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Leonardo Da Vinci's
Mona Lisa or La Joconde

Whant To Know The Trurh Of Why Mona Lisa is Smiling?

Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa on in the year 1506.

The painting is greatly admired due largely to smile, which has caused much speculation.

Nowhere can be found any records of the Mona Lisa model sitting.

Who posed for Da Vinci?

Many historians believe the painting is a portrait of Madam Lisa Giocondo, wife of a wealthy Florentine also known as La Gioconda in Italian or La Joconde in French.(See PBS.Org)

Dr. Lillian Schwartz of Bell Labs now suggests that Leonardo painted himself(See Thinkquest)

I saw the Mona Lisa at The Marional Museum of Art in Washington D.C when it was on loan for a special echibit!

I did not see any resembelance To Da Vinci.

I belive Mona is a composite of all beauty and is smiling because "trurh is beauty".

You may draw your own conclusion.


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