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The New Governor of Minnesota JESSE THE BODY VENTURA.He Came In Like A Lion And Left Like A Lamb!

Minnesota Has a Proud Tradition of Electing Men of talent and intellect to high office.Here are a few

  • Hubert H.Humphrey (Mayor,Senator.Vice President)
  • Jesse The Body Ventura (Pro Wrestler,Governor)

Once upon a time;there was an actor George Murphy He became Senator from California!

Once upon a time there was an actor from California, Ronald Reagan,he became Governor and then President of the Unied States!

Now in the upset of the decade there is Jesse The Body Ventura,a professional wrestler who pinned all the professional politicans to the mat and was elected Governor of Minnesota!

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Will Jesse The Body follow in Ronald Reagan's footsteps to the Presidency?

Only Time will tell!


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Dedicated to The H Man of Minnesota!
A tribute to all who persevere in the face of adversity!

Page by Retired Esquire

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