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The 22nd Letter

Written On: 4-6-98

Greetings honored citizens of the Crystal Dragons Clan. There is news to hear, *S*. First off, the House of KMAC, led by Queen Leigh, hath attained Protectorate status with the CDC. And with that treaty they attain the right to have duel citizen ship, as well as the full protection under our laws. Any disputes yea may have with any of them must be solved and quickly. They art to be warded.

NOTE:To the members of KMAC, thou art, by protectorate treaty with thy soveriegn, considered equal citizens in the Crystal Dragons Clan, with full protection and rights under our laws, as well as the chance to choose a position within the CDC forces. If yea find no position suitable, contact me here and tell me thy talents, and a position suitable to thy individual gifts wilt be either found or created. thou wilt recieve a newsletter from me each monday baring unforseen circumstances. Good fortune. *S*

Next off, i am going to write a constitution for the Crystal Dragons Clan, and hope to have it completed by the end of the week. *S* Twill be worthy of putting in the history of the clan. *S* Feel free to contact me with any suggestions yea may have for it.

Further, as of yesterday afternoon, the M.A., the Mutiny Alliance, has fallen. Corruption from within, it has ceased to exist, however, the TMA, the True Mutiny Alliance, has now come into being. Ordinarily, this would be an intriguing thing, however, the remnents of the Old Mutiny Alliance, and the forces of the True Mutiniy Alliance, are about to do war. Spook, head of the old group, is going against Cyp and his followers & backers from other nations. We wilt remain neutral if possible.

The history page has been updated, as has the allies list, and there wilt be changes made to the standard treaty of protectorate status, but this change wilt not affect any current protectorates. That is all for today i believe, so with that, i wish thee well my friends. Good fortune unto yea.


King Archos Zyan Godslayer
