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A Girl Named Kim

Welcome to my "A Girl Named Kim" Page.
This page will consist of pictures of my friend Kim. She asked me to put up this page just for her, so, here you are Kim :) Enjoy!!

This is Kim with her brother and and his friend at the Pirates game a while back. Then thing is, is that Kim wanted to meet the Pittsburgh Pirate, but Paul (her brother) would not take her. So, her parents told her to smile. So, Kim pouted and put her head down because "Princess Kim" did not get her way......:) I enjoyed this picture. (No Kim, I did not call you this. I typed it :))

This is Kim, Chistmas Day, 1986. As she is having a delightful time opening up her presents, she notices that presents was not the "Easy Bake Oven" nor the "Rainbow Bright" costume she wanted. So, her mommy grabbed her camera, and took a picture of Kim as she opended this particular present. So, Kim decides to give this "shocked" look on her face. I think this is such a sweet picture :)

This Kim now all grown up. This picture is also on my picture page. Princess Kim and I are at Andrea's are Kim and I.

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