giraffe – Angular Wooden. If none of this makes any sense to you then I hope you’re taking notes. Around the game series that is Worms has sprung up a peculiar yet humorous ‘religion’ based around three main gods.


The first is the Concrete Donkey which represents the side of light, order and wisdom. Players who fight their games of Worms out till the very end, always taking the courageous options in favour of the cowardly and never dig themselves in will be supporters of the Donkey and are known as lightsiders. The Concrete Donkey itself is seen in the Worms games (though not in the original Worms or its expansion pack) as a secret weapon that causes unstoppable damage on a grand scale. The Concrete Donkey was conceived from the mind of Andy Davidson (see Chapter Two) who had one in his garden when he was but a lad and thought that it was a real donkey that had been trapped in concrete.


The second is the Buffalo of Lies which represents the darkside, the cowardly and the treacherous. Players who dig themselves in, use girders and the like and generally attempt to save their own sorry skins while picking off their rivals with air strikes are followers of the Buffalo and are known as darksiders. The Buffalo has not yet appeared in any of the Worms games as a weapon although his head has appeared as a gravestone and he was mentioned in the WWP Wormopaedia. It is hoped that he will appear in W3D.


The final and most recent of the three is the Angular Wooden Giraffe. What the Giraffe actually represents is a subject of much controversy but most (well me at least) take it to represent those who use strategies somewhere between the light and darkside. So what is this middle ground – the greyside? Who knows. Whatever the case, the Giraffe has not yet made an appearance as a weapon in any of the Worms games but has appeared as a landscape and was mentioned in the WWP Wormopaedia. In the Worm Stories, the Giraffe was Jim’s father. I’d like to see it in W3D though I expect it’s unlikely.


Three Gods. One Religion. Let there be bananas…    



Wormed will return…



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