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Arkansas Academy of Physician Assistants

Logo Courtesy of DANTINA Graphics

Little Rock, AR 72221-3044
Phone: 877/466-2272
Fax: 730/684-1924

2000 Annual Schedule

1 Jan: New Board of Directors take office. Term runs from 1 Jan to 31 Dec.

General membership meetings change to biannual schedule

26 Feb: Board of Directors meeting only - all members invited.

15-16 Apr: Follow up AAPA Peer to Peer Assistance Program (PPAP) visit and General Membership Meeting.

27 May-1 Jun: 2000 National PA Conference, Chicago IL.

Jul: Board of Directors meeting only - all members invited.

Sep: President and President Elect attend Capital Constituent Organization Workshop (CCOW).

1 Oct: Any members who wish to run for an office on the Board of Directors should submit a short biography abstract to the Secretary which will be included in the election ballot.

14-15 Oct: ARAPA Annual CME with General Membership Meeting.

1 Nov: Election ballots with nomination platforms are mailed to each member of ARAPA. To be returned not later than 15 Dec.

15 Dec: Election ballots are tabulated. New Board of Directors are notified.

    ARAPA Home Page
    ARAPA Board of Directors
    ARAPA Membership Application
    ARAPA Membership Directory Update Page
    American Academy of Physician Assistants
    Society of Air Force Physician Assistants

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